
In Passion and Purity, Elisabeth Elliot states, "Unless a man is prepared to ask a woman to be his wife, what right has he to claim her exclusive attention? Unless she has been asked to marry him, why would a sensible woman promise any man her exclusive attention?"

The Heart of Life

John Mayer

I hate to see you cry
Lying there in that position
There's things you need to hear
So turn off your tears
And listen

Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good

You know, it's nothing new
Bad news never had good timing
Then, circle of your friends
Will defend the silver lining

Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good

Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
Fear is a friend who's misunderstood
But I know the heart of life is good
I know it's good


"Remember who the enemy is." - The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Many times we were so distracted we cannot recognise who the real enemy is.
Focus! Focus on the I AM and let Him shape you into the I am that He has intended you to be.
Talk to Him. Listen attentively to His voice. Taste and see that He is good. 
Observe your Sabbath so you won't miss the portion of your blessings.
Make Jesus your first love and all things will fall into places accordingly.

But God!

Some of the things would be harder for us Christians because we were called to be set apart from the rest - we have a totally different standard to meet and to strive for. It was a tough week for me but God! God in His timing is bringing me deliverance and then to a whole new level of faith and understanding in Him. It was tough but in Him nothing is impossible, in Him all things are made anew, in Him I am made able. I will shine forth His glory!


During worship on Sunday Nov 17, 2013, Barbara Wentroble joined Chuck Pierce in prophesying:

"If you will invite Me down this week then I will enter your atmosphere and change that which you've been trying to change. I have power and strength to overcome, and if you will invite Me in, you will overcome this week and deliverance will come to you! 

"For I AM a God who is shaking everything that can be shaken. This is a season you shall shake; you shall see Me shake everything that would hold back My coming Glory. I shall shake the gainsayers; I shall shake the mockers, and I shall shake those that would oppose and stand against this that I have prepared for this season. Watch Me begin to shake that which seemed unshakeable, in days past. 

"For this is a turn-around season. I'm getting ready to turn around some things that would not turn. I'm getting ready to turn the vault on the door that would not open. Watch Me turn the bolt and open the door, and watch Me shake the unshakeable. Watch Me release that which I have said in days past - that the Glory of this latter house would be greater than the Glory of the former. As I shake and as I open, I Am releasing a new dimension of My Glory!"


"Your chief ministry is always to God. At the very least give God a tithe of your day in worship. Not worship and prayer and reading scriptures or meditating - JUST worship. Get used to always turning and yielding in your heart to the Lord. Understand that if your discipline is not earthed in delight, you won’t have the desire to see it through."

From Graham Cooke, The Indwelling Presence

It is no longer I, my, me & mine

Buried my own self-desire.
It was not easy and it hurt so freaking much.
But I know God is at work.
For two days I have mourned.
But today onward I will war against grief and sorrowfulness.
The joy from my Father is my strength and my standing ground.
I am not going to let disobedience and resistance to changes hinder me from entering into God's now time for me.
I am pushing through despite having to resist what my flesh would so eagerly desire.
I am breaking forth in victory through Him who gives me strength and revelation.
I am becoming who He wants me to be.
And I thank God for the people that He has sent to help me.
RAWR! The Judah in me is going forth in worship and praise for the I AM.
I have been defeated but not this time.
I have had my life destroyed but not this time.
I have turned my back against You but not this time.
This time I choose to stand on His promises and fix my gaze upon Him solely.
In Him, I can.

The quicker I submit to the hand of God, the quicker I can resist the devil. 
- Pam Pierce

It is hard but it is worthy. 



Delayed Gratification

This sudden madness
I was caught off guard
I followed the flow
I dived in
Deeper, deeper and deeper
Then I was lost
Maybe I should have back off
But I was not taught of how
And it's too late already
I thought

Then a voice said
Let go and let Me intervene
I will teach you how and where to flow
You need only to obey and trust 
It seems so hard now but it will get better
If only you fix your eyes on Me
It takes some time so patience it is
This isn't an easy-travel road anyways
But the promises and the fruits are sweet and real

Grieve not
For the better are yet to come
In a way you least expected it
Let not the tear blinds you
From seeing My goodness and faithfulness

Anticipation is good, anxiety is not! God cares for you and is concerned with every thing that matters to you. In the midst of everything that confronts you today, humble yourself before God, talk with Him, and those things that weigh you down will be rightly distributed by Him! Once you let it go, let God! (I Peter 5:7) - Al Hauck

Resolving what needs to be resolved

No more running away.
This time I'm going to face it right.
And suddenly, I'm free!

On Sabbath

Mark Driscoll: 7 Things That Will Ruin Your Sabbath  

The Sabbath is a gift from God, which means Satan and our own sin will stand in the way of our enjoyment. No matter what the Sabbath looks like for you, you’re likely to experience a few of these obstacles along the way:

1. A Poor Work Ethic
If you don’t do your work during the week, you will end up doing your work on your day off. If you are disorganized, lazy, late, or prone to procrastinate, your day off will get devoured by a bunch of tasks that should be done already.

