
Life's becoming busier, each with his own hectic day to bear.

So often we become so caught up with our tight schedules we forget at once the reasons behind our battles, and more importantly, the Person who enables us to fight victoriously. Therefore, I urge, to constantly remind ourselves to focus on Jesus because He alone has the final say to cause a happening.

Discipline me so that I will not be drown in the waves of procrastination.
Humble me that I will not be proud of the works of my own hand, because they are the results of Your grace and blessings.
Teach me perseverance and guard my mouth so that it will not complain but will speak praises unto Your name instead.
Tame my irascibility, that I will show only love and grace to the others, regardless.
Put in me a heart like Yours, pain me for what pains Yours, and joy for what pleases You.
Shake my life, remove what can be shaken so that what cannot be shaken may remain.
Establish in me a steadfast faith, that I will be able to run the race without being influenced by the worldly voices.
Nudge me so that I may grab hold of the opportunities that you have given before the season expires.
Unfold mine eyes to see the path you have opened, that I will not be fooled to walk a path contradictory to Your will.
Restore to me what have been stolen and lost so that I will receive full portion of my inheritance.
Above all, hold me close to you, that I will love You more, not just the promises You have given.


On a side note, I wish the relationships have grown fonder ever since the last goodbye.

Don't break my heart, I pray.

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