
"But don't you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow."
Adam Levine, Lost Stars

An Interesting Friend

I left my laptop in class yesterday - after opened all the tabs to my final report but decided I'd rather socialise and rest than typing report. When I came back, my friend so kindly helped me with my "report".

Following is what he has typed:

Salvation to Revelation - A Testimony In Life
As a child living in the city for most of my life, I have come to realise many things that may seem boring to the average man, but poses a significance to my personal development as a whole. This report is a summary of the life experiences and lessons that I have encountered throughout my life as a children of Earth.

From Day One
One fine morning in the month of February in the year 1991, was the start of life for a curious and soon to be perfectionist. The world has yet to discover what’s installed in the future of it’s well-being. Born in the outskirts of a tropical country in the Southeast-asian region, infused with immense-heat resisting skin; and the tolerance of the near-extinct hornbills of the country’s jewels, a legend was starting to learn to roam this land…

Rebel to Bible
Living in an environment with mostly incense and idols for almost the entity of my current life, it was a funny story of how I met with the Lord. One fine Sunday morning, as I was practicing my daily routine of gardening in my household garden, my neighbour; Madam Kwan, suddenly was in a friendly mood, and we began to converse also immediately. She was talking about how we were neighbours but rarely do we organise neighbourhood activities that bring the community together, so she suggested that we can be the pioneers to change; be the leader in democracy; bring the community closer and united as a whole! This idea was highly inviting, but I rather pluck weeds attacking the bougainvilleas then be part of this ‘revolution’. Sorry, Madam Kwan.

Slowly But Surely
As days;weeks;months past by, I still continued on with my mundane routine of gardening and relaxing my day off before one day realising that there must be something more than just grass and worms in the world we live in, then the vision of community building suddenly came to mind, Madam Kwan.

Out of The ‘Comfort Zone’
Being the introvert-born that I am, I finally picked up courage to go up to Madam Kwan’s house and ring her doorbell to strike up a conversation with her. Just so happen it happens to be her Church’s Cell-Group meeting, despite that, she invited me in with open arms and introduced everyone of her cell-mates to me with an open heart and friendly smile. Then she started to explain what a cell-group meeting is, and how it relates to community building at a neighbourhood level.

The Transformation
From that day on, I’ve started to come for regular gatherings (cell-groups) at Madam Kwan’s. We normally start of with some jolly songs before every meeting and some of the songs were quite fun and catchy once you get the hang of it. We would normally have an ice-breaking session to foster the relationships between the people present and also talk about issues that concern us in the community we live in. I found this rather interesting and much more meaningful than plucking weeds during my spare time and I decided to invest more time into this activity. Occasionally they(the other cell-group members) would also discuss verses in the BIBLE(Basic Information Before Leaving Earth) and they would all discuss and interpret the issues in relation to the social context that we are living in; and surprisingly the solutions are also provided in this magical book (Bible) and the answer was very simple, Love one another.

Reaching Out
As a former weed-puller professional most of my life, I have finally found something worth sharing to others, ‘the Abundant Grace and Love that the Lord has given us’. The sheer excitement of sharing the gospel to others was overwhelming and also exciting at the same time! But nothing is really as simple as it seems, although the Gospel has worked wonders on me, but I have to also acknowledge the diversity of the population and understand that everyone has his/her own purpose in life and although the Gospel is for all to hear, but not all to understand.

Family and Friends
Accepting the Lord as my personal Lord and savior maybe a revelation in my life, but the views of the family may differ… Peer pressure from friends is also an underlying issue in the influence on my mental and physical life with people of the community and also colleagues. Cultural norms of the Chinese friends that I’m close with always have a habit of bashing themselves up, not sure whether to boost one’s self-esteem or just plain  negative mindsets. This phenomenon has erupted a fiery encouragement inside of me that must be shared and laid out on the table for all to see.




# # # # # # #

Amazing, isn't he?
Oh well, I'm always grateful for him being one of the first few friends I met in university.


Note to Myself

Sometimes I just have to keep reminding myself,
Keep it neutral, babe!
We'll see how it goes.

Ah My Dream

Reminds me of my dream to watch Broadway musical live one day.

Ah my love,
One day,
Some day,
I'll make it. 

What a beautiful song!

A Song that Resonates in Me

"Oh as you run, what hindered love will only become part of the story."

