
Sudden epiphany
She thought I am to a degree a perfectionist
But I thought I am not cause I couldn't get a thing done perfectly
Maybe my efforts in trying to perfect things
Or being discouraged/frustrated by the fact I couldn't
is an act of perfectionism by itself
Perfectionism is one of the characteristics of religious spirit
It drains you from the joy of doing for the advancement of His kingdom
It causes frustration during the process and obstructs the progress
It causes one to forget to be dependent on the God who is able
So yea, no more perfectionism







Repentance is turning from everything you used to seek life from, and turning to Jesus as the source of your life. - Robert Heidler

And then, He reminded me again.
He is my First Love.
He is all that I need & need to focus on.

It's not easy.
It's not easy at all.
All the breaking of the heart,
the wounds, the hurts, the pains,
but on the other side of my healing is a glorious being.
He is the Reason, the Hope, the Source,
for the power to press through and overcome.

Optimism Rules

Sometimes failure does not mean the end of something you're doing,
it's just part of a process,
and it can even be the beginning of something new.

Never give up hope!

An Afterthought

Endless assignments.
Due dates after due dates.
How much time I have left for myself?
Set your focus right, babe.



I wish things were still as simple as 123. Sigh.

Poverty = Piety?!

To convince Christians to believe the lie that piety equals poverty, the spirit of poverty would have to convince us that Jesus, our role model, was poor. Amazingly, this demon has had tremendous success in doing that. We usually think of His being born in a manger or at one point saying that He had no place to lay His head as evidence. Larry Hutch sums up this false mind-set: "We have religiously and traditionally taught that Jesus was poor, so Christians should be poor."

Hutch goes on to point out that Mary and Joseph first went to the inn to get a room. That means they must have had money to pay for the room.

Regarding the wise men and the gifts they brought to Jesus, Hutch writes, "God was not the only priceless gift they offered Christ. Frankincense and myrrh are also precious substances. Furthermore, according to Matthew 2:1, there could have been many wise men. These gifts could have ensured that Jesus and His family lived in comfort." Why shouldn't we see that as a supernatural transference of wealth?

Consider the fact that Joseph later took his family on an unexpected two-year trip to Egypt. That certainly required substantial costs for which he had not previously budgeted. And when Jesus was ministering later on, He had a treasury that financed His ministry team.

No, the idea that Jesus was poor is a myth. He was prosperous and yet He was pious! This is not good news to the spirit of poverty.

The rest of the Bible affirms the same thing, as Chuck Pierce and Robert Heidler point out:
The Bible teaches in no uncertain terms that poverty is a curse, and the Father does not want His children walking under a curse.
         There is a lot of crazy thinking in the Church about this! Let me make this clear. Poverty does not make us holy. Most of the holy men in the Bible were not poor. Abraham was rich. Apart from one brief period of adversity, Job lived his life in incredible abundance. David was a king who enjoyed tremendous wealth. Paul had tremendous success as a church planter. He started many churches and saw many of them grow to thousands of members. All along he boasted that he had all the supplies he needed. 

C. Peter Wagner, The Church in the Workplace

Rest Stop

Sometimes when things get so overwhelming, I really wish I can just get a big bearly hug.
Sometimes it just feels as if I have nowhere to unload what have been piling up inside of me.

But I know, there is a Well, a Well of Living Water, where I can drink and be revived again. 
When His presence cannot be felt, it's time to put our faith to test. 
I will pass this test with victory.