My Deepest Love for You

Your contagious laughter, your promising encouragements,
Your soft voice, and the sweet melody from your violin,
When and how can I hear them again except refreshing back the old pieces of my memories?

My heart ached when I heard your mother passed away,
But now that you are gone, even tears cannot comfort my soul.
You are too young still, you have dreams unfulfilled,
But regret not. God knows you have run a victorious race,
That is why you are there with Him now.
I miss you dearly but my heart fills with joy knowing you will be in the arms of our Father in heaven forever.

I love you.



I think I should stop complaining about the trials given to me.

Rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. 

Romans 5:3-5

Love her. Make her smile.

Learned this very phrase from one of my friends: If you like seeing her smiling, don't teach her how to cry then. Basically, it is not letting someone you love and appreciate feels down/sad.  Quite true though. In reality, often we will see people become moody or even jump off from buildings in the great name of love. But do they ever think of this before? People who love you will not let you cry. Those who will make you cry are not worth your tears. Of course it is not telling you to be a robot, feeling no sadness even after some sort of breaking ups. It is an experience to love and to be hurt. You will definitely feel emotional after all the heartaches. But then, after crying for a few days, weeks, months or even years, there is something you will need to learn - let go what is not meant for you. God generously gave his promise that he will not separate those he joins together. So why fear you will not meet Love again?

Nothing special.

It's 10 October 2010. I wonder what is so special about it? It depends, I guess.

Thank You Lord

I think I am happy. Yes, I do. I am happy.
God is good. I thank Thee. =)

A Translator

Merely a translator I am,
Bridge between different ethnic groups.
Main task: Translating and conveying words
Aliens to my thoughts.
My ears observe and my tongue follows instructions
given by speakers of various languages.
It may sound poetic, with rhyme and rhythm,
Or even with adequate political or religious knowledge,
But none represents my own.

The voice - unheard.

Would You Lord

Would you still look on me with love after witnessing all my failures and weaknesses?
Would you cover me with hopes and peace when I am disappointed with myself and my work?
Would you colour my life if ever my world is becoming grey and is fading slowly?
Would you continue to water and nurture my soul if my flower is slow to bloom?
Would you still walk that extra miles with me when I am being indecisive and emotional at times?
Would you patiently correct me and wipe out the shame on my face when I am wrong again?
Would you kindly remind me of your presence if ever I am diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease?
Would you still proudly tell the world that I am your child when the whole world abhors me?
Would you mind to take this broken heart and mend it with your unconditional love?
Would you care if the only thing I could offer up to you is incomplete but is my all?

Oh God, I know you will never forsake me for you are faithful. 


It is ironic just how I am trying to be more cheerful and optimistic but I cannot. Sadness and its friends, they keep haunting me, though not every second. I am weary and tired but where can I find my refuge? Nothing seems right lately. I am worried and I am scared. But I have no one to turn to. Not that I do not have friends, but everyone has his/her things to bother. I really do not want to worry them. But I cannot stand alone. How can I ever think that I can walk this solo journey? I am not that strong after all. =(

Faith, where are you?
Hope, I really need you now.
Love, you seem so far away from me. 





少了回忆  我们谁也不是
没有自己  一切都无所谓了


I came across this statement few days ago, which made me realised that there are just too many things beyond my understandings.
Rumours build up your character. Rumours tells me what kind of person you are. Rumours are sometimes true. Rumours are so intriguing that people always like to hear. Rumours has it that you are worthless as a friend. I'm lucky I'm not your friend. I never owe anything to you as a friend and never will as I believe being friends, there is no need to be calculative.
Indeed there is no need to be calculative as a friend. But then, again, as a friend, how can a person be so judgmental, judging his/her own friends based on what rumours say? Rumours are told by strangers who think they know and understand you. Rumours do not recognise the truth but follow the flows blindly.

