Comparison? Maybe not.

A lot of people out there are better than us. In fact, many of those beside us are already so much better than us. If we compare ourselves to them one by one, I'd say, shoot me to dead please.

Fortunately, the truth is that God created each and everyone of us differently and uniquely, i.e. each with his own strengths and weaknesses. If only one day He makes us all good at everything we are doing, then there would be no more humans who would live corporately - each would be on his own independently. Then, people would be too cool too make new friends and to take care of one another.

We humans are blessed with different gifts so that we'd learn to live and work with other people. Also, so that we'd learn how to be humble and not proud.

Therefore, regardless of what other people may say, you are good. Remember, you are GOOD. Because when God created all things, He saw that they were good. If you think you have nothing good, that simply means you are not there yet. Keep digging. Keep exploring. Keep trying new things. Get involved. Get to know yourself more. There are more yet to be discovered, I promise.

Cheers peeps. :)

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