
To my sudden realisation, one year has passed by.
So swiftly I cannot comprehend and catch up with sometimes.
Perchance I have taken the days for granted again, thinking time would wait for me.
Truth to be told, I have not moved too much forward after that misfortune.
Part of me still standing on that point, wandering. 
Or perhaps, it chooses to stay back even though it is a dead end
because there are simply too much beautiful memories, and people to let go.
And most of the time, I still wish I am right there right now,
with those people at that place I have prepared myself to go, chasing that same dream of mine, 
though I have tried to convince myself millions of times
that I have missed the turning point into the road to be taken
and that I'm heading to a brand new, putatively a better, destination.
Foolishness it is called, to move backward instead of into the future.

O Heart, be steadfast.
Thy roaming mind should conclude now, the terminus of thy journey in this season. 

A heart needs something to cling on, at least a good enough reason for it to release what it is holding on so tightly previously.

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