Freshly Released

His new song:


At several points of the MV I actually laughed - so hilarious. Hahahaha...
He dares to be different (creative too!) and that's why he has that kind of charisma which the others cannot possibly possess. He really never fails to impress me with his music.

The cubs are so cute! I love animals~! :D


Oh well since I cannot understand Korean (yet), so I cannot understand what he is singing. But according to the translation posted on the internet, this is how the lyric sounds like:

One of a kind 歌词翻译

Just wild and young
I'm just wild and young
Do it just for fun

ladies,me and Choice

Yes sir one of a kind

Yes sir,one of a kind
这倒霉的家伙(wuh),我可是身骄肉贵(get out)

嗨哥哥嗨姐姐(啊干嘛这样)what's up 阿一古 太无聊了啊(喂你好)
嗨哥哥嗨姐姐(啊干嘛这样) 阿一古原来是很无聊阿 啊我太红啦 啊 真是不好意思

一通电话就会跑过来 1988-0818
随便跟谁打听下吧 我是演艺界的头等大事
我是不同的 因为那就是我 不管做什么都会引起轩然大波
我创造时尚 改变流行 这种实力让我难自弃

get back这可不是玩笑话 young and rich 说的就是我呀
so i'm fast so what is okay 我现在在开玩笑?我可不是开玩笑

Ladies,me and Choice

Yes sir one of a kind

Yes sir,one of a kind
这倒霉的家伙(wuh),我可是身骄肉贵(get out)

那么快就出二辑 我就是挖不尽的宝藏
我的rap是她的闺房 带你去躺平young busy
我的business开出了money花 也许是我的歌声让建筑也拔地而起?

i love it!
小不点的家伙们跑上舞台兴风作浪 不讨人厌喜欢就用眼神鄙视

你先过来一下 在舞台上活跃
看看周围 这里那里处处都是

get back 这个不是玩笑 young and rich 那就是我啊
so i'm fast so what is okay我现在在开玩笑?我可不是开玩笑

lalala 疼爱我一些吧
lalala 对我好点吧 爱我吧

Yes sir one of a kind

Yes sir,one of a kind
这倒霉的家伙(wuh),我可是身骄肉贵(get out)

嗨哥哥嗨姐姐(啊干嘛这样)what's up 阿一古 太无聊了啊(喂你好)
嗨哥哥嗨姐姐(啊干嘛这样)啊我太红啦 啊 真是不好意思

跟着我吧 跟着我吧 跟着我吧 跟着我吧
跟着我吧 跟着我吧 跟着我吧 跟着我吧(跟着我吧)


Yes sir one of a kind

Yes sir,one of a kind
这倒霉的家伙(wuh),我可是身骄肉贵(get out)


权志龙用「ONE OF A KIND」这首歌里告白自己隐藏的心声。他的辉煌成绩背后有寂寞,他的坚持自我背后有创伤,他的刺痛伤口背后有愤怒。在有色眼镜下,他被世人看作是恶魔,其实摘掉偏见,他只是同样需要被爱的人。他坚持,与金钱无关,与名誉无关,他只想做他的音乐,他只想做最独一无二的权志龙!

【載之Bigbang빅뱅 VIP


All I can say is, there is no need for us to envy another person for what they have but we don't because every person has his own struggles to overcome, troubles to subdue.

Cherish the life you are having now and if you are not satisfied with it, make an effort to change it for the better. You, too, are equally as awesome and have as much potential as all those famous people out there, so grab your opportunities. There is nothing so called luck. Everything is created to its purposes and I believe God has given fair chances to all. The difference is just that whether or not you are able to see it, grab it & use it wisely.

God blesses you, my dear readers. :)

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