Focus. Obedience. Authority.

I need you to be quiet and learn to focus, says the Lord. Stress comes from a wandering mind and being too scattered. Take the time necessary to deal with or dismiss thoughts that are unproductive and that take you away from your obedience to Me. It is time to clean up your thought process and at the same time clean up your spiritual atmosphere in order to gain greater clarity of purpose. You will be delighted with the results.

2 Corinthians 10:4-6 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
[Taken from Jaeson Ma's fb status] 
This is just so relevant to me now. And miraculously I've came across this scripture verses - 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 twice within a day, at different hours, from different sources. A reminder to practice my authority in Christ eh? :)
Am addicted to this song lately.
Black and Gold.
The fish swam out of the ocean
and grew legs and they started walking
and the apes climbed down from the trees
and grew tall and they started talking

and the stars fell out of the sky
and my tears rolled into the ocean
now i'm looking for a reason why
you even set my world into motion

'cause if you're not really here
then the stars don't even matter
now i'm filled to the top with fear
but it's all just a bunch of matter
'cause if you're not really here
then i don't want to be either
i wanna be next to you
black and gold
black and gold
black and gold

i looked up into the grey sky
and see a thousand eyes staring back
and all around these golden beacons
i see nothing but black

i feel a way of something beyond them
i don't see what i can feel
if vision is the only validation
then most of my life isn't real

'cause if you're not really here
then the stars don't even matter
now i'm filled to the top with fear
but it's all just a bunch of matter
'cause if you're not really here
then i don't want to be either
i wanna be next to you
black and gold
black and gold
black and gold
I like their cover version, too. 
The girl on the right, Euna Kim, wrote the lyrics for the rapping part herself. Cool isn't it? 

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