The Pain

The rakyat's reactions, they pain me to the very core of my heart.

Don't curse Malaysia you people! Don't translate your anger to violent. Let it be the source of you all getting united to fight against injustice. It's time to rise up and take your rightful place! It's time for a change, for a better Malaysia, for a better future! Think maturely, not emotionally.
Don't invite foreign power who might be eagerly seeking opportunity to invade this land again. They are not what you need and want. Trust me.

Don't lose hope!


Shame on those who won the election using dirty tactics.

But God says,

"Don't feel discouraged, many of ur declarations and prophecy are correct, yet the Lord says step back and declare again..i have advanced my will today, for in time to come, a greater time of contending will come, Malaysia destiny is far from decided, so do not grow weary with hope deferred, establish my first people into my covenant. _Simon"

I trust in Him and I definitely do.
God is the Lord of justice. He fights for and with us.

However hopeless the situation may seem now, I am hopeful.

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