Little surprise

Received a greeting message from a friend whom I have not contacted for a while.
It just made the whole week worthwhile.
You know who you are. Thanks. :)


Darn! Time sure travels in the speed of light!
If not, why in the blink of eye it's already the end of another week?

Aigoo... :/

Between & in between

I agree with her that a (any) relationship should be kept between just the two of them.

It is pointless to make public whatsoever problems that the two of you are/have encountered because both of you are responsible to solve the problems together, not the third party. And by sharing it, what benefits can you acquire? I don't think people will actually give a damn about it. Oh, maybe they will enquire (in the name of "I'm really worry/concern about you") out of curiosity and their gossiping nature, but nothing more. Sure you can ask for advice from those who are more mature or have came across the same problems and have overcame it. But the bottomline is that you are still the ones making the final decisions, Together. Be firm not to be manipulated by those who are not supposed to get involved.

Between the two of you,
there should be mutual respect and trust.
In between the two of you,
there shouldn't be another person's pressure, opinions, assumptions and expectations.

Against Racism

Genesis 1:26-31 NIV  [emphasis added]

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27 So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.

31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

When you disparage an individual/a group of people, when you despise them, when you discriminate even just one of them, you are actually doing the exact same things to God. 

When you insult and mock an individual/a group of people, and think they are of no value, again, you are defying what the Lord has done and said, "God SAW all that he had made, and it was VERY GOOD."

Love everyone, rebuke what is unrighteous (the actions only, NOT the person).


No wonder few days ago I felt this conviction in my heart saying I should change the way I talk immediately. The old way should be practised no more. Change! Change! Change!

Reminder to myself:
Ignorance is the murderer.
Must not ignore this anymore.
Self-control, self-control... *Chanting*

You might think that when you talk about others in a poor light that you are just sharing your thoughts and feelings. But, this is nothing more than idle chatter and gossip that will open a door for you to be cursed instead of blessed, for the curses that are sent out by the words of your mouth will only come back to yourself. It is true that you will be held accountable for every idle word you speak (Matthew 12:36). You are entering a new season that will bring you closer to Me, but this one thing needs to be done away with by making better choices. You will be glad you chose to watch the words of your mouth.

Psalms 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.

- Marsha Burns
[Taken from Jaeson Ma's facebook status]

Love found me #2

And I've noticed. :)

Of all the things, He has not pampered me with great success and smooth sailing, instead He has mollycoddled me with close-to-heart family and friends, which are infinite times better than the former ones. The lack of the former ones has in fact brought me up to be a stronger and more mature woman. It's a kind of love, too, the disciplinary love.

Now you see, Love is all around us. God is Love.
So then, how can you still ask,  

"Where is God?"

Love found me

Afraid, alone without a chance
My soul was wearing thin
You saw my heart, I let You in
I won't go back again

All the years that I've been waiting
I can feel You coming around

Love found me there and I didn't notice
I was unaware, this is what it comes to

Slowly now I'm broken down
And I am wearing thin
Live erased of past mistakes
I won't go back again

I can feel You coming around

Love found me there but I didn't notice
I was unaware
Love found me there and I didn't notice
I was unaware

I'll be Your symphony
You'll be my one and only
With every word I sing
I need You, I need You


I don't want to fall hard because I know it is impossible.
That's why I'm reminding myself to pull the brake fast - to hold back everything.
But it seems like thing is going viral with time.


Sometimes I think I'm being too harsh with the words I use.
Maybe I shouldn't be so straight-forward. But I'm definitely not meaning anything bad.
Many times I'm joking and sometimes, I just want to get my message across. I don't know.

Just that it's really very hard to change the way you've been acting and talking in just a blink of eye. Give me some time. I will become a more lovable friend. I wish to be one.
Forgive me if I have hurt your feelings with things I've said.
My deepest and most sincere apology.

The truth is...

Being alone doesn't make one lonely. 
At least it is true for me. 
I can entertain myself. 
And above all, I know God is there beside me. 

But you don't even know me. 







To Impact

But how?
Something I'll have to figure out along my journey of life I guess.

Yesterday generation is the source of wisdom/experience/knowledge but future generation is our treasure/secret weapon for building a better (or worse, depending on how you educate them) world. We as the present generation is responsible to mend the wrongs of the past generations and to lay a flourishing and prosperous foundation for the next to come.

With great power/opportunity/freedom comes great responsibility;
with great responsibility comes great sacrifice.


Yes, you.

And how sad this is.

I is sad.

