Wind of Change

(Copied from Jaeson Ma's Facebook status)
A timely prophetic word ...

Doug Addison:
Wind of Change Starts in Mid-May

The month of May brings new alignment with people and resources. God has been arranging things to set you up in a good way! This is a month to meet some of these new connections… they are starting now. This new alignment is not just with people but also with new resources to help get you into this new time of your life.

Out with the Old and in with the New

It is time to do spiritual spring-cleaning and clean out the closet of old seasons and methods that once worked but no longer have life! You have already grown out of some old ways. As you look back at them feel free to discard what once worked but has now lost its effectiveness. Make room for God to bring you the new!

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19

Over the past couple of weeks I found myself with an urge to clean out my clothes closet. It is spiritually significant! It is a time to do things differently – try new stuff. As an example, God has been using me to bring fun and laughter to people. I am already an outside-the-box prophetic person. A few weeks ago at a meeting in San Diego, I did something new by playing "Love Shack" by the B-52's as I started praying for people who needed God's touch. The power of God came with such intensity people got healed– physically, emotionally and spiritually! God wants churches to be "Love Shacks".

Don't Hold On to Old

God is moving strongly in new ways this year. We need to be careful to not hold on to our old passions for God (and the way we do things) as He is doing something new. Years ago I was an avid prophetic intercessor praying and worshipping several hours a day before and after work. Then God called me to start a business that took a lot of my time. I was conflicted: I didn't pray like I used to because of my work schedule, but that business financed several church plants and launched our ministry over 15 years ago. It also helped me develop the marketplace prophetic tools I needed to go to a new level that I never dreamed was possible. I nearly missed my appointment with God's destiny because the new thing required me to change and let go of my extended prayer and worship times.

Spiritual Experience

As we start moving into new territories, we may experience some challenges. On April 20th I saw a huge attack of discouragement that was intended to get people to believe they are worthless and not able to change. This was so strong that some people were actually contemplating suicide. The next day I spoke at a church where that very morning one of the leaders committed suicide and I have received many reports that others have tragically done the same. Then in the news we saw the tragic suicide of football player, Junior Seau. Do not give up hope and remember that the greatest storms usually come just before breakthrough.

Prophetic Dream: the Wind of Change Starting to Blow

I had a dream this month of a strong "wind of change" (not winds of change) that started blowing from the ocean onto land. As it approached it blew up debris so strongly that it was nearly blinding. I watched from a place of safety but was concerned for people. Then a huge battleship crashed into the land, hitting buildings. Again I was concerned for the people. In the dream I knew the wind was spiritual, not literal, and it was from God.

There is a massive wind of change that is finally coming. This spiritual climate shift is happening in order to blow away the things in our lives that have held us back. It will remove things we have "battled" with in the past. As long as we are in the place that God has called us, we will be safe. God is blowing away debris and preparing us now for a dramatic change.

We need to embrace the changes that are coming and not be afraid. Fight the discouragement because over the next few months there will be several waves of turn around. It's time to be encouraged – not discouraged! Wind of change starts in mid-May.

Wounded Warriors Being Revived

As the wind of change begins to blow, it will revive many people who have been wounded by negative Christians and church experiences. Many wounded warriors have been taken out of action in the Kingdom of God by "friendly fire" or attacks from other Christians. These wounded warriors will play a strong role in this next move of God. I saw many wounded warriors lying on the Kingdom battlefield with no one to attend to their wounds. Then the wind of change blew life into them. They were strengthened and began to rise up with new vision.

Ten Years of Blessing Coming Now

Last year I talked about how God is repaying us for things that have been stolen over the past nine years. Well, not only are stolen things being return to you but also God is blessing people right now for all the good done for others. This is a time to reap what you have sown (not in a bad way). God is blessing people and allowing us to harvest right now for all the good things that we have done for others over the past ten years.

This is similar to Newton's Third Law of Motion, "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." When you give or do something positive for someone else, it creates an equal reaction in your own life. Watch for things like: unexpected checks in the mail, phone calls from people from your past bringing new connections, smiles on children you've touched, maybe even new clothes for the emptied space in your closet, etc.

Watch Denver, Colorado

The tragedy at Columbine High School is being healed and a new movement with young people is starting. The very reason that the enemy started attacking the youth is because they are about to rise up and be part of a massive move of God on earth. Something new is starting right now.

One Take-Away: Look for Your New Thing

Let God show you something new even today or this week. You and God can partner in a new way for your future as you find "the new" will inspire action and next steps. Enjoy the ride with God! It is such exciting time to be alive.

Doug Addison
InLight Connection

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