Different Destiny?
There are many times I'd wonder, in a group of people of the same age, why some can be extremely successful (i.e. at the peak of the careers of their own choice, able to have their own sources of income, etc.) but the others remain ordinary or even worse off?
To me, the world is quite an unfair place to be in. Not all can pursue their own dreams because there are always too much to concern. Dreams are for the rich - hard to deny, the thought has been implanted in my mind ever since I learned to reason and to comprehend. Whether or not you can afford your education (tuition fees), career prospects, income, the list goes on. One cannot simply decide their future without taking every thing else into serious consideration. "Just follow your heart." Candidly speaking, it takes great faith to do so.
On a side note, I sincerely felt extremely happy when my mum told me one of my childhood friends, though we have not stayed in contact for quite some times, she still remembers me. Wee~ Again, it's always the little things that cheer me up. :D
Ah, and partners! I have been observing how couples treat one another, how they behave behind their another halves, how they have changed after entering a relationship, etc. Every one has different love languages, each expresses differently. Others may not apprehend it but it doesn't really matter. The two are the only main characters. If there is ever a third party interfering, let it be God and Him alone. A foundation laid on the I Am is the strongest one after all. Apart from that, it really takes love, trust, faith and time to build and sustain a relationship.
I guess I have been thinking a great deal lately but who cares. *Chuckles*
Goodnight, peeps. God bless you all. :)
To me, the world is quite an unfair place to be in. Not all can pursue their own dreams because there are always too much to concern. Dreams are for the rich - hard to deny, the thought has been implanted in my mind ever since I learned to reason and to comprehend. Whether or not you can afford your education (tuition fees), career prospects, income, the list goes on. One cannot simply decide their future without taking every thing else into serious consideration. "Just follow your heart." Candidly speaking, it takes great faith to do so.
On a side note, I sincerely felt extremely happy when my mum told me one of my childhood friends, though we have not stayed in contact for quite some times, she still remembers me. Wee~ Again, it's always the little things that cheer me up. :D
Ah, and partners! I have been observing how couples treat one another, how they behave behind their another halves, how they have changed after entering a relationship, etc. Every one has different love languages, each expresses differently. Others may not apprehend it but it doesn't really matter. The two are the only main characters. If there is ever a third party interfering, let it be God and Him alone. A foundation laid on the I Am is the strongest one after all. Apart from that, it really takes love, trust, faith and time to build and sustain a relationship.
I guess I have been thinking a great deal lately but who cares. *Chuckles*
Goodnight, peeps. God bless you all. :)
Frustration & Disappointment
Sometimes, when your hard work doesn't pay off, you just need to work harder.
Though it may mean to work your ass off.
Though it may mean to work your ass off.
I believe in You
The Almighty One.
Lord says refuse to take on burdens and the cares that are trying to
weigh you down. Refuse to allow fear to grip your heart and overwhelm
you. I have not created you with a spirit of fear or timidity. You are
not meant to carry this weight. You have not been created to carry
burdens but I have created you to be a carrier of My glory. I have
created you to be an overcomer. As you continue to press in to Me even
through difficult times, you will be strengthened. Don't weaken but
learn how to contend. Even though your situation may seem overwhelming, I
have provided for every one of you to be more than a conqueror through
difficult times. Refuse to be overtaken with worry. Learn how to make
adversity drive you into your purpose and destiny rather than cause you
to retreat.
Lord says refuse to take on burdens and the cares that are trying to
weigh you down. Refuse to allow fear to grip your heart and overwhelm
you. I have not created you with a spirit of fear or timidity. You are
not meant to carry this weight. You have not been created to carry
burdens but I have created you to be a carrier of My glory. I have
created you to be an overcomer. As you continue to press in to Me even
through difficult times, you will be strengthened. Don't weaken but
learn how to contend. Even though your situation may seem overwhelming, I
have provided for every one of you to be more than a conqueror through
difficult times. Refuse to be overtaken with worry. Learn how to make
adversity drive you into your purpose and destiny rather than cause you
to retreat.
Seek Me for direction through prayer. I will not
only bring restoration in your life but I will use you to liberate
others from the same things that I have released you from.
