Living Water Village trip part 1- the arrival

it was indeed a blessing from above that i was able to join the trip to living water village, kalimantan. i had always wanted to go for a mission trip, and pass the love of God to the others. and i did. just came back to sibu this morning. it was exhausting, but i really could not deny that i learnt a lot from it. i saw God's miracles at work there and i saw how He transformed the lives of the children.

passing the immigrant. one step nearer to my dream.

this was the bus that transported us to our destination. 12 hours plus, yet we survived it. God is good. xD

this narrow, never ending, hole-ful road seems to me just like our journey of life, it is never easy and smooth. sometimes it seems like we are in the midst of nowhere but God is there forever. He guides us and leads us and never abandon us. in the end, we reach our destination safely. having great faith in God is one of the lessons i learnt throughout this trip. thank God for that.

"you are entering miracle zone. proceed at own risk"

we finally enter this wonderful and colourful place after long hours of sitting inside the airless bus dreaming and sleeping. as soon as i stepped out of the bus, energy filled me and i was able to fight for God. it was unbelievable, for me. and the children surrounding the bus made my heart exciting. yea, they were.

with mixed feelings

the condition of my heart... very ill. the reasons? it's okie. i'll just keep it to myself.
hmmm... haih... i don't know. i'm so confused and upset. i'm not happy, at all. and i don't know how to release the pain inside. i feel suffocated. horrible. i know i should give God all my troubles and problems but somehow i just can't let it go. i feel so defeated. tell me, what should i do?

i miss the good old days, so naive. you hardly let yourself be troubled by those abstract problems. now, i no longer understand myself. everything seems wrong and uncertain for me. and i don't know who else to turn to, i mean to people around me. i'm turning back to my melancholy personality once again...


Bible, or not?

trying to get myself to spend some time with God everyday. it had been quite a while i abandoned the habit of reading Bible. the Christian in the Christian Fellowship i am currently joining in my college gave me a very big impact on this. i was greatly encouraged by their testimonies and efforts in reading Bible. the feeling if picking up the Bible once again is so wonderful and amazing. i heard God speaking to me through it and also through others. i'm truly blessed!

apart from that, i am going on a mission trip in december. if i don't equip myself with words of God, how am i suppose to lead them closer to Christ? honestly, i really wish that God will make me an instrument of Him to spread His love and grace. i am just a very minor character but still i want to be a blessing to others, no matter it is significant or not. thank God for giving me this opportunity to serve Him. = )

one measure of our love for God is what we are willing to share His word with the others.

God bless you all.

praise the Lord = )

Today is the second last day of my semester examinations. Tomorrow I will be having IELTS both writing and speaking tests. Honestly speaking, I don’t think I’ve done my best in this exam. I didn’t prepare hard enough for it. Regretting now. I should have done better than this. >.< anyway, no point getting sad over it. I need to be more hardworking. Through Christ everything is made possible. I can change my laziness also. Jia you jia you!

Oh ya! Just came back from Christian Fellowship. This was the first time I shared in CF. Everyone is scheduled to share and lead worship, and today It’s my turn. I was so nervous and I really prayed for God to inspire me on what to share. God is indeed gracious and He knows just exactly what others need. He speaks through everyone who is willing to be his instruments to testify for Him and share His love. I did and He worked through me. It was amazing. After sharing although I felt that I bored them I still felt very relieved and happy. Maybe God is asking me to just speak and leave the rest to Him. Really hope that those who heard it will be touched by the Holy Spirit and that their faith may be strengthened. Praise the Lord for everything He does. xD

line problem...

stupid line. why you treat me like this? others' all can be used but why only mine can't? *sigh*

new chapter of life

wow... i guess it had been quite a long time since i last updated the blog. for your information, this is my fourth day in kuala lumpur. not for fun this time, but for study. everything is a new experience for this kampung kia - catching taxi, waiting for bus, squeezing in lrt, kmt, and even on the streets and shopping malls with the probabilities of being infected by h1n1. but i thank God we survived these few days. God is good. *grins*

however, after searching through the webs about the future college which i will be staying after 17 days from now, i am terribly freaked out. no shopping malls nearby, no atm machine, slow internet line, going out every weekend is a big no no... how on earth should i survive through this two-year-college life? you guys really should be praying for me. oh no... maybe i can try self entertaining, but others might think that i am crazy. *laugh* kidding. don't know what am i writing about now. brain jamming.

anyway, shopping malls here are great. food is great but expensive. and the cakes here... wow! super beautiful. =D

a letter to myself

to kee hung,
you are officially eighteen today. happy birthday to you.
one year older, one year more mature.
think wisely before doing everything, leave no regret in your life.
remember God, how He created this world so beautifully.
appreciate it and enjoy it.
less complains and learn to give thanks my dear.
and increase the size of your heart, love everyone, anyone.
be more gentle and loving.
remember a smile can brighten everyone's heart, so smile.

right now...

i am so full now. tummy like a big half watermelon. xD

new year resolutions

oh well, this will be the first post in my blog for the year 2009. sorry for the lack of updating. really could not find a time to get myself to sit in front of the computer for blog-updating. talking about new year resolutions, i haven't had any idea yet. maybe i should figure it out now...

well, it's 2009 now and it is a economy critical year i heard but er nevermind about that. i will just have to be more careful in spending money so that i can lighten my parents' financial problem. actually, i spent too much while i went to kuching and kuala lumpur last holiday. so the first new year resolution, i better save more money, just in case i need them. xD

second, i want to graduate from my short term mission school.

third, i want to equip myself with God's Word and get closer to God. i'm trying to get myself used to having morning devotion now.

fourth, i want to set my mind on what course to take after the spm result is released. i really wish that i can make a wise decision on that so that i will not regret after that. hopefully i will get scholarship successfully.

fifth, i want to read more books!

sixth, improve my largest weakness- laziness.

seventh, get some tea time with old friends. i don't want to lose my precious friends because everyone is going their own ways. gathering sometimes perhaps can hold us together.

eighth, get my hair cut short.

ninth, love my boyfriend more although we may not see each other that often.

tenth, learn at least one musical instrument.

eleventh, find myself a job before school.

i guess that's it. hahahaha...