Personal Needs are Personal

"God is moving us from a place of getting our needs met. Getting your needs met is a deeply personal thing that you have between you and God. That’s why if you have a need, don’t tell anybody because it’s hugely personal. It’s where God wants to show up for you. You’ll never grow in faith as long as you’re hinting that you’ve got a need to somebody human. There’s only one person you need to talk about it with and He’s well able to do a miracle!"

- quoted Graham Cooke, Taking God for Granted






想在各地留下我的腳印與笑容。 :)

His Promises Prevail

To be honest, oft times when it comes to endless submissions (which also means sleepless nights due to assignments), I can feel that surge of lifelessness penetrating the core of my emotions, so genuinely. I feel as if I am robot-ised or zombie-fied, having not a sense of purpose to life.

But I know God's promises are valid from everlasting to everlasting. I will strive my best to realise my destiny, even if it would require me to go through the zombie land. I believe in all these as God's preparation for us to enter fully into our future inheritance.

(disclaimer: I don't believe in zombie at all. It's just for the sake of depicting my current situation.)

On Passion

"All discipline is rooted in desire. You shouldn't be asking the Lord to give you the discipline of prayer, you should ask Him to give you the delight of praying! If you are going to ask Him for anything, ask for passion. A passion to pray, for the lost, for the prophetic, whatever it might be. God is extremely passionate about everything."

- Graham Cooke, The Art of Thinkng Brilliantly

Of Giving

Neither has anyone become retarded from sharing their knowledge. :P

Friends :D

God has never failed to bless me with good friends. Though most of them are not those whom I would normally pour my heart to, I know I can trust them. And having someone you can trust is a huge blessing, really.  #immahappygirl

Blowing the Trumpets: Awake to the Goodness of God!

Ron Sawka
Arise 5 Weekly Update
Sept. 03, 2013 / Elul 28, 5773

“In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation” (Lev. 23:24).

This Friday is Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the new Hebrew Year 5774. It is also the date of one of my favorite feasts, Blowing of Trumpets. As feasts go, it was very simple—just blow the shofar all day long. But, I love the symbolism. Whether or not we actually blow a shofar, we are declaring to ourselves—as well as to our families, neighborhoods, workplaces, and nations—that God is good and that it is time to wake up to His goodness. Here are thirteen declarations to make, or thirteen reasons to blow the shofar:
  1. We celebrate the goodness of God. The more we properly celebrate and are thankful, the more the Lord can give us in the next season.
  2. Prepare ourselves for the day of atonement. Jesus died to redeem us. We are declaring that we want each and every seed of unrighteousness or rebellion to be taken out of us.
  3. We remember God’s grace to Abraham. He provided the ram at just the right time. We want the whole year to be covered by the blood of Jesus.
  4. A day to remember the creation of the world (Job 38:7). The Lord wants us to rule and reign on the earth. Be sure to activate joy.
  5. We remember that there is grace and abundant provision for the new year.
  6. It’s a coronation day. We declare again (and again) that Jesus is Lord (Ps. 98:6).
  7. It’s a time of God’s judging. Often, important economic events/shifts take place during this time. We remember that it is the Lord—and not chaos —who is over all the systems of the world.
  8. Psalm 81 is devoted to this day. Be sure to read it.
  9. Come forth in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus entered the wilderness on the first day of Elul (6th month) and emerged on the Day of Atonement (Tishrei 10). From then on, He walked in the power of the Holy Spirit. That is what He wants for each of us.
  10. A time to remember the second coming. Yes, Jesus is indeed coming back (1 Thess. 4:16–17).
  11. A time to have fun with your family.
  12. A time of reconciliation. God brought reconciliation to Jacob and Esau (who then went their separate ways). He can do the same for you.
  13. A time to put on spiritual armor. The Lord is gathering us for war to advance the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 14:8).
Finally, let’s remember how the Lord is already broadening our understanding of ministry. As we move among people (or even by ourselves) throughout the day, the Lord is with us. We can walk with Him, ask Him questions, and be alert to the things He shows us. We are never alone and we never know what He will bring to us.

You and I

Somewhere in between us,
there are calls to be obedient and patient,
there are challenges to face and overcome.

In Him.