Best Gifts.



A heart to generate love.
Brain to store wisdom and knowledge.
Body temperature to give warmth.
Eyes to watch over all my beloved ones.
Ears to listen to their happiness and sorrows.
Mouth to speak words of truth, affirmations, and to rebuke with love.
Nose to smell the sweet smelling of the laundry my mum has just done.
Hands to hold up those in need.
Legs to walk my family and friends through all their ups and downs.
Shoulders to carry my parents when they grow old.
Fingers to count all my blessings and for all the important moments.
Stomach (appetite) to enjoy all the delicious food. 
Voice to sing praises and to glorify The I Am.
Inspirations to bring more joys.
Skills to help people more practically.
 Dreams to remind myself not to live solely for myself.

I have wealth beyond your imagination, under God's provision.

Thank you Father.

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