You have been created to be salt and light. You have been created to
rule and reign on this earth. Don't become weary in the journey. Don't
look back. If you look back you will lose sight to where you are going.
Don't allow bad news to effect you. Walk with Me throughout the day.
Spend quality time with Me. My word will bring life to you. Cast your
cares on Me and trust Me to bring you in to all that I have created you
to be and you will not fail says the Lord.
Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.
Matthew 11:28-30 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and
I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am
gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For
My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.
[Adapted from Jaeson Ma's fb status]
One Year Station
by G-Dragon
Lyrics translation:
I can't say anything, I can't hold you back
Trembling lips, held back tears
I see it all, but have to act like I don't
Hold me after this night passes
I feel like you won't be there, it makes me sad
I'm scared, I want this moment to last forever
Always waiting for you, all day I'll pray for you
I look for you without any promise
I'm standing at the one year station
I think the world envied us
One year station, I can feel you here
Without you at this empty station
I pray that we meet again someday
One year station, I can dream of you here
Not true, not true, just tell me it isn't true
Tell me it's a lie, that it was all just a joke
The moment we first met was twisted, a long, long buffering
In between us stands a forest of thorns
A frightening jungle in reality
I want to protect you
But I don't have the strength
I hate myself for it
I'm exhausted from this long wait
Our bodies may be far apart
But may our feelings never change
This isn't goodbye, it's just a short break
I was so surprised
I never thought the day would come
But because of my selfish pride
I didn't see how precious you were
Bus 365-1, you are the bus I've been waiting for
Come into my arms with that dazzling smile you always have
I'm standing at the one year station
I think the world envied us
One year station, I can feel you here
Without you at this empty station
I pray that we meet again someday
One year station, I can dream of you here
Your tiny heart, your tiny hands
Don't leave any scars there
Your tiny shoulder, your pretty eyes
Don't display a dark future there
I'm standing at the one year station
I think the world envied us
One year station, I can feel you here
Without you at this empty station
I pray that we meet again someday
One year station, I can dream of you here, my baby
I'm standing at the one year station
I think the world envied us
One year station, I can feel you here
Without you at this empty station
I pray that we meet again someday
One year station, I can dream of you here
Very sweet and romantic lyrics. Imagine if your loved one sings this to you, or write a poem like this for you. Ahh~ ♥
Couldn't stop listening to it. :)
Couldn't stop listening to it. :)
I can't think!
Super hot weather. Stomachache. Sleepiness & drowsiness. Not a single idea on how to write the report which will be due tomorrow. :'(
To see through
Sometimes, I wish I can read people's minds - how they truly feel & think about different matters/persons. To be candid, this is always my weakest point. I cannot empathise with others much nor can I see their true colours, no matter how long we have known each other. Such a failure. Hahaha.
One way or another, we all are influenced by the people around us.
Those you are with today undeniably shape part of who you will be tomorrow.
Those you are with today undeniably shape part of who you will be tomorrow.
The Dark Knight Rises
Quite a typical superhero movie but one thing I like about it is that it well portrays the dark and selfish sides of human beings:
Sometimes we just have to quit being blinded by what society or the authorities tell us.
Choose leaders who can lead wisely, have a father's heart, are capable of protecting their people and are trustworthy.
Don't ever let hatred gain control of your life, forgive and learn from it.
Rumours are terrifying and can be fatal sometimes.
We must learn to look beyond the surfaced truth because there are people who give unconditionally but are still deemed as betrayers/terrorists/oppositions.
Selfishness is in everyone. We need to learn how to surmount it so that what we do not only benefit ourselves but also people around us.
By the way, Anne Hathaway rocks in the movie! Never know she can act in an action movie. Surprised. And I really love her eyes! :D
Honestly speaking, I feel so envious of those who can go to the concert. It's the first time I feel such strong urge to just go and see an artist regardless. But then again, my parents meant more to me than him. Priority matters. Sorry I have to give up on you.
Sad. But never mind.
Sometimes we just have to quit being blinded by what society or the authorities tell us.
Choose leaders who can lead wisely, have a father's heart, are capable of protecting their people and are trustworthy.
