Wonder God is Wonderful!

Through it all, I can never testify enough that God indeed does wondrous things! He has not given me any chance to testify the negatives because He has been so good to me - providing for me in so many ways and so abundantly. By this, I mean even down to the smallest details of my life. Like seriously. Though some of the happenings seemed as if they were merely coincidences, I knew for sure it's God at work.

How would I know?

I pray short prayers everyday, e.g. "Lord, let Your favour go before me, go with me and be my rearguard", "Lord, release your angels to reserve a parking lot for me", "Jesus, help me! I don't know how to do my assignments", "Guide me, Lord",  "God... *cry*", etc. Some sound so silly that I doubt God would listen. Nevertheless, He did!

To sidetrack a little, many spiritual leaders give an impression that our prayers should be all formal and proper, with lots of jargons and bombastic words. But I tell you, short prayers are powerful too! Praying the Scriptures is powerful! And in fact, the most powerful is knowing and praying the will and heart of God! How often have we missed out on that?

Back to my short prayers. Though they are short, God knows exactly what I needed, even when I didn't know what I needed at times, no, most of the times. He orchestrates them so subtly that very often after the events, I would suddenly be like, "AH! That really helped me!" I have had countless epiphany moments like those.

For example, this morning, after having tutorial with my own lecturer, I was lingering around chatting with friends, listening to others having their tutorials. When we're about to go to lunch after my friend had finished her tutorial with another lecturer, she was like, "That lecturer really helped me a lot. You guys should try asking him to tutor you too!" I was in doubt and ready to dismiss the suggestion because it's already quite late and the tutor was preparing to go for lunch. Suddenly, I have the if-not-now-when kind of feeling. I prayed my short prayer silently and went over to the lecturer. He agreed to listen to me after lunch though it looked kinda obvious that he was already tired and prepared to head home after lunch. (Thank God!) To make the long story short, if I have not satisfied that go-now! feeling, I'd have lose out on that good piece of advice that would greatly refine my design.

The prayers above are only for my personal gain, and they already did miracles. Imagine if those are for causes on a larger scale, what would happen? And to add on, whatever the Holy Spirit prompts you to do, favour follows. He will not set you up for failure. :)

Success upon success!

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