
No wonder few days ago I felt this conviction in my heart saying I should change the way I talk immediately. The old way should be practised no more. Change! Change! Change!

Reminder to myself:
Ignorance is the murderer.
Must not ignore this anymore.
Self-control, self-control... *Chanting*

You might think that when you talk about others in a poor light that you are just sharing your thoughts and feelings. But, this is nothing more than idle chatter and gossip that will open a door for you to be cursed instead of blessed, for the curses that are sent out by the words of your mouth will only come back to yourself. It is true that you will be held accountable for every idle word you speak (Matthew 12:36). You are entering a new season that will bring you closer to Me, but this one thing needs to be done away with by making better choices. You will be glad you chose to watch the words of your mouth.

Psalms 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.

- Marsha Burns
[Taken from Jaeson Ma's facebook status]

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