Printing notes makes me mad(insane).
And it is so not eco-friendly.

Man ✝ Woman = Love

A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her. Similarly, a man's heart should be so focused on God that he sees only ways to build his girl up with Godly love, not actions that will tear her down to heartbrokenness and loss of her virginity.

Comparison? Maybe not.

A lot of people out there are better than us. In fact, many of those beside us are already so much better than us. If we compare ourselves to them one by one, I'd say, shoot me to dead please.

Fortunately, the truth is that God created each and everyone of us differently and uniquely, i.e. each with his own strengths and weaknesses. If only one day He makes us all good at everything we are doing, then there would be no more humans who would live corporately - each would be on his own independently. Then, people would be too cool too make new friends and to take care of one another.

We humans are blessed with different gifts so that we'd learn to live and work with other people. Also, so that we'd learn how to be humble and not proud.

Therefore, regardless of what other people may say, you are good. Remember, you are GOOD. Because when God created all things, He saw that they were good. If you think you have nothing good, that simply means you are not there yet. Keep digging. Keep exploring. Keep trying new things. Get involved. Get to know yourself more. There are more yet to be discovered, I promise.

Cheers peeps. :)


I don't like and I don't want to buy all these extravagant luxuries.

I want to be the one designing and producing for others to wear my name/icon/symbol on them.

Ah, yes! In my dreams, in my dreams.
But you can't neglect the possibilities too ay?

Focus. Obedience. Authority.

I need you to be quiet and learn to focus, says the Lord. Stress comes from a wandering mind and being too scattered. Take the time necessary to deal with or dismiss thoughts that are unproductive and that take you away from your obedience to Me. It is time to clean up your thought process and at the same time clean up your spiritual atmosphere in order to gain greater clarity of purpose. You will be delighted with the results.

2 Corinthians 10:4-6 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
[Taken from Jaeson Ma's fb status] 
This is just so relevant to me now. And miraculously I've came across this scripture verses - 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 twice within a day, at different hours, from different sources. A reminder to practice my authority in Christ eh? :)
Am addicted to this song lately.
Black and Gold.
The fish swam out of the ocean
and grew legs and they started walking
and the apes climbed down from the trees
and grew tall and they started talking

and the stars fell out of the sky
and my tears rolled into the ocean
now i'm looking for a reason why
you even set my world into motion

'cause if you're not really here
then the stars don't even matter
now i'm filled to the top with fear
but it's all just a bunch of matter
'cause if you're not really here
then i don't want to be either
i wanna be next to you
black and gold
black and gold
black and gold

i looked up into the grey sky
and see a thousand eyes staring back
and all around these golden beacons
i see nothing but black

i feel a way of something beyond them
i don't see what i can feel
if vision is the only validation
then most of my life isn't real

'cause if you're not really here
then the stars don't even matter
now i'm filled to the top with fear
but it's all just a bunch of matter
'cause if you're not really here
then i don't want to be either
i wanna be next to you
black and gold
black and gold
black and gold
I like their cover version, too. 
The girl on the right, Euna Kim, wrote the lyrics for the rapping part herself. Cool isn't it? 

Randomness ;)

I love designs.

I really love it.
I am nothing without it.
I cannot live without it.

Let the creativity flows!


I wish things were as easy as ABC.
I wish there will be no fear in me to pursue what I have really wanted.


In Him I am strengthened. 
(Opps kinda ironic to say these things together, but never mind. I'm happy.:))

His timing is perfect and without flaws.
I will possess my inheritance eventually.
I will finish my race victoriously.


And I still like him. 
*Scream like a little girl seeing her crush*


Next destination

Many times I wish things were a lot better than what have been done.
Many times I wish I have the courage to face all those mistakes and failures.
Many times I wish I know for 100% where I'm heading to next.

Mummy says no more sighing, but...


His Steadfast Faithfulness

Just slightly after all the things that I've experienced yesterday night, God made me come across this:

[Taken from Jaeson Ma's facebook post, emphasis added.]
I am drawing a line of demarcation that will create a boundary of separation between the past and the present. I will establish a line between righteousness and ungodliness or worldliness so that some of the things you used to do, say or think will not be tolerated and will now violate your conscience or stunt your spiritual growth.

“I am calling you, My people, to come out of Mystery Babylon, that place of hypocritical religious exercise, and do not touch what is unclean.”

2 Corinthians 6:16-17 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people." Therefore "Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you."

“You will be called ‘Holiness to the Lord.’ This will be your name.”

