Confirmation. :)

Say "GOODBYE" to an Old Form of Provision and Receive New Provision!

As I got up this morning and began seeking the Lord, I heard the following that I believe will greatly encourage you:

"This is a day of freedom for those who will choose to say goodbye to an old form of provision and security, and who will embrace a journey of unknown expectations and rewards. For I have many new ways for you to have supply. I am creative, for I am the Creator. Therefore, I will show you how to create and gain wealth. I will show you supply that has been hidden. If you will worship Me, you will see! If you will proceed forth with Me now, you will learn as you go and see Me in new ways. It doesn't matter how old you are, or how set in your ways you are. If you take a step today, I will teach you in a new, fresh way. You will also hear Me in new ways, and the sound you hear will become fresh and directive toward your future. So enter in to the freedom that I have for you now, and do not rely on the freedom that you have experienced up until now. Be shod for the path of glory that awaits you today!"

Chuck D. Pierce

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