A beautiful song:-

Out of Hiding Father's Song 
by Steffany Gretzinger & Amanda Cook

It's the Matter of Perception

God knows what kind of words you need to hear to spark the dying fire in you
so He will use all methods to channel them to you.
You can choose to take it positively or negatively.
Your choice, determines it all - for God has bought you freedom on the cross.
He will never force you into something you don't want. 
If not, that would simply mean slavery, and that's ironic.


A song for you
Tell Your Heart to Beat Again

And yes, there is hope in Him who has it all.  






我不惧怕   我不畏缩   我不放弃

这一战   胜利在我!




The End | Sachié Amira

She is one of my most favourite local artists! 
However wild she may be, listening to her singing melts my heart all the times. :)

<3 div="">







Determined to master photography skills
so I can record every moments (of myself and the others)
to share with the rest of the world.
Photography speaks of things you cannot visualise
if taken through the right angle, perspectives, etc.
I want to master the skills
so no matter what kind of camera I'm using
I can still capture the quality of the photographs I wanted.


"The ultimate vengeance on the enemy is that whatever he tries against us only succeeds in making us bigger, better and stronger. When under attack, we focus on what the Father is giving us permission to become."
Graham Cooke, Coming into Alignment 








Grace. Peace. Trust.

"To rest in God's power when your own weaknesses seem to be screaming at you - that's grace! To be confident in who God is for you when you feel overwhelmed by odds against you - that's peace! To stand alone against massive intimidation - that's trust!"



不舍啊   又能如何?


此时此刻   只能耐心等待。


聽說思念 它可以穿越
時間空間 來到你身邊
季節更迭 複製的情節
我被困在名叫 寂寞的象限

有風吹過 是我呼喚誰
請呼應我 若是你此刻聽見
落葉翻飛 像一滴眼淚
我為你跋涉 無論路途多遙遠

你在什麼地方 望著哪片艷陽天
我寫下了心願 投遞在今夜的月
如果我有翅膀 我就會不顧一切 朝你飛

一秒鐘像一千年 (一秒鐘一千年) 你讓我太想念
永遠也不算永遠 千萬別說抱歉
我放任直覺 指引我的路線
我們最後 能不能遇見

一秒鐘像一千年 愛過才能體會
沒盡頭的世界 千萬別說再見
就算是幻覺 也要把這瞬間
愛得 很美


Letting go. No regrets. 

Though tears are overflowing,
I will not be moved.

Because I know,
obedience, patience and self-control
bear fruits that bring smile on His face.
All the courage that He has taught me
will walk me through this season.
Keep moving forward,
don't stop,
don't give up,
don't fear.


Whatever my soul would tell me, my spirit still believes.
To bring emotions into alignment with Yours isn't easy, but by the power of the Holy Spirit, it can be done.

Photo courtesy: 

PW's Jokes

Peter Wagner: 'You know what they call pastors over there in Germany??'
Crowd: *Silent*
P.W. : 'Say no.'
Crowd: 'No.'
P.W.: 'German Shepards.'
P.W.: 'This wasn't the joke, *Giggles*, this is the joke, this is a good religious joke man. Are you ready for this? Say yes.'
Crowd: ' Yes'

P.W.: 'Alright, About a century or 2 ago, the pope, decided that all the Jews had to leave Rome. Naturally is was an uproar for the Jewish community, so the pope made a deal. He would have a religious debate with the Jewish community. If the Jews won, so they could stay. If the pope won, the Jews could leave. The Jews realise they had no choice. They decided to pick a middle aged man named Moishi, to represent them. Moishi had one addition to the debate. To make the debate a lot more interesting, neither side were allowed to talk. The pope agreed.
The day of the great debate came. Moishi and the pope sat opposite of each other for a full minute before the pope raise his hand and point 3 fingers. Moishi looked back at him and raise 1 finger. The pope, raise his one finger, wave a circle around his head. Moishi pointed to the ground where he sat. The pope pulled out a waffle and a glass of wine. Moishi pulled out an apple. The pope stood up, he gave up and said this man is too good. The Jews can stay.
An hour later the people gathered around pope and ask the pope, what had happened. The pope said "First I pulled up 3 fingers to represent the Trinity, then he responded by pulled out one finger and reminded me of there is still one God in common of both of out religion. Then i waved with one finger around my head to tell him that God is all around us. Then he pointed to the ground to show that God is right here with us. Then I pulled out a glass of wine and a waffle to show that God lifts our sins. He pulled out an apple to remind me of the original sin. He had answer for everything. What could i do??
Meanwhile, The jewish community had crowded around Moishi, asked him, what happened there?? The He answered the pope showed, ' You have 3 days to get outta here. I told them only one of us is leaving! Then he told me that the whole city will be cleared of Jews! I let him know that we are staying right here!'
'Yes yes then what?' asked the crowd.
'Well i don't know' said Moishi. ' He took out his lunch and I took out mine.'