Jeremiah 2:3 Israel was holiness to the LORD, The firstfruits of His increase. All that devour him will offend; Disaster will come upon them," says the LORD.’"

“I will strengthen you and cause your faith to grow. This will happen as you see My supernatural work, which will be undeniable. You will no longer speak lies of doubt and unbelief about what I will or will not do, nor will you bring reproach on My kingdom.

“This is a time to advance and not retreat; to go forward and not fall back. Rise up to your full potential and be a force to be reckoned with as I move with power through you to demonstrate My will.

“There is a call going out across the land to awaken those who are asleep spiritually. There are multitudes who have been lulled to sleep. Many have been turning in your slumber without coming fully awake to your spiritual potential.”

Romans 13:11-12 And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.

Ephesians 5:14 Therefore He says: "Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light."

“Come forth out of the darkness of your soul. The times require sensitivity to your spiritual atmosphere and environment. No longer allow the enemy access or a place to rule in your circumstances. Let Me establish you in light and truth in all things.

“I am expanding your discernment to see and understand with greater clarity as you go to war against enemy forces. You are a shining light in the midst of deep darkness. As you seek greater spiritual insights, the mysteries of the kingdom will set your heart ablaze with excitement and wonder.”

Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.

“Your effectiveness in working out and expressing kingdom purpose in the past will pale in comparison to what you will do in the days ahead. There will be an exponential increase in knowledge, wisdom and revelation as you move with more confidence to accomplish My objectives,” says the LORD.

- Marsha Burns

I Bucked Up

Only God knows how much courage I need to accumulate to be able to step on that piece of land (that I've yearned to revisit) and to face everything again.

I ♥

I really should try something like this!


Happiness's a butterfly! :D


I really love this:

Simple yet elegant and formal.
Suitable for all situations.




Sealed with Love

These two beautiful ladies - Tiffany and ChiouYen, I have known them only but 3 years (at least) yet they have given me more than what I'm deserving.

I have to admit.
I really LOVE surprises.


Went to Klang with Tiffany and her brother to meet Jane today.
It was awesome!
All those long travelling distances meant nothing when you enjoyed every bit of what's in between.
I really love the taste of our friendships.
They said it's no good to have heavy taste (重口味) in our daily diet, but this kind of taste (of friendships), you'd want stronger and heavier ones.

My most sincerely,

Parody of childhood cartoons

Oh my goodness, he is seriously cute and creative!
I can see some of my childhood cartoons being featured in there!
And also some of the things we'd do when we were little. Aww... So cute! 


腦袋 肩膀 膝蓋 腳
腦袋 肩膀 膝蓋 腳

我可還未窘困 Yes I’m a Pretty Boy
我飛翔著前進 So Fly 小混混 Boy
周一二三四五六七 我好忙 哥哥 好壞 Baaaad Boy
I’m a G to the D Gold N Diamonds Boy
誰說不是?U Know I Beez That
今天的DJ 我是哲 你是美愛
小姐小姐 我是純潔的志龍君
過來一下吧 小可愛 你的男友是無法直視的大怪獸
你長得挺像 我的理想型 So Give Me Some
金泰熙和金喜善 Oh My God 全智賢

Why so Serious?
Get Your Crayon
Get Your Crayon
Get Your Crayon
Get Your Crayon
Get Your Crayon
Get Your Crayon
Get Your Cray Get Your

Why so Serious?
Come on Girls
Come on Boys
Come on Come on Get Your Crayon Crayon
Come on Girls
Come on Boys
Come on Come on Get Your Crayon Crayon
腦袋 肩膀 膝蓋 腳 Swag

我的信用卡是BLACK 當做無限額 盡情刷光光
這首歌是CRACK 無限軌道 呼得轉起來
所有阿貓阿狗 不帶偏見 CRAYON
一二Three Four反反覆覆旋轉
緩緩得Slow It Down 無聊的話 就旋轉再快一點
首爾 大田 大邱 釜山 鼓起掌來
唱著歌兒 愉快地跳起舞吧
Linga Linga Lin交換夥伴 腦袋 肩膀 膝蓋 腳 搖擺身體ROCK

Why so Serious?
Get Your Crayon
Get Your Crayon
Get Your Crayon
Get Your Crayon
Get Your Crayon
Get Your Crayon
Get Your Cray Get Your

Why so Serious?
Come on Girls
Come on Boys
Come on Come on Get Your Crayon Crayon
Come on Girls
Come on Boys
Come on Come on Get Your Crayon Crayon
Get Your Crayon Crayon

Come on Girls
Come on Boys
Come on Come on Come on Come on
Come on Girls
Come on Boys
Come on Come on Come on Come on
腦袋 肩膀 膝蓋 腳 Swag

轉載請註明以上和iBBMC, BIGBANG/빅뱅@FB

 He is really cute lah!

