
Finally, the day has come!

I wish the day to be full of laughters and warmth.
Catch ups we shall not miss.

That unspeakable joy. :)

This picture really captivates my heart.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." _John 14:6
There is only one way home: Follow His way obediently.

Mr. Right



- Copied.


To my sudden realisation, one year has passed by.
So swiftly I cannot comprehend and catch up with sometimes.
Perchance I have taken the days for granted again, thinking time would wait for me.
Truth to be told, I have not moved too much forward after that misfortune.
Part of me still standing on that point, wandering. 
Or perhaps, it chooses to stay back even though it is a dead end
because there are simply too much beautiful memories, and people to let go.
And most of the time, I still wish I am right there right now,
with those people at that place I have prepared myself to go, chasing that same dream of mine, 
though I have tried to convince myself millions of times
that I have missed the turning point into the road to be taken
and that I'm heading to a brand new, putatively a better, destination.
Foolishness it is called, to move backward instead of into the future.

O Heart, be steadfast.
Thy roaming mind should conclude now, the terminus of thy journey in this season. 

A heart needs something to cling on, at least a good enough reason for it to release what it is holding on so tightly previously.

Love is in the air

I love seeing my very good friends in love and hearing all their love stories.
The sweetness of it melts even my very own heart. I can feel the joy and warmth overflow.
My wish for them is that nothing would ever separate them from their partners
because I want to attend all their weddings! :D

Nostalgic Moments

Again, it is the time of the year when you read all the comments about "bye bye, KY!". Looking through all the photos posted by juniors I can't help but to reminiscent all the special moments I had spent in those 2 years. In fact, each day in that place was worth a place in my heart.

The invisible bond that formed between us, I pray not to break but strengthen it.

(Warning: Followed is a series of photographs. Not according to chronology.)

Cultural Performance - Our first ever performance in KY.

Batch Anniversary - Officially one year as a KYUEM-ian.

Eco Trip to Teluk Rubiah - Awesome experience!

Elephant Trip to Kuala Gandah - Elephants are so cute! 

Bashing! - One of the times when all cleared their busy schedules, because of Friends!

Bashing! - When all got wet. :D

Charity @ Golf Club - My beloved chalet-mate.

Chinese Cultural Club - Farewell for the seniors. Our paths shall cross again in the future.

Chinese New Year Celebration - The boys.

Chinese New Year Celebration - When all came together for food, fun and fellowship.

Christian Fellowship - Farewell for seniors. Didn't look that sad though. ;)

Diwali Night - Come and get dressed up! :D

Opps! Being caught sleeping during Malaysian Studies class. 

D.O.E. - That awesome moment of life you could never erase from your memory.

D.O.E. - Campfire! Pure bliss! :D

 End of Semester Dinner - Yay! More food! 

 College's Birthday cum Teacher's Day - Domino's! Ah! Don't take my food, please? *Pitiful eyes*

College's Birthday cum Teacher's Day - That greedy look under the exposure of camera. Opps.

Awards Day - Receiving certificate indicating the end of the 2-year programme. Mixed feelings.

House of Topaz! - T.O.P.A.Z. Go Topaz! The slogan.

We were once on the same journey, fighting together for our dreams.
Separated now, still, do not forget the enthusiasm.
We are all still in this together.


The Goal.

To live a life where there is a testimony to be shared everyday.

There are times when

I wonder how do my friends think of me. Especially the close ones. :)

How many of the so-called friends would care enough to attend my funeral and give testimonials of how I have influenced their lives if one day I died?


You never remember the promises you've made. Therefore, I find it hard to trust you anymore.

And finally you called.

I have so much to tell but all you wanted to do is to hang up.
As if calling me is simply out of obligation. Nothing more.





丁噹 - 他還認不認得我

丁噹 - 我還是一樣





Wild at Heart

A wild heart I have, which wishes to bring to life that overwhelmingly insane dreams it bears.
But as wild as it can be, without action it is dead.

