Songs of the Nature.

I heart the sound of it. Oh certainly I do. It sings you a lullaby at night and during daytime, it washes your worries and restlessness away. All you would want to do then is to stop and be filled with amazement, wherever you are,whatever you are doing. Sometimes it brings about the scent of the earth which refreshes your soul and you know instantly you are close to the Mother Nature. The wind, the wind, you cannot see it but oh when it blows, the softness of its touch sparks off even the most tranquil of your heart. I especially love it when it starts drizzling before the dawn breaks. Then I know, even in my sleep, that I am still alive and that my Father is looking after me, humming gently the sweet melody of His love to my ear.

The world claims wealth and delectation more than what the Heaven can offer yet none can portray even the slightest conviction in the gentleness of His creations. It is God pouring out His love and grace on you. It is a promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you.

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