I should try that too!

To be candid, I envy my friend having the courage to travel alone. This friend of mine, is a SHE! Imagine how much courage and trust on people you need to have.

Followings are some of her remarks regarding travelling alone.
(Sorry for not getting your permission beforehand and thank you.)

“ 原来,当你独自在外旅行,你会更有机会认识到不一样的朋友。
这是我今天认识的新朋友,他们一个来自法国,一个来自西班牙=) ”
“ 當你走出自己的圈圈,跟來自不同国家的不同人接触后,

I guess this is life.
Sometimes you simply need to step out of your own comfort zone to experience and discover new things, some of them which you can never get without the courage.

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