So DO, don't just think. 

You can do better than you can in your dream, dear.


Health-related or Art?

Both I cannot relinquish.                 How?


You have come to this point in your walk with Me many times, but have stopped short of the fullness of what I have prepared for you. This is very much like crossing the river into the promised land. The land has already been given to you, but you must take it. Will it take effort? Yes. Will it be a fight to overcome the enemy? Yes. Will it be worth it? Yes. Put aside your fears and trepidation, and trust Me that I will strengthen you for the journey and be with you in the fight, says the Lord.

Deuteronomy 27:3 ... when you have crossed over, that you may enter the land which the LORD your God is giving you, ‘a land flowing with milk and honey,’ just as the LORD God of your fathers promised you.

- Marsha Burns


Here I am.
Prepare me for the fight. Breath courage into my nostril. Then I will go.



Sudden Realisation

Even drawing without intention can make me lose track of my time.

This Special Friend

I have a very cute friend.
I have known him but name only yet he would go the distance just to help me.
I'm surprised at the same time thankful of his presence in my life.

This teaches me that kindness should not be withdrawn from even those we are not close with, including strangers.

#TinyMiracleThatHappensEveryDay :)

To the Hero of my life.

With love,
Happy Father's Day!


【Quoted, Nicole.】






The Prayer of Faith

James 5:13-20

13 Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. 14 Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.  
15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.
16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

17 Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.  
18 Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.
19 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.

It is NOT enough!

True, in life, we need to keep moving and to learn without succumbing to pride and limitation. 
There is no end to learning new things (could be knowledge, perceptions, attitude, understanding, love, forgiveness, etc).


Education should not be inserted forcefully. 
Carefully examine each then extract those of values and eliminate those without truth.



I have my passion burning for it, but what about the children? I love them equally as much too. 


天氣好炎熱, 熱到我都快融化了!




Do not show favouritism for when you show it you are already judging them with evil thoughts, and also because you ought to love one another as yourself.

Dear Skin,

What is wrong with you?! I don't remember having any allergy. Y U SO ITCHY?!

Little act of kindness that counts

Received a piece of cake from my housemate.

This is worth remembering because I'm not very close with her and in fact, I did not know that today is her birthday, until now. This reminds me, people walk in and out of your life, you just cannot control the flow. All you can do is to grab every single chance to treat them with all the love you can give.

I'm blessed to be able to experience such act of kindness from an almost stranger. In the same way, Lord, I pray for a heart caring enough to spend more time in building relationships up.I yearn for more meaningful relationships, with You and with the others, than just the hi-bye ones. :)


It surprised me to see a friend of mine thanking me for sharing a page link on my Facebook wall.

I'm kind of interested in the project actually. Peeps, please view it to see if you could offer any help, ProjekPelita.

God works in many special & wondrous ways. :)


I find it hard to tolerate sick, mindless and selfish jokes.


Life's becoming busier, each with his own hectic day to bear.

So often we become so caught up with our tight schedules we forget at once the reasons behind our battles, and more importantly, the Person who enables us to fight victoriously. Therefore, I urge, to constantly remind ourselves to focus on Jesus because He alone has the final say to cause a happening.

Discipline me so that I will not be drown in the waves of procrastination.
Humble me that I will not be proud of the works of my own hand, because they are the results of Your grace and blessings.
Teach me perseverance and guard my mouth so that it will not complain but will speak praises unto Your name instead.
Tame my irascibility, that I will show only love and grace to the others, regardless.
Put in me a heart like Yours, pain me for what pains Yours, and joy for what pleases You.
Shake my life, remove what can be shaken so that what cannot be shaken may remain.
Establish in me a steadfast faith, that I will be able to run the race without being influenced by the worldly voices.
Nudge me so that I may grab hold of the opportunities that you have given before the season expires.
Unfold mine eyes to see the path you have opened, that I will not be fooled to walk a path contradictory to Your will.
Restore to me what have been stolen and lost so that I will receive full portion of my inheritance.
Above all, hold me close to you, that I will love You more, not just the promises You have given.


