Open doors?

Have been thinking about a lot of things lately. I know I should not cling on to the past, especially all the past failures, whether in relationships or in studies. But somehow, the happenings around me keep reminding me of them. The aches of the heart, the sorrows of not being capable of finishing something that I've started well, the disheartenments of being disappointed repeatedly, the guilt of hurting the hearts of others, the fear of being despised and isolated, ..., they have killed me endless times. They said I need to embrace the past to create a better future but truth to be told, I have yet to learn how to overcome them, the negativities. They are all under the mask.
"When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." - Alexander Graham Bell.
That's exactly what is happening to me. I cannot see the open doors. And it shouldn't be like this. :( 

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