Bear Bear~

Feel like adding him into my bear bear family.
Uber cute~


His first mini album "One Of A Kind" is released.

One Of A Kind

크레용 (Crayon)

결국 (Eventually/Without You) 
(ft. ? of YG New Girl Group)

그XX (That XX)

Missing You 
(ft. 김윤아 Kim Yuna of 자우림 Jaurim)

(ft. 김종완 of Nell)

불 붙여봐라 (Light It Up)
(ft. Tablo, Dok2) 

Kwon Ji-Yong 
(a.k.a. G Dragon)

Amongst all the tracks, this is my favourite. 
GD –결국(結果)
Love is Painful All the Love is Painful
像傻瓜似的反複 That’s What I Always Do
But Pain is Beautiful It’s Same as You
希望是由失望而來 願望是從絕望中來
在愛情中陷得越深 傷痛會更加DEEP
這次會是所謂不同的錯覺 抑或期待 uh

結果..已是一晃幾年間 從未有所謂的永遠
結果..這不是緣份吧 再一次獨身一人
好不容易.. 好不容易.. 好不容易 以為找到了真正的愛情

我的心從未改變 用傷痕填滿
現在因為這樣 漸漸起了變化
你冷漠的聲音 將我變得灰冷
將漸行漸遠的我們倒帶 毫無感情地迴旋著彼此
這愛情太吃力 我將把離別作為禮物後轉身
I’m Fallin’ Without You

結果..這是誰的錯 愛情已不再
結果..這已是離別嗎 疲憊的我入寐
好不容易.. 好不容易.. 好不容易..到此為止 正是我們的結果

我的心從未改變 用傷痕填滿
現在因為這樣 漸漸起了變化
你冷漠的聲音 將我變得灰冷
將漸行漸遠的我們倒帶 毫無感情地迴旋著彼此
這愛情太吃力 我將把離別作為禮物後轉身
I’m Fallin’ Without You

Let’s Go
一開始似乎不懂 以為她身邊的那個空位是我
一天 兩天 三天過去 放手之後 她才會感到感激
不清楚吧 對於你 對於沒有你還可以很好的我
和今天不同的明天像是一兩年 這份像煎熬一般逐漸滋長的迷戀
For You My Baby

我的心從未改變 用傷痕填滿
現在因為這樣 漸漸起了變化
你冷漠的聲音 將我變得灰冷
將漸行漸遠的我們倒帶 毫無感情地迴旋著彼此
這愛情太吃力 我將把離別作為禮物後轉身
I’m Fallin’ Without You

Ye I’m Fallin’ Without You..

樂兒:這個新女團成員的聲音 有點CL和BOM混合的感覺
FR:school after@YT

Mah ♡

He is worthy of all praises!

They are all very much blessings in disguise.
Hard day today indeed but He makes it all worthy.

I'm blessed because You are for me and with me.





Living here is becoming more and more "interesting".



我竟然用了一天的時間看完了十六集的 《仁顯皇后的男人》,最後三至四集竟然讓我哭到稀里嘩啦。也不是因為劇情過於感人吧?我想,是因為他們為了彼此哭到沒心沒肺,為了彼此撕心裂肺掏心掏肺的守護者,儘管對方一點兒也不知情。






Not the first time

I'm a helpless romance. ♡

Get something more colourful!

You should stop buying black/dark colour clothes, she said.



Awefully Sweet!

My friend, TK, did this - a beautiful surprise for all of us indeed!

He tagged all of us on Facebook today.
And this was given to him four years ago, on his birthday.

Sweet, isn't he?
I thank God for a friend like this.

Have a blessed birthday, TK. :)


Ah! I guess the sudden change in mood and atmosphere have caused this emptiness.
I need a new purpose for now.


It's over. And here I am, don't know what else to do.
Feeling a little bit empty.

Everyone has his own stage to shine on

She said, "Like him then jump onto the stage to get him." - paraphrased

Even if I were to be given the chance,
For the stage is his, not mine.
It's his place to shine, not mine.
It's his passion, his calling, not mine.
I believe everything on stage stays on the stage (unless if you live there).
Life goes on after that.
What I yearn to know is him in person, in reality.
It is the communication with him that interested me, not his fame.
The stage belongs to him and his bandmates,
it's not a place I or anyone else can interfere.

