The Great Architect

You design every incidence with subtle purposes I do not know. It seems to me as if everything is following your train of thought perfectly. Yes, they mess up my schedule almost thoroughly but I see Your hands at work. I shall not fear but trust because You allow no flaws to be made anyways.

Sculpt me as You will.

Father Father, Hear My Prayer.

This weary soul I surrender to you O Lord. Take my hand. Tell me what to do.
Help me.

Sufferings. Blessings.

Don't quit before the blessing. - Byrd Baggett

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. Romans 5:1-5

Again, God reminded me of his faithfulness. Often our eyes are too fixed on our failure and defeat until we overlook the abundant blessings that God has poured out on us. It is rather silly to do so because we cannot move on and achieve better undertakings if we were to stay in the past continuously. Every scene our eyes see, every taste our tongues detect, every disparagement our souls take, every joy our hearts leap for, everything, they are the puzzle pieces that form the path of our yesteryear. Memories, they are entailed to make our lives more meaningful and interesting, albeit not all pleasant, they are not to become our encumbrances which impede us from savouring the fruit of today and sowing the seed for tomorrow.

Look to Jesus if you think you have nothing positive to look to.


Cupcakes Spree! 
(Precaution: Prepare a handkerchief/tissue paper.)


The Bird of Minerva.

Hello Kitty Kitty~


Again, strawberries!

Buy me a rose and marry me.

I guess winter is over. Snowman is melting...

Ahh... Who did this to my apples?

O Cupcake, thou art lovely dessert.

Cookie Monster! My favourite Sesame Street character. =D

I will definitely visit Japan one day.

A flower a day keeps your heart blossom.

Hey Mr Colourful Robot!



I think I have a secret affair with strawberry. =X

Threesome. Twins.

Cupcakes with accessories?

Green Tea~ Nyah I miss you!

Triangular shaped, hmmm... This is odd. =D

Joyful moment is when you have Jesus in your heart.

So cute~!

Owh my heart yearn for thee.

Berries and Marshmallow turn out to be best friends for no reasons.

 *Heart melts*
 I guess this will be my task when the holiday starts.

Disclaimer: All pictures above are taken online.

By the way, they remind me of a verse in Psalms.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; 
blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him."
Psalm 34:8


Still, in awe of God's magnificence.

From the rising of the sun...

God's promise.

to the going down.

Breaking spell.

Hey that's my room over there! xD

Beautiful sunset yesterday.

Sunshine all over the land.

Blessing! whoever is reading this. =)

Waves of Excitation.

Note, sarcasm is lying beneath the title. 

O Lord, help me to fight this battle triumphantly.

Let's see who has the tougher armor:
My Shield - God.
 My Helmet - Jesus.
My Sword - The Holy Ghost.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the power of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
Ephesians 6:10-12

And you?


I have to say, examinations are rather fattening.


What You Do Best.

Photo taken by Ahmad Kavousian

You never fail to make my heart smiles no matter how negative it feels right now.

That's your superpower.

A Lesson for A Lifetime

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:33-34
God gives us the ability to dream. The sensation of achieving one's dream is like an infant succeeds in making his mother carries him when she refuses to. (I know this is a very weird simile but who cares!) However, if we are too obsessed in attaining the trophy hereafter, we can easily overlook what we have in hand currently. God gives us dreams so that we may have hope for tomorrow, not to hinder us from enjoying today by worrying and immersing ourselves in fear unnecessarily. He has already taken care of everything after all.

Present is a more reliable gift than future. Take it. Love it. =)


A2 starts officially! Hopefully this one month of fighting will win me a ticket to the UK. I believe, by God's grace, all things can be done. He will faithfully guide me through the most challenging times, just as He has promised.

Enjoy it! 





Songs of the Nature.

I heart the sound of it. Oh certainly I do. It sings you a lullaby at night and during daytime, it washes your worries and restlessness away. All you would want to do then is to stop and be filled with amazement, wherever you are,whatever you are doing. Sometimes it brings about the scent of the earth which refreshes your soul and you know instantly you are close to the Mother Nature. The wind, the wind, you cannot see it but oh when it blows, the softness of its touch sparks off even the most tranquil of your heart. I especially love it when it starts drizzling before the dawn breaks. Then I know, even in my sleep, that I am still alive and that my Father is looking after me, humming gently the sweet melody of His love to my ear.

The world claims wealth and delectation more than what the Heaven can offer yet none can portray even the slightest conviction in the gentleness of His creations. It is God pouring out His love and grace on you. It is a promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you.

When the MayFlower Blooms.

Time passes by rather swiftly. Sometimes I wonder if Time a thief, sneaking and peeking at you in a dark corner. He steals your precious seconds without giving you any further minute notice. The hour when you have finally realised it, sorry it's too late for regrets.

Mayhap the time has come for me to really stay focus on my priority and procrastinate no more. No regrets should be found when I look back in the future. I will vouch my words by being fruitful and obedient.

In this battle field, faith is my shield and prayer is my sharpest spear. Above all, God is my commander. 
I will trust and give thanks whatever the outcome may be for I know God holds my future.

The spring draws nigh. 
The trumpet of joyful triumph is vibrating.
God will be glorified.