Support Yo!

You said I'm very stubborn and stupid for not following the path you have constructed for me, but did you realise that if I ever chose that path, I will be forever indebted to you? Receiving your aid at the same time means forgoing my dignity to live under your dominancy, and I don't want to get myself falling into that kind of situation. Besides, I have my own calling which is just not where you have pointed to. You think you know all but in fact, you don't. God does. So as long as it allows me to accomplish my mission with my head up high, even if it does mean I have to start up harder, I will. I will rise up high like an eagle. I will make my daddy and mummy proud and I will be able to give them prosperous life.

You said I'm ungrateful for not heeding the support you have offered, but did you realise genuine support doesn't come from forcing people to accept your proposal, even if it's out of your sincere loving kindness? I am really appreciative and thankful for that. But no, thank you. I have my own ambition and though I'm still uncertain of how I'm going to achieve it, I still hold the freedom to choose the route to it. This is my choice and however hard it may be, I will not regret it. Support comes in various faces - mentally, physically, etc. Please, if you still want to show your support, respect my decision and stop criticising/condemning me unnecessarily at my back. If no, please kindly turn your eyes away from this matter. After all, I have my God to back me up. I believe, my family, too.

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