Attachment cannot be for long

Have been occupied with all the activities that I love doing - Chilling with friends, aimless trip to night market, card games, breakfast, supper, drawing, etc.. The kind of laughter that makes my stomach aches so much when being around them, I called happiness. But frankly, I just wish profanity wasn't such a prominent language they'd use. They are all intelligent ones you know, and their hearts are one of the kindest I believe. Teasing is always one of our main elements of communication but caring is another - which is unlike the former one, it is one without utterance but with action. Cool, ay? :)

Getting wilder and wilder as the number of year increases. Or maybe we have already been so ever since the beginning. At least this company is not the kind that would bring me downhill, or the kind that mummy would warn me to keep a distance at. Of course there are few cases which take me off guard completely but those should not hinder us from coming back together. I love them and I really couldn't imagine the loneliness that I'd possibly encounter after returning to reality in less than two months. (This, however, reminds me to be grateful for the advancement of the technology. Hehe.) From meeting to separation then reunion. This is life, no? It is never meant to be all bitter but bitter sweet, like coffee. Without the bitter essence we'd not be able to identify the sweetness infused in it and then learn to cherish each moment. Cliche but true.

March on.
Taking the same route cannot arrive at a different destination. This makes separation inevitable for each has to fulfill his own God-given assignments, which is by all odds different from individual to individual.

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