
It matters after all.

Chatted with a friend of mine concerning relationship issue just now. Putting aside maturity problem, true enough, considering only the future matters such as marriage and family planning, age cannot be neglected.


Want to be more mature spiritually and naturally.
I cannot execute my mission thoroughly and with my best if the situation persists.

Please, teach me, discipline me.

Dear Heart

Be patience.
Wait for the green light from Above.

The sixth

My sixth ear piercing.
And hopefully the last one.
Two sealed. So make it four altogether. :)


如此深刻     如此逼真

Me Too

When it pains you

Sometimes I think it's better not to care too much.
But let me remind you, the opposite of love is not hate.
It's    indifference.

I declare

Give us aid against the enemy,
       for the help of the man is worthless.
With God we will gain the victory,
       and He will trample down our enemies.
                                               - Psalm 60:11-12




Touched :)

Though you might not/never see this, still I want to say, Thank you!


can he be so cute?
Love his hair colour! :P


They asked about you and I guess
after all these years I have already learned to let go and move on.
No more heart ache. No more nostalgia.
Yes, I have walked so far away from where we used to be.
I still thank you for what you have done for me,
they are parts of me, undeniably.
And I wish you all the best -
double favour for your future undertakings.
Your success is just within your reach!


For a food lover like me

This is worth reading. :)
--->> The Gastronomic Diary

Food~ ♥

I cannot imagine

If the Holy Spirit has not prompted me to run.

I was walking back home just now when a grey Proton Saga drove near and hit on me. It seemed like it was done deliberately - judging from the whole process of how the car was controlled before the accident. I am a driver myself, so I know. And I was already very far off the road, near the gate of a house when I saw it. Very soon an Indian came out of the passenger seat and talked to me very fiercely. The last thing I knew, I was already running away.

Thank God the people didn't come chasing after me.
And I thank God it wasn't the driver who came out of the car.


Come to think about all the happenings within this week, everything seems to be linked with one another pretty well:

I was caught with common cold early this week and so I wasn't allowed to donate blood this morning. If I have donated blood, I wouldn't be able to outrun them due to fatigue and fear. I was already trembling so severely when I stopped to look back if they were still after me. So then, imagine what would happen next if I have not been sick in the first place.

Nothing bad happens for zero reason. Almost in all occasions, they are blessings in disguise.

By the way, it's not that I'm biased against Indians. In fact, I have a lot of Indian friends. The only thing that made me run away is the aura that the guy has emitted - it was not apologetic or even showing a slight kindness at all.

Thank You for Your protection, God. :) 

Sigh of failure

I wish I know how to teach, just so that I can help you more academically. :(

Happy family :)

Went out with housemates just now.
Forming stronger bondings with them lately.
Feel very happy about it, really.
In fact, I hope these people would be in my life forever. 
But thinking of the time left, it saddens me.
There are far too many things undone, together.

My baby ♥

It's growing! I'm so excited.
I want you throughout my study life and even when I enter society. ♥

Interesting fact:
Cactus grows/expands from on top!

My babe says, "Yello!"

God bless you, babe!  :D



Something to ponder.

"Don't hate what you don't understand." -John Lennon

Totally agreed with this!


I heart this photo. So cheeky!

You, yes you. I miss you.

He did this for her on her birthday. So cute, so sweet. :)

Friends are the ones who would go the distant for you and with you.
Candidly speaking, I don't like to be disconnected from your lives.
I feel detached and it feels as if pieces of me were lost.
Terrible horrible and vegetable. I don't like it. 
Just give me a nudge if you happened to think of me too. I miss you all.

Silent wish: I want one too. :P

What pains me most


Everyone makes mistakes, including those who criticise, insult, mock, disparage, and disrespect the life of another. But why can't they realise? A simple word of encouragement, a gesture of acceptance, and a hug of forgiveness can mean the whole world and even to change these people's lives. But look, what did they choose to become?!

Many times, I have wondered just what the world is nurturing? A monster?

What is the use of education if people cannot learn humility and love from it?
What is the use of high standard of living if people serve only themselves?
What is the use of advanced technology if death is what it leads to?
What is the use of great achievements and honour if people do not see hope but dispair?

Choose actions with love. Be sensitive.
I know this is cliché but still, treat people as how you want to be treated, not otherwise.

Don't feed the self-gratifying monster that lives within you.
Be the generation that changes the next for the better.

Your song

My prayer.

Silent, wordless
Everything was still
You breathed us, yearned for us
Our hearts began to thrill
A brand new creation
A symphony
Written from above
Written out of Love

Let me be Your instrument
Let me be Your voice
Let me be the reservoir
Where thirsty hearts rejoice
Let me be the hand
That wipes the tears away
Oh Lord,
If it be Your will
Let me be Your Song

A violin, a piano
Each one has a role
Major or minor
Or just a single note
So take the time to stay in tune
Cause we’ll never know
When we’re called to play
It could be today


A song of hope for the hopeless
A song of comfort for the pain
A song that warms the frozen hear that
It might beat again

For what am I but a single breath
That only You sustain
The less I get in the way,
The more the Master can let the music play


Oh Lord,
If it be Your will
Let me be Your Song

To my surprise

Rank #1178
Nett Time 01:27:35:56

For a first timer, I considered this a very encouraging news.
Again, Praise the Lord! :D

Nike We Run KL 10km

This was the first ever marathon that I have participated.
I thought I would make it right on time but to my surprise, 30 minutes earlier than the time allocated.
Praise the Lord!

Ah the more exciting part is here:

On the previous night I was declaring a perfect weather for the marathon i.e. windy, cloudy (no sun), cool, so that the marathon would not be delayed or cancelled due to the weather.
Then, on that particular morning, it was pouring so heavily and in fact it continued until the afternoon. However, by the time we were supposed to move toward the assembly place, the rain became very small and almost negligible. Throughout the race, that weather persisted. PERFECT WEATHER, my heart screamed.

