School/College, Anyone?

All the nineteen years of my life, I daresay "school" is the word I deal with most. In fact, I spend most of my days in school (now college). I like school, and I am thankful to be able to attend classes. Blessed I am because not everyone has the privilege to learn a new skill and to be taught about something more complicated. For me, knowledge and skills are the greatest outcomes. But above all, the greatest gift I received from school is friends. When friends are involved, we learn not only ABC and 123, but also love and communication.

However, not all the time we are filled with joy and laughter, there are moments we feel stress and tension as well, especially with the overloading homework and most of all, examinations. But then, again, when we know our goals, and we know we are not alone in the battle field, we experience the opposite. Sweetness and enthusiasm flow in.

Everyone has their own dreams to fulfill and nobody can stop anybody. Here is normally where the road diverges. Each goes his/her own ways. And I, enrolled in a college where none of my previous school friends were found. I guess this marks the whole new chapter of my life. New friends found, new environment adapted, new experience carved. I like this college, honestly, and I enjoy the companionship of my friends. Indeed I am far away from home, but why not? There are treasures to be protected in our comfort zone, there are also pearls for us to risk and dive for somewhere outside.

Today is the end of the two weeks Raya holiday. I feel reluctant to go back to college because the first thing tomorrow will be sitting for my Economics and Literature trial papers. Basically the rest of the semester is considered as exam period. I am worried and terrified because I know I have not done enough preparations, in fact, I think no one can never fully apprehend a concept or a theory or even a process. But I guess there is nothing I can do but to give it all up to God. I really wish I can enjoy myself even during exam seasons.

Father Lord, here I am humbling myself, knowing I can achieve nothing if it is not by Your power. I am Yours and You know exactly my fears, and You tell me, "Fear not, for I have not given you the spirit of fear." Lord, I pray for my days to be fruitful, to glorify Your Almighty name in all I do. And Father, I pray not to cause others to stumble but to build them up with love in Christ. I ask for righteousness to differentiate between right and wrong, wisdom to be the light and salt for people around me, understanding of my failures and the happenings recently, good memory to remember what I have studied, for You promised that if we ask, You will give us generously. The same I pray for all my friends. Father Lord You bless them greatly and let joy flows from the bottom of every heart. In everything I surrender to you and I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

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