On a side note, I wish the relationships have grown fonder ever since the last goodbye.

Don't break my heart, I pray.


因為明天還在 所以希望總會在

作曲:Paul Drew、Greig Watts、Pete Barringer、Chris Wortley

窗外是個白天 怎麼我還是睡不著
大街上熙來攘往 不重要 我躲起來就好
嘗試著思考人生 怎麼有那麼多煩惱
好像每一天都很難過 好像每個情況都很難熬
我不知道 我不知道 思緒繼續吵鬧
天空很大 我們很小 猛醒過來 抬頭迎接

從上而來的安排 擁抱未來的精彩
今天的煩惱都不是無奈 而是可愛
從上而來的關懷 只要不認輸就不會淘汰
明天還在 用力一推 逃生之門會打開

窗外依然白天 我現在一樣睡不著
醒悟帶來的興奮 很美妙 我擁抱了煩惱
懷著信心面對 今天的事過了就好
就讓我抬頭向前走  深呼吸 感受新的面貌
可是人生 不是比賽 我贏了輸了無大礙
最重要是 讓我明白 一切都是 (對 一切都是)

從上而來的安排 擁抱未來的精彩
今天的煩惱都不是無奈 而是可愛
從上而來的關懷 只要不認輸就不會淘汰
明天還在 用力一推 逃生之門會打開

因為明天還在 所以希望總會在

我的力量 我的盼望 全是從上而來

Passion is where the heart is.

And these people are my passion.

And I believe so too.

Because God does not give what serves no good for us.

Patience, patience.

Why are all the potential ones not of my kind?


Mum said I can choose a twinning programme without worrying too much about the financial status of the family since it has always been my dream to study overseas.

"God will provide," she said, "Just take a look at your sister. She is the solid evidence He has made the impossible possible. He is bringing transformation into the family."

Should I?
And what to choose?


A new friend found!

Ahh not exactly newly-met but I have never talked to him then. So yea. A very nice guy he is! Me likey. :3




Dream Girls

New Taiwanese band. Methinks they are not bad.



I am your dreamgirl

His Love for Her

 Snow White and the Huntsman

I love fairytales after all!
For who wouldn't wish for a man to love and to protect her as his own? To breath life into the already dead soul (not literary of course)?

I don't need a prince but a man who loves me enough to even give up his whole life for me.

Even when I'm extremely sad/unhappy/exhausted, you can still make me smile/laugh without any intentive effort.

I give up.

Surrender does not mean to give up hope but to give them up to God and let His will be done.

I will not indulge in self-pity and I will not let despair gets on to me anymore! 
I will let the past stays in the past and not interfere with God's plan for me today.


Ma, talking to you makes me feel like crying all my grievance out to you but at the same time your advice gives me strength and reasons to carry on.

I love you, Ma.



Life's a Misery

Everyone is having internship during summer break. Me excluded.

I am really so far behind all of you already. When will I graduate? 
Ah, I haven't even decided on what to study. 


When Stupidity Strikes.

Sometimes, I must admit, I still wish things were different from what they are right now.

Ah memories!

I miss wearing formal wears for classes. :)


The very thought of meeting all my loves soon,
Imma extremely EXCITED!

I have missed out a lot, I'm going to claim them all back! :D


Those Little Ones

Yes, they get on your nerves sometimes.
But oft times, they are the ones who brighten up your gloomy days and bring you out for a brisk walk during cool midnight hour.

I'm blessed, Lord. Thank You. :)


Must. Tame. The. Monster. That. Lives. Within.







If one day our paves ever cross again, I wish we can start from being a friend again, not stranger. :)





Happiness that Flows

Because God gives you all that you need. 
He is the only reason. :)

Steal My Heart

Ahahahhaa... I'm just kidding. 
You won't be able to steal it at all if my Father has not given it into your hand.