If not He to be praised, I don't know who else to praise for. 
All glory be unto Him, the faithful Lord and God.



簡單的談話中卻讓我深感上帝在我生命中引起的奇妙變化 - 此變化非一朝一夕,而是沿路來不斷親近祂、尋求祂所得的。是的, 我的未來有祂一路開著。沒什麼好懼怕的。

1:5  你 平 生 的 日 子 、 必 無 一 人 能 在 你 面 前 站 立 得 住 . 我 怎 樣 與 摩 西 同 在 、 也 必 照 樣 與 你 同 在 . 我 必 不 撇 下 你 、 也 不 丟 棄 你 。
1:6  你 當 剛 強 壯 膽 . 因 為 你 必 使 這 百 姓 承 受 那 地 為 業 、 就 是 我 向 他 們 列 祖 起 誓 應 許 賜 給 他 們 的 地 。
1:7  只 要 剛 強 、 大 大 壯 膽 、 謹 守 遵 行 我 僕 人 摩 西 所 吩 咐 你 的 一 切 律 法 . 不 可 偏 離 左 右 、 使 你 無 論 往 那 裡 去 、 都 可 以 順 利 。
1:8  這 律 法 書 不 可 離 開 你 的 口 . 總 要 晝 夜 思 想 、 好 使 你 謹 守 遵 行 這 書 上 所 寫 的 一 切 話 . 如 此 你 的 道 路 就 可 以 亨 通 、 凡 事 順 利 。
1:9  我 豈 沒 有 吩 咐 你 麼 . 你 當 剛 強 壯 膽 . 不 要 懼 怕 、 也 不 要 驚 惶 、 因 為 你 無 論 往 那 裡 去 、 耶 和 華 你 的   神 必 與 你 同 在 。


It's a happy time

Many of my friends have graduated recently.
Congratulations and many blessings to you in your future undertakings. :)

Love came down

Time management

What the heck? I don't know you.

Ofttimes I wonder to myself, how can they play so hard and yet still have time spared for their studies/works? Teach me, I want to know.

Not the kind.

What I thought is what I've always wanted turns out to be not what I've really wanted.
What a moment of epiphany!

And happy October, my dear readers!
A busy month it will be.

With Him everything is made possible. :)

I want promo!

Why no promotions for flights from KL to Sibu during CNY? 
All so damn expensive jer. :(

Though I want and I will go back regardless the fares, I don't want to waste too much on it. 
Feel painful for my parents. :( 


Daddy said he misses me. Sweet~ :D

I love you, daddy.

Sorry vs Courage.

Saying sorry needs a great deal of courage.

Not crying in the process of apologising needs even more courage.

Morning random spree

This is really good. 
It gives a totally different atmosphere than the original one.
Acoustic version of Gangnam Style by Psy.

Well said eh?             

Fell in love with Volkswagen Beetle at first sight.
A super cute car indeed!

I heart this little cutie.

Interesting facts about Daniel Armand Lee a.k.a. Tablo in his early years:
  1. Tablo attended St. George's School until he was expelled for getting into a fight with another student in Grade 9.
  2. Tablo was a coterminal student at Stanford University. He attained a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and a Master's Degree in Creative Writing (in just three and a half years!).
  3. Tablo started to play the piano when he was six, and switched to violin, which he played for 10 years. His music teacher, who is a pupil of Isaac Stern, used to lecture Tablo saying, "Music is communism, but you're playing democracy".
  4. He ceased to play violin as he was dismissed from the orchestra after suddenly playing the soundtrack of Jurassic Park while the orchestra was playing Brandenburg Concerto No.3 in a concert. 
 He is a Korean-Canadian rapper, record producer, songwriter and actor.

 He signed a 4-year contract with YG Entertainment on September 27, 2011.

 Released his first solo album titled Fever's End in October/November 2011.

Tablo - Thank you for breathing (ft. Yankee & Bong Tae Gyu)

The lovely couple:                                               
Tablo and his wife, Kang Hye-jung

Good morning peeps.  
May your life be so full of blessings that the blessings outflow from your heart to people around you.

Don't give up. 

I love you

Nae abeoji.

The Power of HIS Name

Not only that, but also healing, bondages, deliverance, promises.
In fact, so much more than the afore listed ones.



Attention Seekers

Everyone needs some and everyone deserves some.
But if you become too obsessed with it,
you might lose it -
not only the attention you are yearning for
but also friends, priorities, purposes in life.

Think, what drives you here? - Your main goals.
For whom you desire to please? Of whose approval are you seeking?
Are those attentions you're languishing for even essential for your daily survival?

Isaiah 2:22
"Stop regarding man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he?"

Matthew 10:28
"And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell."

My advice for you:
Stay focused.

I love that feeling.

Woke up too early so I have extra time to kill. 

A habit worth pursuing eh? :D






Again, the same (it's not even "similar") conviction and confirmation.

Many times when things do not happen according to what I want them to be, or when someone makes me feel very pissed off, I often struggle to whether or not I should use profane words. You know, everyone around you are using it. It's inevitable to be influenced and sometimes you'll find it harder to resist the urge. But I am proud to announce, I have not violate the freedom given to me.

It is, however, not freedom that matters but personal choices and convictions. After thorough intrapersonal debate, I have once again come to the conclusion that I should, in all cases, forbid myself from using it. I'm thankful that the Word of God, which serves as the confirmation to my decision, popped into my mind soon after I have concluded the topic.

Romans 12:2
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will.

For we are to be set apart from the others and to please Him, not our own worldly, selfish nature.