
I always like to be surrounded by nature. Do you know? Nature makes a good friend. It's colours calm your anxiety, it's growth gives you hopes, it's life reminds you of God's faithfulness and creativity. Especially animals, only by watching them interact with each others and grow up healthily, make me look to God in awe. God tells us stories of each animals, how He takes good care of their needs. Are we not more valuable than them? Then why fear and worry God's grace will not be sufficient for your whole life?

Owls. Every aspect of them captures my heart. Some parts of the world think owls bring bad omens and death, and some associate them with wisdom. But no matter how the world views them, they survive. And this is God's love.

Even the owls know how to love, why can't we?
I seriously love the sharpness in it's eyes, how it fixes it's eyes on it's preys. We, too, should focus on Christ.
Don't let the fast-paced lifestyle damages your health. Remember the Sabbath.
I guess everyone needs to be pampered? =)

I love owls.


"-cMy-" said...

KH~ I just start to ♥ owls~ But then most of the people tell me owls are not a lucky symbol. It even means death is coming. =.= But I still like it~~ Esp those rings and stuff with little owls~ Awwwww.. xD

KeeHung said...

Yep. Owls are quite a bad omen for certain communities. They believe when you see owls around someone is going to die or meet some awful predicaments/illness. But some, especially the Greeks,not very sure though, believe owls are the symbols of wisdom because of Athena, who is their goddess of wisdom and strategy of war, has owl as her symbol. But nevermind. God created them and they are lovely creatures. =)