x x x x x 

If God is for us, who can be against us. He has His own creative ways to get things done through us even if we cannot understand/comprehend it.

Introducing AKMU

Akdong Musician

I like them already on the very first time I came across their video. :)



每個人都在奮鬥著   每個人都有自己的戰要打
因為幸福從周遭而來   愛從心裡發出


Some of my babies :3

I wish I can speed read and still capture all the essences. 
I wish I have time to read all the books I want to read. 


I want to go travelling!
So so much!


Sudden epiphany
She thought I am to a degree a perfectionist
But I thought I am not cause I couldn't get a thing done perfectly
Maybe my efforts in trying to perfect things
Or being discouraged/frustrated by the fact I couldn't
is an act of perfectionism by itself
Perfectionism is one of the characteristics of religious spirit
It drains you from the joy of doing for the advancement of His kingdom
It causes frustration during the process and obstructs the progress
It causes one to forget to be dependent on the God who is able
So yea, no more perfectionism







Repentance is turning from everything you used to seek life from, and turning to Jesus as the source of your life. - Robert Heidler

And then, He reminded me again.
He is my First Love.
He is all that I need & need to focus on.

It's not easy.
It's not easy at all.
All the breaking of the heart,
the wounds, the hurts, the pains,
but on the other side of my healing is a glorious being.
He is the Reason, the Hope, the Source,
for the power to press through and overcome.

Optimism Rules

Sometimes failure does not mean the end of something you're doing,
it's just part of a process,
and it can even be the beginning of something new.

Never give up hope!

An Afterthought

Endless assignments.
Due dates after due dates.
How much time I have left for myself?
Set your focus right, babe.



I wish things were still as simple as 123. Sigh.

Poverty = Piety?!

To convince Christians to believe the lie that piety equals poverty, the spirit of poverty would have to convince us that Jesus, our role model, was poor. Amazingly, this demon has had tremendous success in doing that. We usually think of His being born in a manger or at one point saying that He had no place to lay His head as evidence. Larry Hutch sums up this false mind-set: "We have religiously and traditionally taught that Jesus was poor, so Christians should be poor."

Hutch goes on to point out that Mary and Joseph first went to the inn to get a room. That means they must have had money to pay for the room.

Regarding the wise men and the gifts they brought to Jesus, Hutch writes, "God was not the only priceless gift they offered Christ. Frankincense and myrrh are also precious substances. Furthermore, according to Matthew 2:1, there could have been many wise men. These gifts could have ensured that Jesus and His family lived in comfort." Why shouldn't we see that as a supernatural transference of wealth?

Consider the fact that Joseph later took his family on an unexpected two-year trip to Egypt. That certainly required substantial costs for which he had not previously budgeted. And when Jesus was ministering later on, He had a treasury that financed His ministry team.

No, the idea that Jesus was poor is a myth. He was prosperous and yet He was pious! This is not good news to the spirit of poverty.

The rest of the Bible affirms the same thing, as Chuck Pierce and Robert Heidler point out:
The Bible teaches in no uncertain terms that poverty is a curse, and the Father does not want His children walking under a curse.
         There is a lot of crazy thinking in the Church about this! Let me make this clear. Poverty does not make us holy. Most of the holy men in the Bible were not poor. Abraham was rich. Apart from one brief period of adversity, Job lived his life in incredible abundance. David was a king who enjoyed tremendous wealth. Paul had tremendous success as a church planter. He started many churches and saw many of them grow to thousands of members. All along he boasted that he had all the supplies he needed. 

C. Peter Wagner, The Church in the Workplace

Rest Stop

Sometimes when things get so overwhelming, I really wish I can just get a big bearly hug.
Sometimes it just feels as if I have nowhere to unload what have been piling up inside of me.

