Would You Lord

Would you still look on me with love after witnessing all my failures and weaknesses?
Would you cover me with hopes and peace when I am disappointed with myself and my work?
Would you colour my life if ever my world is becoming grey and is fading slowly?
Would you continue to water and nurture my soul if my flower is slow to bloom?
Would you still walk that extra miles with me when I am being indecisive and emotional at times?
Would you patiently correct me and wipe out the shame on my face when I am wrong again?
Would you kindly remind me of your presence if ever I am diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease?
Would you still proudly tell the world that I am your child when the whole world abhors me?
Would you mind to take this broken heart and mend it with your unconditional love?
Would you care if the only thing I could offer up to you is incomplete but is my all?

Oh God, I know you will never forsake me for you are faithful. 

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