Challenge Accepted

To spend time with God. 30 minutes per day. 
Our battles are fought in our Gethsemanes, that is, our places of prayer. - Jan

That place...

Those two years of my life. ♥

Then again

The breakthrough.

This is a time when you have to continue to press through stubborn difficulties. This is an opportunity to persevere and still stay strong in your faith. It may seem like breakthrough will never come, but I'm telling you that it will. Don't give up. Continue to trust Me for the answer to your prayers. I see what you're going through, and I hear you, says the Lord. Be strong and courageous.

Isaiah 59:1 Behold, the LORD’S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.

- Marsha Burns Word

God the Provider.

Mummy says not to worry too much but to focus solely on God's calling for me now, which in the meantime, my studies.

I give my all to You.
All my dreams, all my ambitions,
everything I have is from You and for You.





Have always been attracted to guys who can play musical instruments (or sing) well. Imaging a guy playing a guitar/piano/violin, etc dedicated just for you and look at you with all the love he could express with his eyes at the interval. That's so sweet!

Forgive me. I simply love daydreaming and fairytales. :)

That disappointment...

And yet again, I faced the same problem.

Something must have went wrong, something that I must overcome in order to restore it back to its originality, if not better. God be my helper.

The Warmth in the Heart

Waking up receiving the call from someone you love.


Feeling the warmth and love that come from the other party is the best part of getting a hug. 

 Now, who shall I turn to for one?


Sometimes, when stress, frustration, despair and loneliness strike at once, you simply just need someone, anyone at all, to be there physically for you - to show concerns, to support you and to make you feel relieved.

God be my Helper.

Mechanics, I declare victory over you!
Physical Chemistry, I declare victory over you!
Mathematics, I declare victory over you!
Biology, I declare victory over you!
Critical Thinking, I declare victory over you!

When Exam Comes Near.

3.03am. And yet I am still awake.

Head held high

because of Him, and for Him alone. 
Don't settle for less than My best for you. Keep pushing for the mark of the high call in Christ. Complacency is a threat, and laziness is your enemy. I speak to you of your spiritual condition and the danger of just going along to get along. You live in dangerous times when the enemy of your soul will try to entice you to compromise your convictions. But, I am calling you to be led by My Spirit, says the Lord.

Philippians 3:12-14 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Quoted, Jaeson Ma.
Everything that comes into my sight recently is all about letting go of the past and press toward the goals in front of me. I have experienced and stumbled. I doubted too when I was put in the situations. But one thing that persevered throughtout this crooked journey is God's faithfulness towards me. I want and I will win this battle (just as He has promised) so that I'd be able to tell the whole world that I am the living evidence of His glory. And at the end of the days, I want to be able to declare this to all my descendants, relatives and friends, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." just as what Apostle Paul did in 2 Timothy 4:7.

My Battle Ground?

Surrender yourself completely to Me, says the Lord. Ask and I will show you areas of your soul where you have reserved the right of exercise and control. Those places of thought and feelings will remain a battle ground for the enemy to use against you until they are completely surrendered and redeemed. It won't be hard for you to recognize those areas because they have repeatedly been the source of difficulty in your life. Look in the realms of bitterness, condemnation, failure, fear, and worry. The act of surrender must be a deliberate act of your will. If you surrender, I will do the work of redemption.

Philippians 2:13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

Quoted, Jaeson Ma.

Don't run!

What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31
Therefore, face your problems boldly knowing God is the source of your strength. Stop dodging for each adds to your experience and maturity.

Forget to Focus.

God works like a GPS. He is constantly giving us direction, speaking to our hearts and leading us by peace in our spirits. Even when we miss His instructions, and we all do from time to time, He will recalculate our route and get us back where we need to be. But you will never reach your destination if you are constantly trying to look back over your shoulder to see where you should have turned in the first place. You have to forget about what you have missed so that you can focus on what lies ahead. This one thing is the most important key to living the life of victory and will carry to your destiny. Remember, you are not doing all these on your own. HE will be with you all the way till the end. "I know the plans have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" - Jeremiah 29:11

Quoted, Jo-Hann's mum, Juliette Lewyl. (Emphasis added for my own reminder.)

The Scholarship

I have never regretted even up to this point. I considered it a blessing and indeed it was. I only blamed myself for not doing more to secure it.

