new year resolutions

oh well, this will be the first post in my blog for the year 2009. sorry for the lack of updating. really could not find a time to get myself to sit in front of the computer for blog-updating. talking about new year resolutions, i haven't had any idea yet. maybe i should figure it out now...

well, it's 2009 now and it is a economy critical year i heard but er nevermind about that. i will just have to be more careful in spending money so that i can lighten my parents' financial problem. actually, i spent too much while i went to kuching and kuala lumpur last holiday. so the first new year resolution, i better save more money, just in case i need them. xD

second, i want to graduate from my short term mission school.

third, i want to equip myself with God's Word and get closer to God. i'm trying to get myself used to having morning devotion now.

fourth, i want to set my mind on what course to take after the spm result is released. i really wish that i can make a wise decision on that so that i will not regret after that. hopefully i will get scholarship successfully.

fifth, i want to read more books!

sixth, improve my largest weakness- laziness.

seventh, get some tea time with old friends. i don't want to lose my precious friends because everyone is going their own ways. gathering sometimes perhaps can hold us together.

eighth, get my hair cut short.

ninth, love my boyfriend more although we may not see each other that often.

tenth, learn at least one musical instrument.

eleventh, find myself a job before school.

i guess that's it. hahahaha...