Don't ever let hatred gain control of your life, forgive and learn from it.
Rumours are terrifying and can be fatal sometimes.
We must learn to look beyond the surfaced truth because there are people who give unconditionally but are still deemed as betrayers/terrorists/oppositions.
Selfishness is in everyone. We need to learn how to surmount it so that what we do not only benefit ourselves but also people around us.
By the way, Anne Hathaway rocks in the movie! Never know she can act in an action movie. Surprised. And I really love her eyes! :D
I was in the Borders throughout while waiting for the movie and I'm so proud to say, I have finished reading a book which I wanted to buy for quite some times, "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Spencer Johnson. Very inspirational book about how to be alert of the changes in our surroundings, and always be ready to change and adapt to the new environment. Time waits for no one and thus we should not dwell in the past events/achievements/failures. Buck up and move on! You'll never know what's waiting next. And this reminds me of this,
Sad. But never mind.
His solacement
He is very kind to drop the idea into my mind:
Though I cannot make it to the concert, I can welcome them in the airport.
Let's pray it works. :D
Though I cannot make it to the concert, I can welcome them in the airport.
Let's pray it works. :D
Tiny Hope
You are the Sun in the Milky Way,
shining ever so brightly,
the centre of the universe.
I'm the one in a million Star,
glowing sparkles so faintly,
struggle for you to notice me.
How is that possible? :(
(ps. not at all according to the Physics theory so please kindly ignore all the false statements.)
shining ever so brightly,
the centre of the universe.
I'm the one in a million Star,
glowing sparkles so faintly,
struggle for you to notice me.
How is that possible? :(
(ps. not at all according to the Physics theory so please kindly ignore all the false statements.)
Fail: The Heart is Blinded.
It's too late.
And there, it is this guy that makes me feel like I'm falling in love once again.
The he he portrays in front of the media: his personality, attitudes, talents, creativity, fashion and all the passions and hard works he has put into his career & performances really caught my attention and has slowly captivated my heart. I involuntarily smiled every time I saw the cross on his shirt/accessories, I just prayed he loves God as much as (or even more than) he loves music.
All I can say is that the Mind fails to control the Heart - too wild, too desirous.
Keeping Sanity
Okay, however hard it could be, I should stop now before I break my sanity.
No point yearning for the impossible. Focus on present, Focus on God.
No point yearning for the impossible. Focus on present, Focus on God.
Damn, it's so hard! He is just too good.
Said and thought are easier than done. ><
Said and thought are easier than done. ><
To be considerate means to give up something you'd love to have very much for the sake of a third party.
New Obsession
His eyes are slowly taking my breath away. And his voice, so mesmerising I couldn't stop listening.
I really love the songs that he has composed, very calming but uplifting at the same time (couldn't find the suitable words to describe them. very full of his own unique style :)). Considered very talented for a 24-year-old. ♥
話雖如此,心,難免有時會感覺寂寞,會有衝動想隨便找個伴兒。但主,我不會忘記我向袮祈求過的。只有這唯一的條件,我永遠不會屈服於他人 - 不是愛袮的,我多麼喜歡我都不會動心。
話雖如此,心,難免有時會感覺寂寞,會有衝動想隨便找個伴兒。但主,我不會忘記我向袮祈求過的。只有這唯一的條件,我永遠不會屈服於他人 - 不是愛袮的,我多麼喜歡我都不會動心。
I love guys in their formal wears. They look extremely smart and handsome in those. ♥
Ahh I'm so in love with G-Dragon. But why are all the potential ones so unreachable and impossible? :(
Ahh I'm so in love with G-Dragon. But why are all the potential ones so unreachable and impossible? :(
♥ ♥ ♥
Caught in the Big Bang fever recently, especially G-Dragon, Taeyang and Suengri. Ahh~ ♥
Am very happy to know at least 2 out of 5 of them are Christians. Praise the Lord! :D
Am very happy to know at least 2 out of 5 of them are Christians. Praise the Lord! :D
Poverty, not only physically but psychologically too.
It's the main cause of today's chaos - robbery, corruption, covetousness, murder, etc.