2. Religious Rules
Let the Holy Spirit guide and direct your Sabbath. Religious people want to remove the Holy Spirit and replace him with their rules, but their rules never work. We are not to be filled with rules; we’re to be filled with the Spirit who helps us to obey the word of God. Everyone’s day off is going to look a little different. If you find something that works for you, you can make rules for yourself, but you can’t impose your rules on anybody else—because you didn’t write the Bible.

3. Observing A Sabbath Day Without A Sabbath Heart
Sometimes you get to your day off, but you’re still anxious, stressed, sleepless, and unable to sit down and enjoy it. Your heart isn’t able to Sabbath. Perhaps your identity is in your work, so when you’re not working you lose all sense of value. Or perhaps you need to find away to take your thoughts captive. I always carry a notebook, and if something comes to mind on my Sabbath day, I write it down so that it’s out of my head and I can get to it later.

4. A Pharaoh
Our pharaoh today tends to fit in our pocket. One of the great Sabbath-killers is the smartphone: ever-present, dominating our whole life, interrupting at all hours, and demanding our constant attention with e-mails, social media, articles, calls, texts, and more. Technology will kill your Sabbath if you don’t establish some boundaries. If your phone does not Sabbath, your soul cannot Sabbath.

5. Not Planning Your Sabbath—In Pencil
Have you ever made it to your day off only to find you have no plan and no idea how you want to use it? The day disappears before you even begin to enjoy it. Or maybe you’re more likely to over-plan and turn your Sabbath into another day filled with tasks. Plan your Sabbath, but plan it in pencil. Allow a little flexibility and spontaneity, and make adjustments as you go.

6. Resting From Your Work Instead of Resting for Your Work
Work is not sinful. Before sin ever entered the world, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it” (Gen. 1:15). It wasn’t until after the Fall that work became toilsome. In some way, a fruitful Sabbath must prepare you and energize you for the work God has called you to do during the other six days of the week.

7. Stimulants Instead of Sabbath
We sabotage our rest when we use stimulants instead of Sabbath. Rather than taking a break, we consume coffee, carbs, candy, energy drinks, and soft drinks all day. Then we go home stressed, we watch TV, we surf the Internet, and some will drink into the evening. The result is a population full of caffeinated, drunk, grumpy, phone-answering, Sabbath-violating wrecks. We call it “America.”

On this point, it’s worthwhile to consider God’s pattern at creation, which includes the refrain, “And there was evening and there was morning” to mark each day (Gen. 1). According to the Bible, a new day starts at sundown. Your day doesn’t begin when the alarm goes off; it starts with a healthy dinner and a good night’s sleep to replenish you for the daytime ahead.

The average person needs 8–9 hours of sleep and gets much less than that. Those who cannot get time to sleep because they have too much work are forgetting that part of the work God has assigned to them is sleep.

Remember the Sabbath
Look at your whole life. Seek to arrange your days in such a way that allows you to get things done, and make sure that one of those things is resting in God, enjoying time with him, using the life he has given you, and being with the people he has surrounded you with. That is the heart of the Sabbath.
Are you prone to kill yourself by working too hard? Or do you avoid work as much as possible? In which direction is the Holy Spirit calling you to repent? A Sabbath cannot save you—only Jesus can do that—but there is great wisdom in working hard for six days and then enjoying a true day off as he did while on the earth. 

This article was originally posted on The Resurgence website.

Pastor Mark Driscoll is the founding pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington, and is one of the world’s most downloaded and quoted pastors. He was named one of the 25 most influential pastors of the past 25 years by Preaching magazine in 2010. His audience, fans and critics alike, spans the theological and cultural left and right. 

