where is my life?

suddenly realised that the time passes so swiftly that even if i wish to hold them back, i cannot. i had not have time to sit down and carefully make a card or whatever kind of arts for a very long time. really miss those days when i had plenty of time to do activities that i am interested in the most. i am really scare that i will soon forget the feeling of indulge myself in arts. ah! how horrible is that! perhaps, i really should reschedule my time so that i can have a more fruitful life, even in the middle of a jungle.

when you are away

physical distance breaks no relationships
but i wonder how long (distance) does it takes to connect two hearts?

i am happy = )

received a lot of chocolates from my petsis, Wani who has just returned from langkawi.

yummy... xD

thanks petsis

the truth is rarely pure and never simple

everytime i encounter people that treat me poorly, i pretend i do not see it. but sometimes, it is just so obvious to an extent that even if you try to ignore it, you cannot. studying in KL does not give me much experience to be honest except it opens my eyes and teaches me how to differentiate between sincerity and hypocrisy.

some people may appear to be unfriendly and some sociable. however, many times we will discover that the first is the one you can put your trust in, the latter is a totally selfish and arrogant brat. what i trying to say is not finding a more solitary person but to be careful when choosing friends. do not ever take and believe everything others tell you word by word. instead, observe them closely, their attitude towards different issues, their treatments for people other than someone they are close with, etc. i had been through a very hard time to finally realise the fact that not everyone is good in nature. betrayal happens often and self-importance becomes the vital. so take heart.

anyway, i just wish that all my friends be endowed with the joy of having at least one friendship that can be kept for whole life. cheers!

when everything goes wrong

everyone else was telling stories of how wonderful and interesting their weekends were. i, too, had wonderful time, until i came back to college this evening. no electricity, dust, slippery floor - obviously when i mentioned slippery floor, everyone would think of someone slipped. and that was me. i felt miserable at first. i decided to settle and do my devotion. then i saw the four words on my handphone accessory "常常喜乐" which means rejoice always. indeed everything happens for a reason, or more. perhaps, God wants me to learn to give thanks and rejoice in Him. =)

thank God i did not break my hands and legs (just some little bruises and cuts)
thank God i did not knock my head
thank God i did not break my handphone (i was holding my handphone when i fell)
thank God the night was not hot and it was raining slightly

thank God who taught me how to rejoice in spite of misery

God is good all the time.

a reminder

i finally left the college today, this afternoon, to breathe fresh air (although the air in KL also is polluted). but at least, i am no more inside for now. happy for the non-spicy food, happy for the excellent internet line, happy for being able to go window shopping. hahahah...

i just viewed my brother's blog and suddenly realised that my blog is very dull and not up-to-date. how sad it is to realise the truth. =X so now is the time, to add some fresh "ingredients", but not now obviously.

well, i just finished my trials. no matter how the result may be, i decided to surrender them all to God. for now, i just want to enjoy my super duper short holiday - my precious weekend. tomorrow i am going out with my dear and i really wish that it will be a very exciting and memorable day for both of us.

and one important reminder. i heard from my sister during dinner just now that some "false prophets" came to them and preached to them few days ago. they talked of something that emphasise passover feast (way too much) and baptism "immediately". i think some people really just cannot get themselves to understand the Bible. they just studied a little bit here and there and combined them to become another "true" stories of salvation. indeed the end of the world is coming soon, but that is not for us to predict, because as the Bible says, when the world is towards the end, there will be false prophets and someone claiming themselves as Jesus Christ. as a christian, i am really concern about these. i remember my advisers used to tell us that we ought to equip ourselves with adequate Bible knowledge so that we will know how to tackle the questions. and i think it is extremely important for us to spread the gospel to the non-believers before the false prophets get to them. this cannot be achieved by ourselves, so we need to pray for it and summit everything to God. then what we need to do is allow God to use us as His instruments to touch other lives and let God's will be done.

meditate on God's word alone
and break our hearts for what breaks His

God promises safe landings

i just finished my literature in english trial this afternoon. tomorrow biology paper 2 is waiting for me. scared, worried, of course. i am not a super genius. but i have God, a victorious God. this is what i learned from this season of trial examinations. trust in God, say it and your mean it. i had been grumbling and scolding myself for not being able to achieve what i desired, and what i had been praying for. i was frustrated to be honest. i questioned God whether or not i am His children, just like i asked my parents before when they scolded and punished when i was a child. then i was reminded by the words thrown at me. "you always comfort others by asking them to trust God and He is with them, why cannot you yourself believe at Him in this very moment?" ouch! that really hit me. and it ached. all of sudden i felt as if i am a hypocrite, not doing what i told others i believe in. a sense of guilt filled me and i guessed that was God reminding me of His goodness, that we shall wait and let His will be done. for His way is not our ways and His timing is not ours.

i really thank God for everything when i am backsliding, He sends an angel, or more, into my life and really comfort me and assure me of His great promises.

thank you Father.