Eradicate Poverty, then Peace will come naturally.
I think this is really beautiful:
and appreciate the people who sacrifice their "something" for you.
Because maybe that "something" was their everything.” ~Anonymous
and appreciate the people who sacrifice their "something" for you.
Because maybe that "something" was their everything.” ~Anonymous
Too often, we place unrealistic starry-eyed expectations on others and
we judge them based our own “selfishness” rather than their
Not every flower blossoms in the same manner; each has its own beauty and flourishes according to its capacity to extract from the elements of its environment.
The most beautiful flower may have its thorns, yet it strains to be a beautiful flower.
It whispers, “All that I have I give to you. All that I am, I am for
you. All that I am capable of being, I become it for you.”
It prays a simple and sincere prayer... that its blossom, its very purpose, causes you to smile.
There are times we have to quiet our minds in order to see, hear and
feel the love that others are trying to convey to us. We have to acquire
the ability to recognize the difference between an empty and a full
It may not always be presented in bright wrappings with a
gorgeous bowknot. Regardless, you must recognize the gift of love from
those who strain to give it. Be it from a lover, child, family or
Elvis Jon Evans
Taeyang! :D
Two Days.
We Met.
Short, yet worth remembering.
Not much photos were taken but needless to say,
every scene was well captured in my mind,
stored preciously and carefully.
But Reality has once again outwitted everyone,
shattered the joy of reunion,
replaced with the heartache of having to leave behind.
Seriously, the feeling of leaving those you have loved so dearly -
those you have anticipated to meet and wanted to be with so much,
and having to pretend you are okay turning your head against them
while stepping into the bus even if
you didn't really want to,
really SUCK to the maximum.
Wanted to find a reason to cry
but I simply couldn't.
I really wish I can be a bad girl,
to simply skip one whole week of classes bravely and without any scruple,
to be with them.
Honestly, I hate to be mentally dependent on friends so much.
I know independence I should learn
but they give me too many reasons to stay attached to them.
Ah! One thing that made me extremely happy and touched was that
they remember my every little negligible can and cannot,
even after all these while not seeing one another.
It's always the little things they do that keep my heart so fully fed with love.
Though disappointed,
I'm still grateful for what I've been given.
And all these are because of You,
It's kind of weird but excited to think how He puts different things together when we least expected it. Nonetheless, it's never too early or too late. We can always rest assured that He already has everything planned just right for us.
Lost and Found.
Some of my clothes were stolen the other day and so was my housemates'. But due to that incident, we get to interact and to know each other more personally. And I also befriended the two new housemates on the spot.
Lost and Found.
Some of my clothes were stolen the other day and so was my housemates'. But due to that incident, we get to interact and to know each other more personally. And I also befriended the two new housemates on the spot.
On Respect
The topic of my choice for my Effective Communication Skill presentation this morning. This is the unedited version.
“I speak to everyone
in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the
university.” The famous German theoretical physicist, also known as the father
of modern physics, Albert Einstein once said regarding his treatment for the
others. Likewise, Harper Lee, the author of one of my favourite books, To Kill
a Mockingbird, also understood the importance of respects for all humankind
when he wrote, “As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every
day of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t you forget it –
whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he
is, or how fine a family he comes from, he is a trash.”
A very good morning
to my dear lecturer, Ms Praveena, and all my fellow classmates. Today, I would
like to bring to your attention the topic, Respect. First, I would talk about
self-respect, then, the respect for others. Personally I think the virtue of
respect is slowly disregarded in our society today. That’s why we have so many
relationship problems – between parents and children, employers and employees,
and etc. Hence, I’d like to make this speech a reminder for myself and also for
all of you, to bring Respect back into your daily life.
First and foremost,
self-respect. Self-respect simply means respect for oneself. Ah you don’t say?
Definition always bores me out so instead of giving you a long list of how
respect is defined, I’m going to give you some hints on how to respect others.