Pray for Rulers/Leaders

Not against them. 
by Lance Wallnau

I had a chilling....I mean chilling realization last night. This week marked the 50th anniversary of the assassination of JFK. I live in Dallas and can feel the strange wrestling between a religious spirit and the Spirit of God. This mighty city is a spiritual epicenter for Gods move. I believe the Lord was showing me something last night. The church is told to "pray for rulers and for everyone who has authority over us" (1 Tim 2:2) Why? -- "so that we can have a quiet and peaceful life" Evidently prayer for rulers has an effect on rulers and that has an effect on us. The outcome for us when we pray "for" rulers is - "a quiet and peaceable life." The death of JFK marked the turning point in America's "quiet and peaceable" history. After the assassination we entered a new era with campus and sexual revolt, glamorizing of rebellion and drug induced escapism in rock, along with the War in Vietnam. During this turbulent time we had race riots and the deaths of Martin Luther King and RFK. November 22, 1963 was the day that deflowered the mythology of Camelot that briefly captured the imagination of Americans in the young Kennedy house. The devil cannot be everywhere, but he is ALWAYS SOMEWHERE! On Nov 22, 1963 at 12:30 PM he was on the 6th floor in the School Book Depository in Dallas Texas. If prayer for rulers can be positive - HOW ABOUT PRAYER "AGAINST" RULERS? Does it have any influence? Praying to effect someone or something outside of love or the activity of Gods Spirit is not Biblical praying. It enters a realm of either "Psychic Prayers" (which effects you more than you know) or "Witchcraft." Thats right - Christians often move in witchcraft. These are prayers of manipulation and judgement born of the flesh but empowered oddly by our agreement." As I contemplated this I randomly ran into this quote in a Dallas 50th anniversary article; "JOHN F. KENNEDY WAS JUST DAYS from securing the 1960 Democratic nomination for president when Dr. W.A. Criswell strode, bible in hand, to the carved wooden altar of the mighty First Baptist Church in Dallas. Chopping the July air with disdain, he prophesied that the election of the Catholic Kennedy would “spell the death of a free church in a free state.” "The following week, when Kennedy was nominated on the first ballot, it came with an added sting for Criswell and other conservative Texans: Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson, a son of the Hill Country, joined the ticket in the No. 2 spot. Dallas Rep. Bruce Alger, Texas’ lone Republican in Congress, called it a capitulation “to radical forces of the East and North.” With its own particular brew of affluence, fundamentalism and inflexibility, Dallas was the epicenter of incredible hatred and distortion regarding Kennedy. There was a strange atmosphere in Dallas and fears of an incident were ripe in the security detail. The Rev. Criswell added to this by releasing over 100,000 booklets against Kennedy, stirring anxiety about his Catholic agenda and links to the Vatican. Ridiculous fears, in light of our current understanding of the Kennedy White House. The President went in a vehicle with the roof uncovered and his head uncovered. The intercession of the church (Pentecostal as well as Fundamentalist) was largely praying "against" him - not "for" him, and removed the final covering. There was nothing good that came out of that death. In fact, many speculate that JFK had plans to de-escalate our involvement in Vietnam, where LBJ increased our engagement. Pray FOR rulers - not AGAINST them. The religious spirit is a mean spirit. It is political in nature. It is an aspect of Jezebel that most people miss. It is the combination of forces that caused John the Baptist to loose his head - caught somewhere between Herod's wife in her judgment of John and the seductive dance of her daughter. Does this make sense?

It's Real

Olivia Ong

Lying down, underneath the stars
thinking about the way you looked into my eyes and told me how you feel
i dont know if my heart and mind are singing the same tune
need to know coz within me is a mix of fear, a little thrill

Can't believe what i feel is real
feelings that's hard to conceal
i would hold you in my arms if you were mine forevermore

You and i
i never thought i'd fall for you
the best thing underneath the twinkling stars
my heart desires to be close to you
so you can take my hand and embrace me now
minimizing all my fears and i know
that all my doubts will disappear
there's nothing to conceal
it's real

And i tried, i cant seem to get myself to think of anything but you
i keep falling deeper
but it gets sweeter too
everything, every single thing about you touches my heart in a way
i have never felt like this before, it's real

Can't believe what i feel is real
feelings that's hard to conceal
i would hold you in my arms if you were mine forevermore

You and i
i never thought i'd fall for you
the best thing underneath the twinkling stars
my heart desires to be close to you
so you can take my hand and embrace me now
minimizing all my fears and i know
that all my doubts will disappear
there's nothing to conceal
it's real

Can't believe what i feel is real
feelings that's hard to conceal
i would hold you in my arms if you were mine forevermore

You and i
i never thought i'd fall for you
the best thing underneath the twinkling stars
my heart desires to be close to you
so you can take my hand and embrace me now
minimizing all my fears and i know
that all my doubts will disappear
there's nothing to conceal
it's real

Assignment. Semester 2.

Environmental Psychology group assignment :-
Syopz Corridor, Taylor's University Lakeside Campus.

This Christmas

John Lewis Christmas Advert






想到別的地方  讓思緒重組。
只能留在腦海裡  或消滅掉。


Romans 5:3-5 (NIV)

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

The King is in the Field!

Words and Music by John Dickson, GOZ

Before me lay the wheat fields
But my charge was to the corners and the edges
My inheritance waas lost
So I ventured out into the field to glean
A day of small beginning, a day of humble means
Still I was determined to do my best
With that was given me

But the King was in the field where I went to glean
The King was in the field and His eyes fell on me
And I beheld His majesty
His favour came down on me
He brought me from my labours
To the chambers of the King

At the threshing floor I laid myself down at His feet
He offered me the corners of His robe a covering
Restoring my provision and a song to sing
The covenant had been there all along
I just couldn't see

He brought me back now I've been redeemed
He secured my future took away my grief

The Better One

Torn between 2 decisions.
Both are not wrong.
One pleases me more.
But another one pleases God more.

You know, oftimes, choosing the better one causes more heartache and tears.

It takes sacrifices to follow Him.