The Beginning of a New Month.

Yes. It's April. I wish it is still February. But this doesn't give me any reason to miss April's fun. I am going to make it fruitful and meaningful. April is a witty fool. It takes courage and wit to become a fool, don't you agree with me? Our life is practically the same, too. A fool is never easy to be - to be able to satirize the trivial minds and not consumed by the worldly definitions of life, to be able to poke fun of himself and to see his flaws whilst others are suffering for their vanity, to be able not to dwell in the mistakes he has made but move on knowing a mistake can never be corrected. A fool accepts his life with an open mind and this allows him to enjoy his life with thanksgiving. I guess that's why people love April's fool - to fool and to be fooled, without caring much about how others may think.

I love nonsense.


Sad truth:

 I wish I can upload photos in my posts, but unfortunately the internet line doesn't allow me. 


My lips praise God for His faithfulness. My soul rests assured knowing He has already gone before me to make wonderful plans for my future. My heart rejoices for His unfailing love.

I yearn for Him. 


I pray for discipline in my studies so that I can get the right placement into the university of my choice.
In Jesus' name, I reject and refuse every acceptance of failure and defeat.

Look to Jesus and focus on Him when others seem to be moving faster than us in our studies.
Jesus cares.


 Words are very powerful weapons. They console a soul and bring them to the top of their career but they also shot people die and bring them to hell. 
Use them wisely.

I should stop being sarcastic.


We all need someone to be there. Someone who would say,  

"Take care because if you don't, I will."

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