Think, what it means
to respect someone. The qualities we respect vary from person to person. Some
respect people with great integrity, some maybe people with more achievements,
and others, act of kindness. However, there is also a basic level of respect
that most people will agree is a right and does not need to be earned. Here are
some widely agreed upon signals of respect:
don’t steal from, harm, or insult them.
are honest with them.
listen to what they say, consider their opinion and avoid interrupting them.
dress appropriately in front of them.
I have come across a
quote that sounds, “If you want to be respected by others, the great thing is
to respect yourself. Only by that, only by self-respect will you compel others
to respect you.” Whatever you believe to be respect, apply it to yourself. Don’t
do things you’d never do to someone you care about to yourself. For instances,
you don’t discourage yourself from following your own dreams and you don’t
insult yourself. Instead of looking in the mirror saying, “Urgh I am so ugly.”
Tell yourself, “Hey, I’m beautiful.” Be completely honest with yourself,
develop your own opinions and don’t be afraid to stand by them. You also must
take good care of yourself. I believe you don’t want your best friend to fall
ill. Similarly, you should not neglect your own health. Getting fit and healthy
is one way of respecting your own body.
I’d also advise you
to get to know yourself better. Discover your principles, personality, and
talents. The more you understand about yourself, the more you’ll see and appreciate
how uniquely you are made, and the more you will respect yourself. One thing
you should stop doing is to pandering to other people’s approval. Develop your
own standards and live up to it.
Be very careful to
recognise when people disrespect you. Never allow others to treat you badly.
Not your family, not your lover, and not even yourself. If you are a
self-respecting individual, chances are you want others to treat you with
respect too. You know what, age isn’t a prerequisite nor is it a magic key to
gaining respect. I’ve seen plenty of people who are young be highly respected
from their elders and I’ve also come across older people who I’d never respect
due to their actions that are so out of line. It is about how you conduct
yourself, your attitudes towards others and your actions. Therefore, take steps
to stop it. Believe that you deserve better and tell those who disrespect you,
“You just disrespected me and that’s not acceptable to me. If you don’t respect
me, I won’t spend time with you anymore.” Make it clear that you would rather
live with dignity and without them instead of being trampled by them.
Regardless of your age and position, you can be well respected by the others.
Respect for others
Laurence Sterne once said, “Respect for ourselves
guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners.” Now, let’s move on
to the respect for others. Imagine, how would your life be different if you
stopped making negative judgemental assumptions about people you encounter?
have heard people who would deliberately use insulting words to mock and make
fun of the obsessed, the poor, the uneducated, the disabled and people with
special needs e.g. down-syndrome, autism. (Picture 4) Every times, I tell you,
I could feel the anger arousing when I hear words as such. Forget not those who
say that are often of better educated backgrounds. No one gets to choose the
way they are born and nobody have not gone through other people’s lives, so no
one can possibly empathise with whatever hardships and torments others have to
push through in order to survive. People did not persevere to be held in scorn.
Rather, they deserve every bit of your respect. I strongly agree with Thomas
Monson when he said, “When we treat people merely as they are, they will remain
as they are. When we treat them as if they were what they should be, they will
become what they should be.” The power is in your hand. You choose how you are
going to treat them. Hereby I would like to challenge every one of you, to look for the good in everyone you meet and to respect
their journey.
Respect is perhaps
the most important element in any successful long-tern relationship other than
trust. And that is what we want to develop with our clients and colleagues,
family and friends. I like what Fred Rogers has commented regarding the issue,
“It’s very dramatic when two people come together to work something out. It’s
easy to take a gun and annihilate your opposition, but what is really exciting
to me is to see people with differing views come together and finally respect
each other.” My dear friends, don’t take respect from others for granted
because it cannot be demanded but is earned. Thank you.
He took away my stage fright and put in me the still-growing confidence. A little bit of nervousness is inevitable but I'm sure each next time would be so much better than the last time.
Thank you, Lord!
He took away my stage fright and put in me the still-growing confidence. A little bit of nervousness is inevitable but I'm sure each next time would be so much better than the last time.
Thank you, Lord!
They say, Dream Big
And I did.
I dreamed of becoming its designer, in hope that every girl would one day wear my designs for her special, holy day.
I miss home already.