But I know, there is a Well, a Well of Living Water, where I can drink and be revived again. 
When His presence cannot be felt, it's time to put our faith to test. 
I will pass this test with victory.


Introducing TobyMac. :)

And the greatest forgiveness comes from the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross for us.

Yes, forgiveness doesn't come by easily. But knowing your identity in Christ will enable you to do so. Freely He came and gave it all. We who were made in the likeness of His, likewise, have the power and ability to do the same.


Double Fourteens and Deliverance

by Ron and Teddy Sawka
Arise 5 Weekly Update: April 14, 2014 / Nissan 14, 5774
Double Fourteens and Deliverance

As I began to write this, I noticed today's date has two “14s” in it (April 14, 2014). The number 14 is linked with deliverance. In Exodus 12, we read that they celebrated the first Passover on the fourteenth day of the month. They were to kill the lamb, sprinkle its blood on the mantel and doorposts, and roast and eat it that evening. The judgment of the Lord would then pass over them. He would strike the firstborn of Egypt, but not in a house that was covered by the blood of the lamb. This resulted in being set free from slavery. Not only were they liberated, but the Lord also began to lead them out. They crossed over into a new life. Since then, Passover has always been associated with deliverance. Note that in Acts 12, Peter was set free from prison during Passover.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread: Getting Rid of Wrong Things

“Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth” (1 Cor. 5:7–8).

Passover took place on the fourteenth day of Nissan. The week-long Feast of Unleavened Bread followed. For that week, the people were to make sure they rid their homes of all leaven, which represents sin or our sin nature. One of the ways of celebrating Passover week is to expectantly ask the Lord to search and remove the weaknesses, bad habits, and sins that trouble you.

In verse 8 above, leaven is tied to malice and wickedness. Ask the Lord to show you any areas of malice (any feeling of bitterness or ill will) or wickedness (twisted or rebellious places). That leaven must be removed. Not even a trace of it should be in us. Exodus 13:7 states that leaven shouldn't even be within the borders.

Lord, we ask You to help us be aware of, and to remove, any of the old leaven. The more we get rid of wrong things, the more we can walk in sincerity and truth and can walk closer with You!

Thanks for praying.

Ron and Teddy Sawka

Blessings at Passover

Below are several blessings we can expect during Passover:
  • Deliverance. Remember where we came from. Say, “Lord, Thank You for this year; thank You for how you delivered me in the past, and for the many ways You will deliver me this year.” Every Passover, expect new a level of deliverance. Peter was set free from prison in Acts 12. Is anything (e.g., a bad habit) holding you back? Believe for deliverance.
  • Passover is a time of crossing over (e.g., the Red Sea, the Jordan River in Joshua 4–5). Realize that you are crossing into something new. Here in Japan, we are definitely crossing into a brand new season.
  • Reproach is being rolled away (Josh. 5:9). Any old sense of failure that is still a part of our identities that is allowed to remain will hinder us. Jesus wants to roll that off of us.
  • New provision (Exod. 12:34–36; Josh. 5:10–12). Each Passover is a time when the Lord wants to bless us with new provision. Look for it; expect it!
  • New intimacy with the Lord, and new strategy.

I am free!

Silence the voice of the enemy, not God's. 

For the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy.
BUT God comes to bring life and life abundantly!
Therefore, we don't have to listen to the voice that repeatedly speaks death into our lives.
One small word can fail the enemy because we serve a God who is alive and powerful!

You're free to shout and laugh for joy!
You're meant to rejoice in God always!

Wowlentine Day

Such fun posing for photos within a time limit (5 seconds interval).

The middle photo in the right column is the result of the rest not being able to get the props and back on time. *Laugh* But such miracle for it to turn out so nice! Woots! *Amazed* And by the way, the quality is superb. Totally satisfied! :D

A free event organised by Wow Photobooth at Publika on Saturday 22.2.2014.
All thanks to

Do you want to build a snowman?

While watching Frozen with my friends the other day, I was quite annoyed by the little girl who falls in love SO EASILY. Very annoyed. Then while re-watching the video clip of the song "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" (Yes I love that song a lot :D), I suddenly realised it's because the girl has had a very lonely and I would say, quite love-less childhood. Hence, she is easily touched by whoever treats her nicely and thinks it's true love. Sadly and unfortunately, this is what most modern day children are facing.

Another thing is that parents need to learn to educate their children righteously and wisely. Concealment of truth and suppression are never the best ways to teach children.

