a letter to you

dear friend,

it doesn't matter how much you score in the previous examinations
it doesn't matter how many times you failed
as long as you have given your very best, that's it
do not be discouraged, do not feel hopeless
because this is still not the end of our journeys
but no one knows where it will end nor how it will end
so don't stop trying
for God has plans for everyone of you
life certainly will not be smooth and successful all the time
it is ever changing, my dear
don't let the disappointment blinds your heart
because failures are the ways which lead to success most of the times
and God will always guide your paths
as long as you believe in Him
and give Him the right to take control of your lives

pray to Him
cry to Him
He is listening
be patient
be submissive
let His wills be done through you

be strong and courageous


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