Does Happiness Really Matter?

Came across a line while listening to a song,
“ 沒有什麼事比快樂重要 
            (nothing is more important than happiness)
Immediately I am reminded of something I have heard awhile ago.

In actual fact, God's main purpose is not that we'd be the happiest beings alive. Happiness is not so much His concern compared to His will for us - that we'd be holy, obedient and righteous before Him. That we'd strive to accomplish His missions for us. Of course, this does not mean that He doesn't care about our well-being at all. He has plans for all of us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hopes and a future. He cares. 

In Him we find joy which differs from happiness. It's a state where we rejoice and be grateful in all circumstances, positive or otherwise. It is the engine that keeps us moving especially when everything seems bleak, for it is the joy of the Lord that gives us strength.

Coming back to happiness.
It's merely emotion that we are experiencing. People putting so much emphasis on it which, I believe, has led to the degradation of their moral standing and also their discernment regarding issues in life.
"I am not happy being with him. I want a divorce/breakup."
"This child in my womb will make my life miserable. I want an abortion."
"My parents cannot give me what I want. They don't care about my happiness. Therefore I don't feel the need to honour them."
"That lecturer is giving me so much assignments. I don't have time for fun. Curse him."
Bla bla bla. And the list goes on.

If we concentrate too much and solely on our emotions, we tend to lose focus of His Word. His Word should always be the foundation we are standing on. This simply means that we should act based on the Word, not on our emotions. Some of the influence and exposure have caused us to believe that what we want is really what matters most. But I say, it's the least importance of all.

Have faith in God, focus on His promises, function to fulfill your calling.

The Joy of the Lord is your strength. Not happiness, it's only temporal. But the joy is for eternal.
Choose what is better and persevere without giving into hope deferred.

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