Nostalgic Moments

Again, it is the time of the year when you read all the comments about "bye bye, KY!". Looking through all the photos posted by juniors I can't help but to reminiscent all the special moments I had spent in those 2 years. In fact, each day in that place was worth a place in my heart.

The invisible bond that formed between us, I pray not to break but strengthen it.

(Warning: Followed is a series of photographs. Not according to chronology.)

Cultural Performance - Our first ever performance in KY.

Batch Anniversary - Officially one year as a KYUEM-ian.

Eco Trip to Teluk Rubiah - Awesome experience!

Elephant Trip to Kuala Gandah - Elephants are so cute! 

Bashing! - One of the times when all cleared their busy schedules, because of Friends!

Bashing! - When all got wet. :D

Charity @ Golf Club - My beloved chalet-mate.

Chinese Cultural Club - Farewell for the seniors. Our paths shall cross again in the future.

Chinese New Year Celebration - The boys.

Chinese New Year Celebration - When all came together for food, fun and fellowship.

Christian Fellowship - Farewell for seniors. Didn't look that sad though. ;)

Diwali Night - Come and get dressed up! :D

Opps! Being caught sleeping during Malaysian Studies class. 

D.O.E. - That awesome moment of life you could never erase from your memory.

D.O.E. - Campfire! Pure bliss! :D

 End of Semester Dinner - Yay! More food! 

 College's Birthday cum Teacher's Day - Domino's! Ah! Don't take my food, please? *Pitiful eyes*

College's Birthday cum Teacher's Day - That greedy look under the exposure of camera. Opps.

Awards Day - Receiving certificate indicating the end of the 2-year programme. Mixed feelings.

House of Topaz! - T.O.P.A.Z. Go Topaz! The slogan.

We were once on the same journey, fighting together for our dreams.
Separated now, still, do not forget the enthusiasm.
We are all still in this together.


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