
Sometimes If we choose to ignore God, our heart hardens.
Similarly, when the Holy Spirit reminds you of a mistake/habit/practice that you need to change/curb, if you choose to remain in it, chances are that you will soon become immune to His voice and prompting.


Saw a quote saying, "Cuddling in bed and falling asleep together is probably the best feeling in a relationship."


The best thing in a relationship is not physical - It is knowing you share the same Faith and goals.

Consideration and support

Sometimes it is simply very hard to be considerate and supportive when your own selfish desire is involved.
Sometimes I wish things happen the way I wanted it to be but I suppose it's a lesson to be learned to prioritise God's will and destiny - not only for ourselves but also for other people - because our mistakes do not affect only us but our surrounding as well.
Submission is the word I guess - to be obedient to God's calling and to be obedient to aid others in fulfilling their assignments.

Random phrases

Just some random phrases that come into my mind:

Every step you take counts. Be wise.
Some thing is just worth waiting for. Be patience.
When you face troubles, tell them, "But God!" Have faith. God has one more move!
When you are weary, go to the Source. :)

No regrets

Advancing the Kingdom of God through the Apostolic Prophetic Ministry @ 13 - 14 July 2013

I am thankful God led me there. :)

Semester Break

Countdown: 11 days to the offical semester break.

I'm excited. I have too many thing-to-do on my list.
But still, must stay in Now. Cannot afford losing anymore time.
It's time to redeem all that I have lost. :)