This time for real, purely homesick. Not because of anyone or anything back there but because I cannot find a single reason to stay. I want to go home - the one and only place where I can hide myself and to find consolation.
If I were to be given a free ticket, there I would choose to go. Only there.
This time for real, purely homesick. Not because of anyone or anything back there but because I cannot find a single reason to stay. I want to go home - the one and only place where I can hide myself and to find consolation.
If I were to be given a free ticket, there I would choose to go. Only there.
Safety on Stake
Too much stories about robbery lately.
The world is no longer a safe place to live in.
Be on guard at all times, my dear readers.
The world is no longer a safe place to live in.
Be on guard at all times, my dear readers.
電影很簡單的述說兩個角色的初戀 - 羞澀、感動、失望、心痛、等待、重逢、相愛。
朋友也一樣: 是否能在一生中找到知己?無論風風雨雨,依舊能讓友誼昇華。
1,朋友请你吃饭,不要觉得理所当然,请礼尚往来,否则 你的名声会越来越差。
2,给自己定目标,一年,两年,五年,也许你出生不如别 人好,通过努力,往往可以改变70%的命运。破罐子破摔 只能和懦弱做朋友。
3,这是个现实的社会,感情不能当饭吃,贫穷夫妻百事哀 。不要相信电影里的故事情节,那只是个供许多陌生人喧嚣 情感的场所。只有不理智和不现实的人才相信
4,好朋友里面,一定要培养出一个知己,不要以为你有多 么八面玲珑,到处是朋友,最后真心对你的,只有一个,相 信我。
5,不要相信算卦星座命理,那是哄小朋友的,命运掌握在 自己手中。坐在家里等什么房子,车子,还不如睡一觉做个 好梦。
6,不喜欢的人少接触,但别在背后说坏话,说是非之人, 必定是是非之人,谨记,祸从口出。
7,少玩游戏,这不是韩国,你打不出房子车子还有资本。 可以有爱好,但要把握尺度,少玩农场,牧场,斗地主等一 些高度吸引人思想的晋级游戏,也许你的级别很高,但不代 表你有多么成功,反而会影响和占据你成功的时间。
8,是人都有惰性,这是与生俱来的,但是我们后天可以改 变这种惰性,因为有很多人正在改变。对于某种事物或是生 意不要等别人做到了,我才想到。不要等别人已经赚到钱了 ,我才想去做。没有人相信的是市场和机遇,大家都相信的 叫做膨胀。
9,知道自己要干什么,夜深人静,问问自己,将来的打算 ,并朝着那个方向去实现。而不是无所事事和做一些无谓的 事。
10,出路出路,走出去了,总是会有路的。困难苦难,困 在家里就是难。《社会调查》普遍认为。
11,作为女人,不要以老卖老,认为事业跟自己没关系, 以为自己就是洗衣服,做饭,看孩子,那就是大错特错。
12,做人,要做到;万事孝为先,教童品之道,夫妻和谐 美,幸福万年长。但是这些不是拿来用嘴说说就能办到的, 解放初期年代要做到这些,需要付出很大的努力和辛苦,当 今现实的社会需要你付出很大的金钱,聪明的人都知道这个 道理。
13,空闲时间不要经常上网做无聊的事和玩一些没有意义 的游戏,读点文学作品,学习一些经营流程,管理规范,国 际时事,法律常识。这能保证你在任何聚会都有谈资。
14,宁可错杀一千次来自各方面的信息,也不放过任何一 个有可能成功的机会。只有这样你才不会去买后悔药。
15,要做一件事,成功之前,没有必要告诉其他人。成功 之后不用你说,其他人都会知道的。这就是信息时代所带来 的效应
16,头发,指甲,胡子,打理好。社会是个排斥性的接受 体,这个星球所需要的艺术家极其有限,请不要冒这个险, 就算你留长头发比较好看,也要尽量给人干净的感觉。
17,不要以为你是个男人,就不需要保养。至少饮食方面 不能太随便,多吃番茄,海产品,韭菜,香蕉,都是对男性 健康有益处的食物。你要是看不到价值,我可以告诉你。至 少你能把看病节约下来的钱给你的女人多买几个化妆品.
