
hehe... guess it has been a while since i last updated my bloggie. xD well, actually, nothing much i can write about. life just goes on like usual, no, maybe a little bit special. hehe. my little-kid-friends just finished their pmr examination yesterday. i bet they are having fun now. unlike us, still need to fight for spm and stpm. wish that i can go back to that time, then we will be having fun like wild again. hehe. but if so, i will need to study form four and five again. nah... better don't. i rather finish my spm examination faster then go find my sister. miss her so much. hahaha. anyway, went to the prize-giving ceremony in our school today. very boring. and i chose the wrong place to sit. some boys sitting behind me kept talking non-sense and irrespectful things to the people going on stage. felt so much like punching them but i didn't, luckily. other than that, whole bunch of us walking from school to somewhere near the parkson after the boring morning. i think many people staring at us that time because we were still wearing uniforms and all that. hahaha. but then it was quite fun. seldom have chances to go out like that now since the examination is just around the corner. so must appreciate everytime i can go out with them. hehe.

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