tell them

i guess, life is ever so unpredictable. the previous moment you are happy like a baby and the next moment you are down to the deep sea. everyday it seems so normal but it actually hides somethings away from you that you can barely notice it unless you are observant enough. yes. that is the truth. i don't know how you feel and what you have in your little mind until you tell me, because i am not superior, i cannot crack into your mind and say, "hello my dear one, i want to see your thinkings." that's stupid okie? besides, everyone is special in their very own way. you no need to be what others want you to be. you are you. don't ever afraid to be who you are in front of your dear ones. they love you and accept you for who you are. unless, you are hiding your true self and reject to let me know you deeper. but i think everyone need love and care, especially from those their love. it is pathetic if ones are being isolated or prefer to stay alone in their own world. i think people like that will never feel happy with their lives and will think that their lives are meaningless. i like this saying. share your joys and happiness and they double; share your sorrows and tears and they will be reduced by half. so why not we let others have a chance to care for us and know us more? tell them how you feel. they will be very happy and glad if you would just give them your sincerity and honesty. it is a way to show your love too. *wink*

the first day after school reopen

the first trial results, like rubbish. so disappointing. i should have study earlier instead of playing whole day there. sigh. really should stop playing. headache. can somebody stop the playful nature in me?

amazing new hair styles

saw something interesting in my inbox just now. the world is no more the same. we can do anything we want and express everything we love in many special ways as long as you have the capability to do it.


the ticking of time reminds me of the moments which are fading away quietly. the one week holiday is finally reaching it's tail. tonnes and tonnes of homeworks given are still lying on the table, waiting for their master to touch them and fill them. *sigh* i am lazy, i admit. especially when it comes to doing homeworks and studying for examinations. they kill me. i love playing. that's my nature. i wonder why those little pieces of certificates can determine our future. it's funny, you know. often i daydream that the time will just turn back, to the very beginning of the world, where there is no examinations. everyone working hard and in their own ways, to earn their living. i am not denying the importance of knowledge. having knowledge makes our lives easier. yes. i like it. but not the kind that people use to satisfy their own prides or whatsoever you call it and then starting to create many unnecessary laws to limit our minds and actions. it really makes life meaningless sometimes. anyway, i am just driven crazy by boredom. you can ignore this post.

why don't you care?

i hate it when each time you talk like you don't believe me. i hate it when you prefer to trust your own instincts rather than trust my words. i feel so sad and neglected each time you care only the others, like i am invisible, like i am a stranger to you. why can't you just care for me more, my emotions, my feelings? please, not just my results in the examinations. they don't resemble anything. they won't shape my personalities and my attitudes. why don't you understand? most of the time when i am moody, it is because of you. yet you never know. the sense of belonging is needed by everyone, whether or not the person is a child or an adult, even elderly people need it. not to mention the attention from you, it is everything a child would ever want from someone she loves. everytime i hope, hope for more of your care, everytime you let me down. the disappointment, like sharp knife, slashing into my heart. the little soul still hopes that someday you will come and mend her, yet, it is just like an unreachable dream, an illusion, an imagination.

lover. friends

*grin* just read something interesting in someone's blog but i'm not going to tell you who that person is. so daring. looking forward to what will happen to them next. i think it will be very sweet if that really happens. that is every girl's dream, whether you admit it or not girls, it is. *laugh* well, well, everything has its own timing though. so be patient. *daydreaming* okie okie, i know its night time now and i should not day dream now. but still i wonder, when will be my first? i am 17 already. my mind sometimes really on cloud 19 when hearing others talking about who and who are couples. yet, dreams are dreams. being single sometimes is nice too. can spend more time with friends and acting so crazily like there are nobody else around. quite happy. *chuckle* okie, i will stop here. out of idea what to write already. good day, everyone.

welcome to my life

this is the second blog of mine. i don't know why am i opening a new one. maybe i need to make some changes in my life? haha. who knows?
today is the first day of the one week school holiday after our first trial. feeling so relaxed. yesterday played whole day. then slept till very late this morning then went to have lunch with friends and walked around the parkson. it has been quite a while before i actually feeling so relaxed, although i am not so tensed also during school day. having the chance to hang out with friends really sometimes can make me feeling so happy and can laugh so crazily. this is not what we can feel when we are alone. you can't laugh your lungs out when you are alone, can you? others will most probably think that you are insane. you will feel very weird also laughing with yourself. so, it is good to sometimes relax yourself and go hang out with friends or loiter around, at least it will not make your spirit sinks.