18,力求上进的人,不要总想着靠谁谁,人都是自私的, 自己才是最靠得住的人。
19,面对失败,不要太计较,天将降大任于斯人也,必先 苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿起体肤……但要学会自责,找到原 因,且改掉坏习惯。 二十岁没钱,那很正常;三十岁没钱,可能是没有好的家境 ,需要更大的努力;四十岁没钱,只能自己找原因。穷人变 成富人是可能的,而且很可能。穷人能穷一辈子,也是必然 的,存在就是理由,只是有所选择。
20,面对选择,只有成功。如果你也选择成功,我们必将 走向成功的彼岸。
For not all are privileged
I abhor people who criticise and ridicule the shortcomings of the others without knowing & experiencing what they have gone through. Certainly not all are blessed with the privilege of being educated, and not all have known the beauty of having no/less defects. However, it could still be that what they have they perceive as normal and are contented with it. They in their inadequacy could be even happier and wiser than us, who are better educated and well off. And perhaps our flaws are from the inside, which is even worse than the blemishes on the appearance. Who are we, then, to judge and to disparage them?
Sowing vs. Harvesting
I have walked this far.

"You just have to learn to be grateful and look to the bright side," said them.
Yes, others may have it too, perhaps even worse than mine.
But undeniably, some were extremely tough times methinks no one could empathise with me.
I cried, I complained, I regretted.
Later, I took their advice.
I kissed pessimism good-by, I persevered, I grew.
Hey, look at me now!
It isn't exactly faking a smile.
It's knowing that God is on your side, fighting together with you. You are never alone.
Failures are inevitable but times as such only mean that you are one more step closer to securing your victories.
There is a season to everything.
Pull through the tough sowing phase and seize the harvesting period, then the Success will come triumphantly.
Matthew 25:21, KJV
His lord said unto him,
Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a
few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into
the joy of thy lord.
Better n' better!
Because a new month could signify a new beginning, thus the new aim: to improve myself.
Just a little bit better each day would be more than enough.
And this does not happen without His consent.
"Dream big, ask for more, because He can and He will," says she.
"Dream big, ask for more, because He can and He will," says she.
My Second Family - Friends
Yesterday, when we met at the Old Town, she asked,
I replied, "I don't know. Always a little bit better than yesterday I guess."
God has his divine purpose for each of us.
Though I may not know now, I trust Him to review it to me as I move on from one stage to another.
I trust in Him, the Author of my story.
On a side note, I've finally met those (not all yet) I have missed for months! Though it was nothing like a big hu-ha, just normal lunch/hi-tea sessions, I could still feel the joy overflowing, out from the very core of my heart.
Being with them is actually quite different from being with my childhood friends, I don't know what's the cause of that, probably experience-wise? But surely, both are very dear to my own heart. I have to say, for such an anti-social and introversive person like me, God has given to me what I've not deserved. They are my wealth, my treasure, my blessing. More precious than gold/silver, achievements, fame. I cannot imagine life without knowing and having them interfering my world. In fact, a life like that would simply mean I have not lived.
I believe God will add more people into this family and I'm looking forward to experiencing His grace in this matter. :)
"After one whole year, have you managed to let go?"
I replied, "I don't know. Always a little bit better than yesterday I guess."
God has his divine purpose for each of us.
Though I may not know now, I trust Him to review it to me as I move on from one stage to another.
I trust in Him, the Author of my story.
On a side note, I've finally met those (not all yet) I have missed for months! Though it was nothing like a big hu-ha, just normal lunch/hi-tea sessions, I could still feel the joy overflowing, out from the very core of my heart.
Being with them is actually quite different from being with my childhood friends, I don't know what's the cause of that, probably experience-wise? But surely, both are very dear to my own heart. I have to say, for such an anti-social and introversive person like me, God has given to me what I've not deserved. They are my wealth, my treasure, my blessing. More precious than gold/silver, achievements, fame. I cannot imagine life without knowing and having them interfering my world. In fact, a life like that would simply mean I have not lived.
I believe God will add more people into this family and I'm looking forward to experiencing His grace in this matter. :)
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