Introducing A Newborn Baby

It's existence is due to the requirement of the course I'm currently taking. :)




常說,“ 休息是為了走更遠的路。”


要有決心: 安息日,我要遵守!

Jessie J

Never thought she would be this awesome. :D
Love those who can sing so well live/during recording.


因為愛情本屬兩人,是承諾,是盟約 -- 不可被毀壞。
因為愛能戰勝一切; 愛是永無止息。

Judah Goes First

I am Judah & I am going forth!

Be the river, walk the river, go forth as the river of God.
It's a new season and we just have to jump into the river boldly.
There will be manifestations but God will deal with it.
He is washing us anew. He is bringing us foward.


別麻木了 - 自己可別丟了自己的真實、誠懇。

His Time

Sometimes it doesn't matter you like it or not, you just cannot ignore the fact that His timing is always perfect. Yes, His timing is perfect. You just have to acknowledge it regardless.

Love dimisses fear

And that's when you've found Him - Jesus.

Faith Brings Peace and Joy

Sometimes you just wonder whether or not you have chosen the right path to walk on, especially when it has deviated so much from what you have been pursuing all the while. But she said I look more joyful and happier studying this course. I guess that is what matters most - to enjoy what you're doing. 

God is the God of second chance. I believe what I have missed in the past He can redeem in the future. He will lead my path by bringing forth either eventual or abrupt changes as I journey along this path. My destiny I will not miss. I will strike the bull's eye with such precision that His Name be glorified. Of course, all these do not come by easily without any practice, test and trial. Perseverance is the key. Faith is the foundation.

Romans 5:3-5
Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

× × ×

想寫些什麼,卻又覺得還不是時候。再等等吧! :)

Say NO

to Procrastination.

After a whole two days of fun, it't time to really start working hard.
Should not pamper myself without discipline. I don't want to be a spoilt brat.


Daniel 10:12-13

New International Version (NIV)
12 Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia.

I pray for angels to be released to war against any spirit in the heavens assigned to block my prayers from being answered. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Introducing Juwita Suwito

Juwita Suwito - Teman Sejati

Setiap kali aku menoleh ke belakang
Mencari-cari titik punca keretakan
Ku sedari tak wajar dipersalahkan
Dirimu yang kian ketandusan perasaan

Sesungguhnya yang tersilap diriku sendiri
Menaruh harapan padamu terlalu tinggi
Sangkaku orang memberi kita berbahasa
Tak terlintas susu disaji dibalas tuba

Setiap pengorbanan, setiap pemberian
Ku lakukan untukmu penuh ketulusan
Tiada yang diharap selain kejujuran
Bila diri dikhianati sungguh aku terkilan

Sememangnya bukan engkau bukan dia
Penilaianku dulu dikelabui mata
Namun ku temui hikmah di sebalik trajedi
Teman sejatiku hanyalah Dia yang abadi


The only one-man-saves-the-whole-world character I like is Jesus.

Bahhh He is far greater than just superhero. ;)

Tasks vs. Faithfulness

I always believe it's the little things that counts.

If you are faithful in all those little things, when it comes to bigger things, you'll be faithful too.
Because God Himself illustrates this. 

Intoxicated with Joy

It's never wrong when you say the joy of the Lord is your strength!

The Wonders of Reading

You'll never know what you can get through reading. ;)

It unlocks Imaginations too. :D


Wouldn't it be like so sweet and romantic if someone you like write/compose a love song for you? :)

Learning something new

One of the things I'm doing right now.

Mainly using the tracing tool in PhotoShop

Purple background
The final product

Love it. It's so much fun! :D


If Cinderella was here tonight  
She wouldn't walk out the door leaving you behind  
Midnight calling but she don't care  
She'd be a fool not to follow you everywhere