touch my heart

honestly, i feel so left out sometimes. no, in fact, most of the time.
i miss the time when we were all still in the same class.

what should i do?

everyone working so hard, except me. sigh. i am doomed.


i am just wondering. what makes love so complicated? you make me disappointed when you hurt the one i love. you can change the world inside his heart, you know? he is so happy when he is with you and now, he may seem okie but i know he is not. he was once in the heaven door but now you pushed him down from the heaven down to the earth. i was shocked when i heard him telling me about it that time. i could not imagine what are the reasons that make a relationship ends so fast. so sad.


headache. don't know how to do. T.T

a simple word of comfort

hehe... don't know how to say. God is simply so amazing. while i am grumbling that there are so many tests and things that yet to be done, through "the verse of the day" there, he told me, "rejoice in the Lord always. i will say it again: rejoice!" and the words comfort my soul, soften my heart. actually i am quite stress, no, very stressful these few days. having second trial now. that's mean the spm is really near now. i study and try to memorize, but everything that i have studied just slip away so easily. i am really very lost. i no longer know what i should do. i keep on trying but keep on failing. i know it is a very common thing for failing something but i just don't get it why i failed everything that i put my effort in. so discouraging. heart aches. what should i do? and everyone just keep on pressurizing me, make me feeling so suffocated. why can't they just be my shelter, be the place where i can relax for a while? i often wonder. then only now i realized that what a fool i am. i forgot to rejoice and give thanks to God, no matter in what circumstances. yes, rejoice. the hardship i will endure, the disasters i will persevere, in Christ. i may complain again but please remind me of your goodness, o Lord.

hit by a simple verse, and i am glad that i am.


i learn how to spell the word "die" everyday when it comes to examination seasons. *sigh* a1s seem so far...


i have my own dream to chase after. i know i should work hard for it and i do. but what if i don't achieve the standard? everything seem so impossible for me now. so scare.

am i trying to reach out for the impossible? i wonder.

a glimpse at the life impact game

life is ever so mysterious. you will never know what is going to happen next. yes, i really experienced that few days ago, in a camp - the life game. it is truly the most amazing camp that i have ever joined. again, i learnt that we are not suppose to live for ourselves, but for God. only He alone deserves our full attention. over and over, i become so proud of myself that i forget about God, forget all the goods he have done for me, forget his grace, forget his undivided love for me yet i am a sinner. then i start to fall, being cheated till the tears of sorrows and guilts fill my eyes. life on this world is not as easy as we think, not everything we want we will surely get it for this world is full of temptations, trials, and trespasses, we may stumble and being fooled. but be strong in our faith. no matter how hard it is, one thing is for sure, God is with us, he will not forsake us. all we have to do is simple trust him and let his will be done through us, obey him. and one thing i discovered through the camp, life is boring without God! you can just do the same old thing over and over again without any purposes. that is what most of the people are doing now. living with no purpose. wealth, status, pride, beauty, high qualification will one day fade away, just like the paper after being burnt, nothing left. the only thing with you till the end is your soul, the one you neglected so much and paid the less attention to. many people gave up half way during the camp, and some died so early that they didn't even have the chance to do things that they want to. then suddenly they realized that they were wrong all the time. life is not about me, me, me, and more me. but it is all about God the Father. i think most of the people regretted in the end of the camp. regretted for not living for God and practising God's words and falling into satan's traps. we died once during the game but still we have the second chance. but this time it is for real. there is no turning back. and no more third time. the first time we were being cheated for not being alert enough. this time we all need to be more watch full not to fall into satan's traps. don't wait until it is too late only that you cry out, "oh Lord, please forgive me. i will repent and i will follow you." we will one day face the day of judgment. no one knows where they will go but there are only two roads for us, back to our home in heaven or be thrown into the lake of fire burning with sulphur. then Jesus said to the disciples, "if any of you wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross and follow me. if you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. but if you give up your life for me, you will find true life." Christ is waiting for us to turn back to him with his arms open wide. so, live your life for God.

God is moving in this place
when he touches your heart
don't say wait Lord
but say, "here i am, Lord."

p/s. sorry i can't tell you the details of the game. but i strongly recommend you all to join it. you will learn a lot inside and you definitely not going to regret it.