Forget to Focus.

God works like a GPS. He is constantly giving us direction, speaking to our hearts and leading us by peace in our spirits. Even when we miss His instructions, and we all do from time to time, He will recalculate our route and get us back where we need to be. But you will never reach your destination if you are constantly trying to look back over your shoulder to see where you should have turned in the first place. You have to forget about what you have missed so that you can focus on what lies ahead. This one thing is the most important key to living the life of victory and will carry to your destiny. Remember, you are not doing all these on your own. HE will be with you all the way till the end. "I know the plans have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" - Jeremiah 29:11

Quoted, Jo-Hann's mum, Juliette Lewyl. (Emphasis added for my own reminder.)

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