Parents ARE important. 
Don't neglect your children.
They are the hope of the future.

Let it go

Such famous.
Much covers.

Just a few that I like. 






This is why I'm not worried

 Jeremiah 29:11-13

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

Oh yeah! :D





未成熟的果子   採不得
果子   看似可口香甜
充滿誘惑   讓人嚮往

心想   可能早熟?
若不摘下   或許怠慢了
蛀蟲了   又或許過熟了

勿怕勿躁勿急   一切是有定時
若是土地肥沃   好收穫是必然
要堅信不要疑   撒種必有收割
勿為自私慾望   得少了該有的

未成熟的果子   不能採

Alignment with the Holy Spirit

taken from Experiencing the Spirit by Robert Heidler

I believe it's safe to say that
No matter how much you know about the Bible,
No matter how much you discipline yourself,
No matter how hard you try to serve and please God,
if you are not properly related to the Spirit of God, the Christian life will not work for you. That's because the Christian life is not a ritual or a set of teachings but a relationship - a relationship with God through His Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit was given to make the Christian life experiential - to make Jesus real, not only in your understanding but also in your life.

Making Firstfruits Practical

Taken from

One of the most misunderstood concepts in the Word of God is Firstfruits.  This was God's way of saying to us, "If  you will give your best, I will make sure you enter into the best that I have for you!"  Each month at Glory of Zion International we enter into a Firstfruits Celebration.  We always release the blessings associated with the month and offer the Lord the best we have to give. 
Global Spheres is built upon a Firstfruits understanding.  Peter has written an awesome article to help you understand the concept of Firstfruits, "Making Firstfruits Practical".  You will enjoy reading that article below.

Chuck D. Pierce


C. Peter Wagner

Chuck Pierce

The Global Spheres Prospectus states that the two requirements for maintaining membership in GSI are "gathering" and "giving."  The "giving" part is not a legalistic tithe or set amount of dues, but rather voluntary firstfruits giving.  For many GSI members, the concept of firstfruits giving is a new thought, and they have asked for explanation.  Consequently, I have decided to do this paper to help in both orientation and application.


By necessity, I am writing this essay primarily to Christian believers who are generous givers.  I know ahead of time that I may not have a huge audience because sociological surveys show that a surprising majority of those who consider themselves practicing Christians do not so much as tithe their income to God.  In fact, giving among U.S. church members across the board has been under 3% of their income for decades.  This is sad because believers who do not at least tithe their income, despite all the other good qualities they might display, cannot expect God to move them into their full destiny because they are choosing to rob Him.  I am aware that there are those who might argue that this concept falls outside of the covenant of grace because the warning about "robbing God" comes from Malachi who was under the Old Testament law.  I am not convinced.  Suffice it to say that such people, with very few exceptions, are hoping to make their stinginess sound reasonable and religiously acceptable.  This essay is not for them.

            Rather, I am addressing those of us (Yes, I include myself here!)  who consider the tithe as a bare minimum and who, year in and year out, give considerably more than the first 10% of their income to the kingdom of God.  Most of us in that category have habitually referred to our giving as "tithes and offerings," considering the first 10% as tithe and the rest as offerings.  Up to recently, however, very few of us were more than marginally aware that a further biblical principle of giving was firstfruits.  I had heard and read comments on firstfruits from several leaders over the years, but none of them seemed to move me to action.  In face, some of them even seemed to contradict one another.

            However, in recent years two leaders have brought firstfruits front and center in my thinking and action.  One was Chuck Pierce who, in his Glory of Zion Outreach Center in Denton, Texas, began a monthly firstfruits celebration under the Hebrew concept of Rosh Chodesh.  The other was Robert Henderson of Wellsprings Church in Colorado Springs, who has specialized in teaching and practicing firstfruits for many years.  His book on the subject, Caused Blessing, has my nomination as the current key textbook in the field.

To Whom Do We Give?

As Henderson shows in his book, the Bible contains more specific information on firstfruits than most of us had thought.  The principle is so clear that I believe that regularly giving firstfruits should be considered as necessary a part of worshipping God with our material possessions as are tithes and offerings.  If we are serious about our faith and about our desire to please the Father, we'll give all three habitually.