The Cry Deep Down.

Worse still, being forgotten.

I want to be able to make impact in people's lives. I want to be remembered. Better, I'm the reason behind their smile.




Ice Skate!

Pains and bruises all over but still,
I'm lovin' it! :D

 There will definitely be a second time, third, forth, ...

I'm satisfied and happy today.
Goodnight, peeps!


有时, 没了反而是种解脱, 人和事物都一样。


就算全世界都没认同、 不珍惜又如何? 重要吗? 
上帝的眼观比任何人的都重要, 因为理由是上帝给的, 活着也只为了祂。 
没理由就放弃, 谨此而已。 不要盲目打拼, 迷失了原本的目的和意义! 
毕竟无论如何都会到达最后的终点, 分别只在于何时、和谁和如何。 
努力后不可能没有结果, 不好的也是一种结局。
受了点伤算什么, 至少从中学习到了什么, 成长了才能成为他人的光和盐, 那比较珍贵。
何况, 上帝为我们所设的蓝图无缺陷。 勇敢耐苦中不失耐心才不至误了祂的时差。
(当然上帝给了我们要伸出手去接受! 把每个握机会呐!)


Strive to focus on God everyday!

Indeed if we let Yesterday participates too much in our today's activities, we will only be stucked in the past and not able to experience breakout and breakthrough that God has promised. Our energy will be drained and our emotion stirred if we simply let ourselves to indulge in the history. We'll lose concentration on our calling and destiny.

Imagine life without God.
It's an utter disaster. 

What has happened happened. So look to the I Am who gives you the spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline instead of letting the spirit of timidity (in the sense that you keep going back to the past for console because you are afraid what is to come might not go according to your plan) to take charge. If only we allow him to, God has a better and in fact, the best plan for each and everyone of us. Trust and follow.

Lastly, let us not think only for ourselves. Be the light and salt to people around you too. :)
Don't just look for your miracle. Become someone else's miracle. - Joel Osteen


It's only after I saw her I realised I'm still very much intimidated by my past failures. I'm afraid of people being judgemental toward me. Also, I'm afraid of them feeling disappointed because my achievements weren't up to their expectations.

Again, it is not that I have not done my best. I really did. Sometimes things just don't happen according to our will. If they do, we would be god and God would be just as ordinary as us. I wish only for the rest to please stop judging or even to feel sympathetic towards the matter because it only adds to my vexations without soothing the pains I feel deep inside.

It feels horrible to act as if I'm no longer disheartened by the matter 
simply because life has to go on and I have to be strong. :(

Open doors?

Have been thinking about a lot of things lately. I know I should not cling on to the past, especially all the past failures, whether in relationships or in studies. But somehow, the happenings around me keep reminding me of them. The aches of the heart, the sorrows of not being capable of finishing something that I've started well, the disheartenments of being disappointed repeatedly, the guilt of hurting the hearts of others, the fear of being despised and isolated, ..., they have killed me endless times. They said I need to embrace the past to create a better future but truth to be told, I have yet to learn how to overcome them, the negativities. They are all under the mask.
"When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." - Alexander Graham Bell.
That's exactly what is happening to me. I cannot see the open doors. And it shouldn't be like this. :( 

Decision made.

To hold back and wait for God's green light. :)

Happy Birthday.

To You.

Let God

Maintain flexibility so that when I give instructions for your next step you are able to move quickly and easily with the flow of My Spirit. Hold your plans loosely instead of being rigidly entrenched in your goals and desires. Your obedience will be tested, and the condition of your heart will become apparent during this time. Don't give fear an open door in this season, but be sensitive to My wisdom and guidance, says the Lord.

Proverbs 18:15 The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
*Quoted from Jaeson Ma. 


Nice song nice voice.
Sung by one of my friends from STMS. 

乐手:许杰林,陈顺恒,钟定航, 郑嘉辉
编曲:Band A

告诉我 次序的先后有没有用
这个系统 没有人规定要遵从

有时候 你的爱像气球穿了个孔
失去了原本的形状 也有失宠的惶恐
然后你说 两件事不能相提并论

如果说 对我的爱不同

如果说 对我的爱不同

Sometimes I really wish I have talent in singing. Oh well...

