Leap of faith

And there again, He is teaching me another chapter about faith.

You know, insecurity always sucks. It's the sign of lack of faith, lack of trust. It means to look through the lenses of doubtfulness and fear.

After a few years of waiting, again, He said, "wait for another 3-4 years." It requires great patience and firm faith in waiting for something without solid evidence of it happening after all those delays. Honestly, I am not a very patient person. And I am definitely not the one with greater faith than the others. But I know, God gave me dream and made me ask someone (of higher authority) so that I'll have confirmation that this is the season I must learn to obey and practice self-control. I like how my friend puts it, "Patience is bitter, but it's fruit is sweet." God is a faithful Gardener. 

It's a long long journey and it's definitely not an easy one. But in Him I put my trust.
His grace is suffice for me to keep moving.

No regrets.

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