            Most of us who tithe have recognized that our tithe is supposed to go to the storehouse.  Yes, there are some legitimate differences of opinion as to what the "storehouse" in each one of our lives might be, but most of us have interpreted it as our local church, and this is what I practice.  I am not aware of any specific guidelines as to where our offerings, namely gifts over the 10% tithe, are to go.  I think this is at the discretion of the giver.


This brings us to firstfruits.  The first mention of firstfruits in the Bible is Leviticus 23:10, "When you come into the land which I give to you, and reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest."  The priest, then, is the one who receives firstfruits.  A much more detailed explanation of this is given in Numbers 18 where the giving of tithes and the giving of firstfruits are contrasted with each other.

            For example, here is what it says about tithes:  "Behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tithes in Israel as an inheritance in return for the work which they perform, the work of the tabernacle of meeting" (Numbers 18:21).  While it may not be an airtight case, I believe it is reasonable to conclude that our functional equivalent to Levites today would be the pastors of our local churches.

            How about firstfruits?   All of Numbers 18 is a quote-unquote word of the Lord to Aaron, the high priest.  God is telling Aaron how he and his offspring will be remunerated for the priestly work to which He has assigned them.  Among other things, this is what God says:  "All the best of the oil, all the best of the new wine and the grain, their firstfruits which they offer to the Lord, I have given them to you.  Whatever first ripe fruit is in their land, which they bring to the Lord, shall be yours" (Numbers 18:12-13).  Again, this may not be an airtight case, but today's equivalent to yesterday's high priest is most likely the apostle.  A strong hint of this comes in Hebrews 3:1, "Consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus."  This seems to equate apostles, a New Testament office, with high priests, an Old Testament office.

            What principle can we derive from this?  Our firstfruits should be directed to those with whom we are spiritually aligned, ideally to the apostles whom God has assigned to oversee our lives and ministries and to whom we are accountable.  Granted, not all segments of the church recognize the office of apostle, but all do have structures in which those who are over us can readily be indentified.  It is to those persons that I believe our firstfruits should be directed.

            On a personal note, my wife, Doris, and I practice firstfruits giving.  We are apostolically aligned with Chuck Pierce in Global Spheres, so we give firstfruits to GSI on a regular basis.  We are also members of Glory of Zion, and they have our ordination papers, so we give firstfruits at certain Rosh Chodesh celebrations.

When Do We Give?

The original design of firstfruits is that they were given at the beginning of the harvest of whatever crop happened to be ripening, as well as the firstborn of livestock.  The tithe, on the other hand, was given after the harvest.  However in an urbanized society these agrarian guidelines need interpretation and adaptation.  One principle would be that firstfruits should be given regularly, at least on an annual basis for each crop that ripens.  That would turn out to be several times a year, and the Glory of Zion Rosh Chodesh celebration at the beginning of each month would be one good way to systematize it.  How is this done?   The congregation gathers in a festive mood on Saturday night for joyous worship, prophetic ministry, spontaneous intercession, warm fellowship, and a time of cheerful giving.  Are the members of the church grumpy, saying "All this church talks about is money!"?  Just the opposite!  The members rejoice in God's provision so that they can continue living their exciting lifestyle of giving, giving, and giving!

How Do We Give?

One thing about firstfruits, it cannot be legalistic like the tithe.  The tithe is easy to determine, just calculate 10% of your income.  Suppose, in Old Testament days, a farmer had one acre of barley.  It all gets ripe at the same time, and he wants to give firstfruits to the Lord.  But since the Bible doesn't give us a formula for calculating it, the farmer has to use his or her own judgment.  Leviticus does mention "a sheaf."  This would be adequate, but not particularly generous because it would hardly provide one meal for the priest and his family.  My guess would be that some of the more openhanded would harvest their barley, throw it on the threshing floor, and what the ox would tread out the first morning or the first day would be firstfruits for the priests.  However, that's just a guess.

            I mention that because this list I am giving you is just a guess as well.  You have to use your own judgment.  The more generous the better, because you will reap what you sow.  It's better to err by giving too much than too little.  But God doesn't expect us to give the whole acre of barley.  He wants us and our families to prosper in our personal lives as well.

