Little act of kindness that counts

Received a piece of cake from my housemate.

This is worth remembering because I'm not very close with her and in fact, I did not know that today is her birthday, until now. This reminds me, people walk in and out of your life, you just cannot control the flow. All you can do is to grab every single chance to treat them with all the love you can give.

I'm blessed to be able to experience such act of kindness from an almost stranger. In the same way, Lord, I pray for a heart caring enough to spend more time in building relationships up.I yearn for more meaningful relationships, with You and with the others, than just the hi-bye ones. :)


It surprised me to see a friend of mine thanking me for sharing a page link on my Facebook wall.

I'm kind of interested in the project actually. Peeps, please view it to see if you could offer any help, ProjekPelita.

God works in many special & wondrous ways. :)

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