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And the greatest forgiveness comes from the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross for us.

Yes, forgiveness doesn't come by easily. But knowing your identity in Christ will enable you to do so. Freely He came and gave it all. We who were made in the likeness of His, likewise, have the power and ability to do the same.


Double Fourteens and Deliverance

by Ron and Teddy Sawka
Arise 5 Weekly Update: April 14, 2014 / Nissan 14, 5774
Double Fourteens and Deliverance

As I began to write this, I noticed today's date has two “14s” in it (April 14, 2014). The number 14 is linked with deliverance. In Exodus 12, we read that they celebrated the first Passover on the fourteenth day of the month. They were to kill the lamb, sprinkle its blood on the mantel and doorposts, and roast and eat it that evening. The judgment of the Lord would then pass over them. He would strike the firstborn of Egypt, but not in a house that was covered by the blood of the lamb. This resulted in being set free from slavery. Not only were they liberated, but the Lord also began to lead them out. They crossed over into a new life. Since then, Passover has always been associated with deliverance. Note that in Acts 12, Peter was set free from prison during Passover.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread: Getting Rid of Wrong Things

“Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth” (1 Cor. 5:7–8).

Passover took place on the fourteenth day of Nissan. The week-long Feast of Unleavened Bread followed. For that week, the people were to make sure they rid their homes of all leaven, which represents sin or our sin nature. One of the ways of celebrating Passover week is to expectantly ask the Lord to search and remove the weaknesses, bad habits, and sins that trouble you.

In verse 8 above, leaven is tied to malice and wickedness. Ask the Lord to show you any areas of malice (any feeling of bitterness or ill will) or wickedness (twisted or rebellious places). That leaven must be removed. Not even a trace of it should be in us. Exodus 13:7 states that leaven shouldn't even be within the borders.

Lord, we ask You to help us be aware of, and to remove, any of the old leaven. The more we get rid of wrong things, the more we can walk in sincerity and truth and can walk closer with You!

Thanks for praying.

Ron and Teddy Sawka

Blessings at Passover

Below are several blessings we can expect during Passover:
  • Deliverance. Remember where we came from. Say, “Lord, Thank You for this year; thank You for how you delivered me in the past, and for the many ways You will deliver me this year.” Every Passover, expect new a level of deliverance. Peter was set free from prison in Acts 12. Is anything (e.g., a bad habit) holding you back? Believe for deliverance.
  • Passover is a time of crossing over (e.g., the Red Sea, the Jordan River in Joshua 4–5). Realize that you are crossing into something new. Here in Japan, we are definitely crossing into a brand new season.
  • Reproach is being rolled away (Josh. 5:9). Any old sense of failure that is still a part of our identities that is allowed to remain will hinder us. Jesus wants to roll that off of us.
  • New provision (Exod. 12:34–36; Josh. 5:10–12). Each Passover is a time when the Lord wants to bless us with new provision. Look for it; expect it!
  • New intimacy with the Lord, and new strategy.