A Lesson for A Lifetime

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:33-34
God gives us the ability to dream. The sensation of achieving one's dream is like an infant succeeds in making his mother carries him when she refuses to. (I know this is a very weird simile but who cares!) However, if we are too obsessed in attaining the trophy hereafter, we can easily overlook what we have in hand currently. God gives us dreams so that we may have hope for tomorrow, not to hinder us from enjoying today by worrying and immersing ourselves in fear unnecessarily. He has already taken care of everything after all.

Present is a more reliable gift than future. Take it. Love it. =)


A2 starts officially! Hopefully this one month of fighting will win me a ticket to the UK. I believe, by God's grace, all things can be done. He will faithfully guide me through the most challenging times, just as He has promised.

Enjoy it! 

1 comment:

mic mic said...

So true! All the best dear! You will do just fine. and i have faith that in a few months time we might meet up somewhere in UK! :)