Covenant vs slavery

One difference between covenant and slavery: in covenant, you desire to lay your dreams down to see someone else's fulfilled. In slavery, you feel you are made to shut the door on your dreams, as though you have no choice.

Honor covenants, run from bondage. Live free.

 - Quoted fromJames Vincent

Fulfilling Calling

"If we do not fully prize our calling, we will fall away from destiny when hard times arrive. We will see situations as trouble, problems or difficulties rather than opportunities that can propel us toward fulfillment of prophecy. We can only take the highest place when we have used the lowest place effectively. The humility we gain in the valley becomes our authority on the mountain."
Quoted Graham Cooke, Prophetic Wisdom

The Smile Project

For my dear friend, Grace.
Love you, sweety. :)

Smile! Who knows whose :( heart you can touch today?
Smile! Enjoy all that God has for you. He is the best reason for your smile. :D

Presence vs. Faith

I enjoy walking in His presence.

But there are times when I feel awful and just cannot seem to feel His presence. 
Everything seems so wrong and demotivating then. 
One thing for sure: Even if I cannot feel Him, He is still there. 
I only need to lift up my faith and believe in Him. 
It's time to practice faith. 

I do not have to feel great everyday but I know even during those times when I feel left out of His presence, I can enjoy my walk in faith in Him.


其實,很常都覺得自己在虛度光陰。每天都要不斷地警惕自己要珍惜時間,別浪費太多時間在午睡、無謂之事等。可很常都在不經意間就將歲月蹉跎了。時間吶真是一門很難的學問。但願自己能有伊薩迦支派(Tribe of Issachar)的恩膏智慧,能明白時間並走在上帝鎖定的時間及應許裡。

另外一件上帝時時都在提醒自己的是,無論處在任何環境裡 - 頂端或低谷,都要有顆敬佩讚美神的心(猶大支派)。猶大要領先!(Judah goes first!)沒有什麼事是一顆決定要榮耀上帝之心所不能突破的!要警醒禱告,別被敵人矇騙了!


萱萱 - 殘酷月光

The Voice of China


"There is no point in wallowing around in what we are not when the Lord is saying that we can get right back on track. You know what grace is? Grace is the capacity and the freedom to rise right back, not just to the level from which you fell, but to a level above that place." - quoted Graham Cooke, Turning Passivity into Prophecy
I believe. Because this is exactly what is happening in my life right now. He is faithful. 