It is sad when you finally come to a conclusion that your friends trust what others have said rather than You, their friend. As for me, I believe no one has the right to judge others, including creating rumours about them. Often what you see or hear is not really what it really is. How can you be so sure of a person's thoughts or feelings when you are not he/she in reality? God created every human uniquely and each part is built complexly. Nothing is so, is so. "Hey, I hear rumours about you." What's next? It will never end as people never stop gossiping. Silly creatures. Instead of believing bruits why not we take an initiative to befriend the person and understand him/her starting from beginning, without any prejudice? Every human is imperfect, the only difference is degree of imperfection. But no matter how bad you may label a person, in truth, he/she still has values which we can learn from, experiences which can help us grow, personalities which we admire.

It cannot be denied that communication and interaction are one of the hardest tasks in our lives. Selecting even a person to trust amongst all the others takes great courage and faith. I must admit that sometimes even I doubt the sincerity shown by others. However, without the first step, the future is a mere dream.



不要学习没关系  因为它不懂得事情的严重性  不懂得把握
不要让寂寞窜进  因为它没有与人共处的天赋  只会让你越陷越深
不要与后悔缠上  因为它模糊了未来的焦点  将使你失去更多
更不要相信如果  因为它是童话  没有根据没有推动力  反倒让你绝望


Back to Basic

Preserve the child-like faith
Trusting God to provide =)

Missing You

How does it feel like missing someone?
You cannot help it but to feel like losing parts of yourself gradually.

How does it taste like when you think of someone?
I guess it tastes bitter sweet, so near yet so far away.

But who really cares?

I Love My Randomness

Semester exam starts next Monday. Then, first AS paper, 29 October. Can you imagine how fast time travels? Honestly, I can comfort you not to worry about all the coming exams but I cannot do it to myself. Seriously I am desperate for improvements. I am stressed, now. Maybe I am depressed also. I wonder how long should I endure all these? Learning should be fun but why am I feeling so moody? This is so wrong.

Books = Stress? No I don't think so. I love reading though. After exam I am so going to enjoy myself for a while, doing all the things I like and feel like doing. =)

Ahh... Well, yesterday I decided wake up early to do my revision so I asked mummy to give me a morning call when she wakes up. So today she called. To cut everything short, she called twice. First at 6.00am, next 6.30am. I woke up at 6.45am. Mission failed. When I called her later in the afternoon to report the outcome of the experiment, she told me she almost overslept this morning (she went back to sleep after she called me). So I came to a conclusion. Like mother like daughter. It is genetic heredity.

I know this is random but I still want to mention it.


I crave for one.
I desire for one.
I need one. =(

Oh, by the way, how do YOU think of Bible? I think most of us tend to take Bible for granted. Anyway, we can get one whenever we want. But this is not true. If you are aware of the current situations in most of the countries, Christians are oppressed and persecuted. Holding a Bible itself is luxurious. Not to mention gather together to praise and worship God. Many are charged for owning Bibles. They are thrown into jail for singing praises to God. Their eyes see their loved ones suffer and die just because they refuse to renounce their Christian faith. Despite all these predicaments, they still hope and cling on to their faith. They witness God’s divine mercy everyday for being able to catch a glimpse of the morning sunshine.

These people, they are our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are linked by the blood of Jesus on the cross. We may not be able to stop the persecutions but there are things we can do, and we ought to do it. The most powerful one is through prayers. Get on your knees and PRAY for them. They need it. You think that you are too insignificant and weak to change the world? Yes, you are. Do not doubt it. That is why we need God. And God is not for us alone. So, again, pray for the people in other countries. They need the Lord.

Now the place you live may be peaceful and harmony. People seem to be able to tolerate and accept you being a Christian but who knows what will happen in the future? Equip yourself with God’s word. Put on the armour and prepare to defend your own faith for we are all the soldiers of the victorious God. God is our only hope.

Freedom may be limited but dreams are ubiquitous.
My dream, for God.