            So here are some suggestions.  They are not intended to be legalistic, but rather they are simply to help you develop a mindset of firstfruits giving.
  • When you get a raise, give the full amount of the raise as firstfruits.  Suppose you have been getting a pay check of $1,000 per week, and you get a raise to $1,100.  The extra $100 in your first pay check is firstfruits.  This does not substitute for your tithe on your normal amount of income—it is over and above the tithe.
  • If you make a new investment, give the first month's or quarter's returns on the investment as firstfruits.  If you lose, reinvest your returns to repay your loss, then after you are even, give the first returns in the black as firstfruits.
  • If you get a new job, give your first day's or week's or month's wages as firstfruits.  The principle is to give something, but you decide the amount.  In any case it should be significant, and definitely more than if you just tithed what you receive in your first paycheck.
  • If you publish a book either give a good portion of your advance or if you don't get an advance, give your first royalty check as firstfruits.  If you self-publish, give your earnings on the first box of books that you sell as firstfruits.  You might even give the gross sales instead of the net profit on that first box of books..
  • Suppose you're into real estate and you buy a house, fix it up, sell it, and make $80,000.  In your business plan, this $80,000 is not personal income, but investment capital to buy more homes.  Because it's not personal income, you don't tithe it, but how about firstfruits?  It's up to you, but my thought would be to give a chunk, like $5000 or $10,000 as firstfruits and reinvest the rest.
  • Some people, and I fit into this category, regularly give much more than the basic 10% of their personal income as their "tithe."  I put "tithe" in quotation marks because tithe literally means 10%, but you might be giving 20% or 30% or more.  Rick Warren for example, has said that his income stream is so large that he can "tithe" 90% off the top and live on just 10%.  If you are tithing more than 10%, your firstfruits giving to those with whom you are aligned spiritually can come from these funds in whatever amount you determine, as well as giving additional firstfruits from some of the other things on this list if God prospers you in that way.
  • Maybe you are just scraping by, living on a fixed income like Social Security.  You're not buying real estate or making investments or writing books.  Even so, the first thing to do is to tithe your 10%.  Then the principle becomes giving some firstfruits, not the amount.  Suppose that from time to time you give a $10.00 or a $20.00 bill to a person with whom you are aligned spiritually and say "I want you to have this.  It is my firstfruits."  God will honor that just as much as the $10,000 the real estate agent gives.  But in all cases be sure that you give something on a fairly regular basis.
  • I have been teaching that we should all strive for at least five streams of income.  If you reach this goal, be sure to keep firstfruits in mind for each of the five streams (or more, if that is the case) separately.
  • What if you are doing contract labor?  You might give the first payment on each contract as firstfruits, then tithe the rest that you make.
  • If you get an unexpected gift through the mail or a bonus, it may be good to give firstfruits from that rather than a tithe.

Should You Give in Order to Get?

A prominent theme throughout the Bible is that God blesses those who are generous and vice versa.  Take, for example, Proverbs 11:24-25:  "There is one who scatters yet increases more; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty.  The generous soul will be made rich."  Surprisingly, statements like this tend to disturb some believers.  They feel that it might be somewhat disreputable to entertain any notion that by giving to God, He might give back to you.  They are worried that our motive might not be primarily to serve God and to worship Him through giving, but that it could cross the line into greed and selfishness.  They are concerned that certain ungodly leaders could use this for manipulating donors.

            Undoubtedly, these are helpful warnings against carnality and excess.  But they should not lead to the conclusion that God prefers that His people be poor or just scraping along rather than rich.  There is a pernicious Spirit of Poverty out there who is an evil agent of Satan assigned to persuade believers that poverty is directly related to piety, and, tragically, it has been rampant in our churches at least since the Middle Ages.  This Spirit of Poverty needs to be sharply rebuked and we should determine to move in the opposite spirit which is the Spirit of Prosperity.  Look closely at how giving firstfruits is designed by God to lead to prosperity:  "Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine" (Prov. 3:9-10).  It is hard to take this scripture at face value and miss the obviously intended cause and effect relationship.  Accuse me of being greedy if you wish, but scriptures like this make me want to be a firstfruits giver more than ever!

            Let's conclude by looking at one of the most quoted Bible verses in churches of every stream when it comes time to receive the weekly offering: "Give and it will be given to you: in the same measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over" (Luke 6:38).   This sounds very much like a promise, and from none other than Jesus.  In my Bible it is in red letters.  In applying this, it is good to keep in mind that the giving referred to here is giving your own money.  Consequently it does not include your tithe, which is not actually your money, but God's.  This word about receiving more than you give is directed toward offerings and firstfruits, over and above the tithe.  Consequently, if you are not tithing, you cannot qualify for the promise of Luke 6:38.  But if you do qualify, God invites you to give with a pure heart, why?   In order to receive what He returns to you.  If you do have a pure heart, what will you do with the abundance?  Of course, you will give more in order to advance God's kingdom here on earth.

