My Life's Aphorisms

Don't aim just to be rich, aim to create wealth, create better lives, create better livelihoods for people, create jobs where others can contribute to society and be a useful participant.

Use your wealth to fund your passions and causes, and don't forget to enjoy yourself in the process.

Stand up for injustice, for the downtrodden, for those who cannot help themselves. Aim for equality for all, in all.

Have a zest for good things, finer things in life, its OK to to enjoy.

Surround yourself with positive people. Make sure your life partner is enthusiastic, have energy for life, and empathy for people, friends and family.

Don't wait for fate or destiny to affect your life, its your life, make it happen.

Finding something or someone that/who means more to you than yourself.

Make a conscious effort not to hold onto people who don't love us or people who hate us or people who make us mad or people who take us for granted ... we also care too little for the people who love us unconditionally, the people who adore us, the ones who still stick around in spite of all your shortcomings.

Make an effort to to live healthy for yourself and the people who care for you. Live long but more importantly live well.

Make a conscious effort to better the lives of the people around you, your family and circle of close friends.

Bloom where you are planted, not whine about why you are where you are.

[Source from Malaysia-Finance Blogspot]


Funny enough, it's the second time I read about "refusing to let fate/destiny to take hold of your life" today. Probably it's God saying I'm too passive in my fight for success. Time to buck up! Fighting!

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