#Madness. I mean, everyone has his own specific calling and that will be his stage to work hard on. And I'll do that for every of the people I care for. Anyways, just ignore me. :)

Keeping my own pace

Almost all are starting their internships, and yes, except me.
Of course, sometimes I feel envious of them to be able to proceed at the expected rate.
But then again, probably having to lag behind is a blessing in disguise, too.
I get to know a wider range of people, more time to figure out what do I really want to do with my life - try and error eh?, more time to enjoy my student life, etc. you name it.

Now the only two things that I need to achieve are:
  • seeking for His confirmation
  • get good grades to qualify myself to any degree course I'd choose in the future
Others will fall into their respective places eventually.

God blesses me, and you too, my dear readers.

Actions without Love

Is dead. 

1 Corinthians 13

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


Haven't watched One Piece for quite some times already. Exam is finally coming to an end. I shall meet thee coming Sunday night. :D

I really like this picture. It depicts each member when he/she was young - what made him/her who he/she is now, and the hopes he/she clings on to so tightly that even when the situations seem deadly, he/she perseveres.

Never give up!
their voices echo.


Though I have yet to achieve greater accomplishments, He has already blessed me with so many little things:

He kept my little finger intact - not even a bruise!
He kept the sharp pin from falling on my leg.
He enabled me to finish revising all subjects (except Biology) for at least once within a few days time - going for second round now. :)

To You, I commit the whole finals.
Bless me, bless my studies & my future.
Thank you, Father. 


Having God to teach you during the exam doesn't count as cheating, right? :D

God is never wrong!

A king who did not believe in the goodness of God, had a slave who, in all circumstances would always say “my king, do not be discouraged, because everything God does is perfect. He makes no mistakes!”

One day they went hunting and along the way a wild animal attacked the king. His slave managed to kill the animal, but could not prevent his majesty from losing a finger.

Furious and without showing his gratitude for being saved, the nobleman asked

"Is God good? If He was good, I would not have been attacked and lost my finger."

The slave replied:

"My king, despite all these things, I can only tell you that God is good, and he knows why these things happened. What God does is perfect. He is never wrong!"

Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his slave.

Later, the King left for another hunt, this time alone. He was captured by savages who engaged in human sacrifices.

On the altar and ready to sacrifice the nobleman, the savages discovered that their victim did not have one of his fingers. According to them, only a whole person with all his/her parts intact could be offered to the gods. The King without a finger was deemed an abominable sacrifice for their gods. So they released the King.

Upon his return to the palace, the King authorized the release of his slave. He received the slave affectionately.

He asked his slave, God was really good to me! I was almost killed by the wild men, but for lack of a single finger, I was let go! But I have a question: if God is so good, why did he allow me to put you in jail?

The slave answered, my King, if I had gone with you on this hunt, I would have been sacrificed instead because I have no missing finger. Remember everything God does is perfect. He is never wrong. He made you keep me in jail so I would not be with you on the hunt.

Often we complain about life, and negative things that happen to us, forgetting that nothing is random and that everything has a purpose.

Every morning, offer your day to God, don't be in a rush.

Ask God to inspire your thoughts, guide your actions, and ease your feelings. And do not be afraid. God is never wrong!

You know why this message is for you? I do not know, but God knows, because He never makes mistakes.

The path of God and his word is perfect, without impurities. He is the way of all those who trust in Him, as He says in 2 Samuel 22: 31,

New International Version (NIV) 31 
   “As for God, his way is perfect: 
The Lord’s word is flawless; 
he shields all who take refuge in him.

What you do with this message is up to you. May God put in your heart the desire to send it to someone. God knows why He chose you to receive this message. Please bless someone with it.

God is never wrong!


An unexpected friend sent me this via email so I thought I should share it with all my readers here. 

God blesses you all!

New Month New Resolutions

Mr Cookie Monster says HI! :D

It's September already!
Final semester exam next week then I'll be having a week off from school.
Urgent! Need to plan something to entertain myself. 
And also, what do I want to achieve this month?

The original version

I'm seriously in love with his music! And him. :P

Mah ♥

His newly released song.
If only he can substitute the beeps with something better.
To be candid, I really dislike people who swear as much as they breathe.
Nonetheless, I can't help but to put this song on repeat.

♥ ♥ ♥

Lyrics translation:

I felt a pinch in the heart after listening to this song. :'(