            God designed generous firstfruits giving for His kingdom's purposes.  And as you move into the process, He will be able to bless you and your family as well!


Disconnect Emotions and Look to the Other Side!

Prophecy given on: January 04, 2014 in Corinth, TX by Chuck Pierce, Deborah DeGar, Brian Kooiman, DeeDee Roberts, Diane Roussel, Tobias Lyons

The Lord says you’ve been looking for a needle in a haystack. And I say to you I Am causing you to get past the straw and build on a new foundation. I say quit spending your time looking for that which you can’t find. I say because you keep looking for what you can’t find you’re missing the supply to build with what you need to build. I say to you this is a season to build on a different foundation, a firm foundation and from that place I will put iron in your legs to stand saith the Lord.

For the Lord says I Am bringing forth new alignments and they will be the alignments that you did not know of. And they will be alignments that will even be strain for you saith the Lord but they will be the alignments that I have set in your pathway. For they will be the new order saith the Lord for there was an order that you walked in, in a past season that you chose the pathway that you would walk in and you even chose your alignments saith the Lord.

But this is a season that I Am choosing for you and I say to you even now begin to listen to My Voice, begin to hear what it is that I Am saying. For I will cause that to be an army that will be aligned and arrayed in this season as you have never been arrayed before. For I Am cloaking you afresh and anew and I’m placing a fresh new mantle upon you and I Am even causing your garments to be changed saith the Lord.

So do not continue to look for the old, do not continue to look for the familiar, do not continue to look for that which I have caused in a past season this is a new day saith the Lord and I will do it even in a new way. The Lord says the new way is My Way says the Spirit of the Living God.
For I would even say look again at relationships those that you have decided as one way look again because I Am changing each person even in your network. Some you will connect in a new way that you never thought you would, others you may move on past and it be for another season. Look and discern carefully what the Lord has for you in this season and how to connect. Wait, wait for a time and look as the path begins to form and the relations begin to form. Don’t connect too quickly because you’ll see through past eyes. Let Me change your vision let Me change your eyes as you begin to look into each person, each soul because I Am doing a work and have done a work in this last season that you know not of. There is a deep work that I have begun and it’s been in this last season and now if you look with fresh eyes you will look and see what I have done. So wait before you begin to connect in this season, wait and let Me show you what I have done and discern through their spirit what is done there.

For so it was in the last season that the enemy shattered the vessel that you are and you have felt like your pierces were scattered on the ground a thousand pieces and could not be put back together. But it is My Word, it is My Glory, it is My Grace that is the glue that gathered up your pieces and put them back together for so it is that there is no gap in who you are in your tomorrow for that gap is Me. So go forth in the Glory that I have established for you, for you will be victorious.

Cast your net on the other side, you’ll be surprised what you will find, cast your net on the other side, you’ll be surprised what you will find, the treasure was not in the place you sought and sought before, cast your net on the other side, you’ll be surprise what you will find.

The Lord says now is a season you have a choice, you can either decide to disconnect your emotions and move forward or you can find yourself in lack. He says if you move forward in this season with the emotions that you had from last year then those nets that you throw out are going to come out empty. He said you either disconnect or you find yourself cycling back again and again and again.

On Worry

“Worry is refusing the given. Today’s care, not tomorrow’s, is the responsibility given to us, apportioned in the wisdom of God. Often we neglect the thing assigned for the moment because we are preoccupied with something that is not our business just now. How easy it is to give only half our attention to someone who needs us – friend, husband, or little child – because the other half is focused on a future worry.” - Elisabeth Elliot

Mind of A Saint

by Graham Cooke
Your language has to be in alignment with Heaven. The first thing we teach in Prophecy School 101 is you can't prophesy over people if you are slandering or gossiping. If you want to get brilliant prophetic words over people, stop gossiping, stop slandering, stop speaking against people, quit all that negativity, and if you can, stop whining! A fountain can't bring forth both sweet water and bitter.

Moving forward

You feel the lack
You search for something new
You try, you change
No doubt you will benefit
But it isn't going to bring you far
You're not gonna find something new
In the old