[Shout out to the world] - TOP

Worth pondering. 

唤醒灵魂的力量 , 有时候 , 重生是需要痛苦的.

“I came here because of that string of hope.
Where do I stand now? I ask myself this but even I don’t have a specific answer yet. During the process where I search for my other self, all my worries will fade away because I must find the person who will lend his shoulders to me.”

———————— TOP

名字 : 崔胜贤
生日日期 : 1987年11月4日
技能 : 饶舌 , 作词 , 口技
Name: Choi Seung-hyun
Date of Birth: November 4, 1987
Skills: Rap, Writing lyrics, Beatbox

唤醒灵魂的力量 , 有时候 , 重生是需要痛苦的.
- 我曾经想成为一个抒情诗人,创作和背诵经文. -
The power to awaken a soul, sometimes it takes pain to be re-born.
-I once wanted to be a lyric poet that composed and recited verses.-

当我在五年级的时候 , 我被 HIP-HOP迷住了.
I became mesmerized with ‘Hip-Hop’ music when I was in Grade 5. I went crazy for this type of music because I listened to it all day and carefully noted all the rap lyrics. If we have to talk about Hip-Hop music, I have to briefly talk about the roots of American Hip-Hop.

武汤宗族与Notorius B.I.G. 代表东海岸(纽约), 他们主要集中在饶舌歌词 , 而代表西海岸(洛杉矶)是2Pac , 他们的重点是在旋律.
当我听到他们的饶舌,我总是对自己不禁赞叹, “ 啊,这种音乐应该在他的生活中至少有一次被人们尝试.” 我想成为像他们一样,在那里我可以表达自己的理念,为人们的讯息 .
When I first started listening to Hip-Hop, it was divided up into East Coast and West Coast in America. Wu Tang Clan and Notorius B.I.G. represented the East Coast (New York) scene and they focused largely on the rap and the lyrics, while representing the West Coast (LA) was 2Pac who focused more on the melody. Although at that time in Korea and from my memory, more people listened to West Coast hip hop but I was more into the East Coast style. When I listened to their raps, I would always exclaim to myself, “Ah this kind of music should be attempted by a man at least once in his life”. I wanted to be like them; where I could express my own philosophy and messages for people.

Their rap lyrics usually talk about the life of these young boys. If I have to briefly describe the feeling, it would be: “my family is poor, I live in a world of crime but now I’m successful, if my parents are thirsty they no longer have to drink water but they can drink champagne”. Sometimes the lyrics were violent and very dark but this type of greed would happen at least once in a man’s lifetime. This kind of feeling started to eventually grow in me.

进入高中后 , 我似乎受到越来越多人的注意了...
我年轻的时候 , 我被时尚注入了 , 于是我习惯穿朋友从不穿的HIP-HOP品牌的衣服.
After entering high school, I seemed to be in the spotlight a lot…perhaps because I was taller than children the same age and I was wearing a lot of hip hop style clothes. I was into fashion when I was young so I used to wear hip hop brands that my friends didn’t wear. I would save up my money to buy the clothes I wanted even if my parents didn’t give me allowance.

I had absolutely no interest in school and started to hang around “the problem teens”, as the adults would say. They are my most precious friends now but in our society, people would refer to them as bad influences. When I was growing up, I saw a lot of things I shouldn’t have seen and experienced a lot that I shouldn’t have.

也正是在这个时候 , 情绪都不寻常 , 很多事情不会按计划走.
和那些大人再次在尝试积极影响这些孩子相比 , 我讨厌那些无故处罚孩子的大人.
他们使用的处罚,使这些孩子落入更深的洞 , 而不是教孩子什么是正确的.
因为这种不断的伤害和爆发 , 把他们变成更坏了.
It was also during this time where emotions were running high and a lot of things weren’t going as planned. It was the first time that I experienced what the feeling of “being hurt” and “scared” was. Even though I was doing things the adults didn’t want me to do, my friends doing meaningless things were also a problem. Compared to those who were trying to positively affect these children again, I hated the adults who punished without reason. Rather than teaching children what was right, they used punishment to make these children fall deeper into the hole..and because of this constant hurt and outburts, they turned for the worse.

The adults labeled these children who had just entered high school as “problem teens”, while the parents cried because they “raised a juvenile delinquent”. Even for those who, in the beginning weren’t doing much harm, but after being kicked out of school, transferred to a new one and having the label as a “problem child” made them fall deeper into their delinquent activities.

看着我身边的朋友在改变 , 我慢慢开始自己进入一个黑暗的洞.
I slowly started to fall into a dark hole myself after watching my friends change around me.

english translation : jwalkervip , SO2TW
chinese translation : 小薯@ Bigbang · YG Famliy

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